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Knowledge from real life isn't easier to...

Knowledge from real life isn't easier to forget than      achieved from textbooks.

A.one    B.it

C.that  D.those


C 【解析】 试题分析: 考查代词。句意:实践中得来的知识要比书本上得来的短文更不容易忘记。That 代指 Knowledge from real life,不可数名词,故选C项。 考点 : 考查代词  

By 16:30,     was almost closing time, all the paintings had been sold out.

A.which    B.when

C.what    D.that



—I’m disappointed the experiment turned out to be       complete failure again.

—Don’t lose heart.Try     third time.

A.the;a    B.a;the

C.a;a      D.不填;the








Dear Mr.Johnson,





[1] As a distinguished Indian painter and author, Aabid has written around 80 books but no story so shocked him as the truth about water shortage on the planet, “A UN report says by 2025 more than 40 countries are expected to       .That shortage of water will be the end of civilized life,”he said with great worry.

   [2] One day back in 2007,he was sitting in a friend’s house and noticed a leaky tap.It bothered him.A few days later, he came across a statistic in the newspaper:a tap that drips(滴落)once every second wastes a thousand litres of water in a month.That triggered an idea.He would take a plumber(水管工)from door to door and fix taps for free every weekend.

   [3] He named his Non-governmental Organization ‘Drop Dead’and created a slogan: save every drop…or drop dead.

   [4] By the end of the first year,he had visited l,533 homes and fixed around 400 taps.Slowly,the news began to spread.Local newspapers began to write about Drop Dead, which caused a further flood of grateful emails and messages.Conservatively, it could be estimated that he has saved at least 5.5m litres of water till date.

   [5] In the summer of 2014,the state where Aabid lives is expecting its worst drought in 40 years. Months in advance,the govemment has prepareddrought-relief packages worth millions of dollars,but Aabid sees his own approach as simple and inexpensive.“Anyone can launch a water conservation project in his or her area.It doesn’t require much funding.And most importantly, it puts the power back in our own hands,”he says.

1.Fill in the blank in Paragraph l with proper words.(no more than 5 words) .

2.Why did Aabid take a plumber from door to door and fix taps?(no more than 6 words)

3.Explain the underlined sentence in aragraph 2 in English.(no more than 6 words)

4.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?(no more than 10 words)

5.What does Aabid think of his water conservation approach?(no more than 4 words)



Microsoft has a problem:