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A Wonderful Christmas Gift Ann and her m...

A Wonderful Christmas Gift


Ann and her mother had lived in a small cottage as long as Ann could        

Christmas was so close.Ann wished she could get a new        with lace as a wonderful Christmas gift.But Ann did not want to ask her Mom for a new dress.She knew how hard her mom worked to        both ends meet.Maybe she could make a        —maybe Santa Claus would come…

It was not just gift that        Ann.It was her mother.Nowadays she was working overtime and looked         and worn out.

The days passed and soon it was Christmas Eve.Ann went to bed with a         heart.She knew that there would be        gifts for her.

Ring….Ring…Ann jumped,hearing alarm.

She suddenly remembered it’s Christmas day.Without much hope she looked         there were any gifts for her.Wonder of wonders! There lay a beautiful packet        with a red ribbon.

Ann        opened the package.It was a pretty frock with attractive lace.The material was soft and silky        the hard material of the dresses she usually wore.

She checked the gift carefully to        who gave her the frock.Suddenly a small piece of paper fell out.Ann        started to read the note.

“Dear Ann,

This frock is gifted to you for being a good girl.Hope you continue to do good things and help your mother.   


    Santa Claus”

Ann felt that there was something        about this note.She        the note carefully. Then it struck her.She realized this      is her mother's.Her mother had worked overtime to        money to buy this expensive sift.Ann was happy beyond        .She knew that she is the         girl to have such a wonderful mother as a wonderful Christmas gift.

1.A.rememberB.imagine    C.think D.speak

2.A.packet    B.hat    C.doll D.dress

3.A.earnB.make    C.put D.get

4.A.promiseB.decision    C.plan D.wish

5.A. worried    B.discouragedC.ashamed D.surprised

6.A.happy    B.energetic    C.pale    D. miserable

7.A.1ight    B.heavy    C.tired D. cheering

8.A.few    B.some    C.no D.any

9.A.if    B.though    C.as D.because

10.A.attached    B.tied    C.packed D.carried

11.A.patiently    B.calmly    C.excitedly    D. quietly

12.A.1ike    B.unlike    C.dislike D.1ikely

13.A.point out    B.bring out    C.hand out D.find out

14.A.carelessly   B.nervously    C.eagerly D.disappointedly

15.A.familiar    B.similar    C.strange D.unique

16.A.1ooked intoB.made use of C.wrote down D.took away

17.A.dress    B.handwritingC.note D.packet

18.A.offer    B.win    C.spend D.save

19.A.reach      B.praise    C.words D.power

20.A.best    B.poorest    C.greatest D.luckiest


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】试题分析:安和妈妈相依为命,勉强维持生计。而在圣诞节的时候安收到一件自己梦寐以求的礼物。 1.动词。A.remember记得;B.imagine想象;C.think思考;D.speak讲话。这里指安能够记得的时候,她就和她的母亲住在一个小屋里。根据句意故选A。 2.上下文连串。根据其后面一句But Ann did not want to ask her Mom for a new dress.可知她希望能够得到一件花边裙子作为圣诞节礼物。根据句意故选D。 3.短语固定搭配。这里考查短语make both ends meet勉强维持生计;使收支相抵。她知道她母亲是如何勉强维持生计的。根据句意故选B. 4.名词。A.promise许诺;B.decision决定;C.plan计划;D.wish希望。这里考查make a wish许愿。她许了个愿——也许圣诞老人回来……。根据句意故选D。 5.动词。A. worried担心;B.discouraged失望;C.ashamed羞愧;D.surprised惊讶。确切不是礼物让安担心,而是她的母亲。根据句意故选A. 6.形容词。A.happy高兴;B.energetic精力充沛的;C.pale苍白的;D. miserable痛苦的。如今她工作加班加点,脸色苍白并筋疲力尽。故选C。 7.短形容词。A.1ight轻松愉快的;B.heavy沉重的;C.tired疲惫的;D. cheering欢呼的。安带着轻松愉快的心情上了床。故选B。 8.上下文连串。根据后文Without much hope she looked 29 there were any gifts for her.可知她知道她不会有任何礼物。根据句意故选C 9.考查关系词。A.if是否;B.though尽管;C.as因为;D.because因为。没有怀太大的希望,她看是否有任何给她的礼物。故选A。 10.动词。A.attached附在;B.tied系着;C.packed包装;D.carried带着。一个用红丝带系着的盒子。故选B。 11.副词。A.patiently耐心地;B.calm镇定地;C.excitedly激动地;D. quietly安静地。她激动地打开了盒子。故选C。 12.形容词。A.1ike像;B.unlike不像;C.dislike不喜欢;D.1ikely可能的。料子柔软丝滑,不像她通常所穿的那么硬。根据句意故选B. 13.短语辨析。A.point out指出;B.bring out拿出;C.hand out交出;D.find out查明。他仔细检查盒子想找出谁送给她衣服。根据句意故选D. 14.副词。A.carelessly仔细地;B.nervously紧张地;C.eagerly急切地;D.disappointedly失望地。她急切地开始读这个便条。可知应选C。 15.形容词。A.familiar熟悉的;B.similar相似的;C.strange奇怪的;D.unique独特的。安感觉有些熟悉这个便条。故选A。 16.短语辨析。A.1ooked into浏览;B.made use of利用;C.wrote down写下;D.took away拿走。她仔细浏览这个便条。根据句意故选A. 17.名词。A.dress衣服;B.handwriting字迹;C.note便条;D.packet盒子。她意识到这个字迹是她妈妈的。故选B。 18.动词。A.offer提供;B.win获得;C.spend花费;D.save节省 。她加班加点为了节省钱给她买这样贵的礼物。根据句意故选D. 19.名词。这里考查固定短语beyond words难以用语言表达。这里指安难以用语言表达自己的快乐。根据句意故选C. 20.形容词。A.best最好的;B.poorest最穷的;C.greatest最伟大的;D.luckiest最幸运的。她知道她是最幸运的女孩。根据句意故选D。 考点:记叙文。

Professor Williams lived alone and he was very         .He used to arrive at the university to give a lecture and find that he had forgotten to bring his notes.Or he would lose his spectacles and be unable to see the         .He could never find any chalk to          with,and he often forgot the time and would ramble(漫谈)on for hours because he had          his watch at home.But the most         thing of a11 about him was his         .His overcoat was rarely          ,as most of the buttons were         .His shoes were usually untied because he had lost the laces.He must have lost his comb as well because his hair was always standing on.His trousers were        by an old tie instead of a belt.He was a chain smoker.He would smoke         in class.Cigarette ash was liberally scattered over his waistcoat.

1.A.hard-working    B.warm-hearted C.good-tempered D.absent-minded

2.A.blackboard    B.floor    C.ceiling D.window

3.A.sign    B.deliver    C.write        D.address

4.A.put    B.placed    C.1eft          D.forgotten

5.A.exciting    B.amazing    C.attractive      D.delightful  

6.A.appearance    B.act    C.behavior       D.conduct

7.A.tied    B.fastened    C.ironed         D.packed

8.A.1osing    B.falling    C.missing        D.hanging

9.A.rounded up    B.stuck together    C.put together     D.held up

10.A.even    B.frequently    C.constantly      D.continuously



—I was worried about my math,but Mr.Brown gave me an A. —______________.

A.Don’t worry about it.   

B.Congratulations! That’s a difficult course.

C.Mr.Brown is very good.

D.Good luck to you!



Mother was busy washing dishes ________________ Father was watching TV.

A.until    B.if    C.since D.while



Shanghai is the first city in the world _____________ a high-speed maglev train,from the city to Pudong Airport.

A.building    B.having built    C.to have built    D. built



—Is Tom still smoking? 

—No.By next Saturday he _____________ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.

A.will go    B.will have gone  C.goes    D.has been going



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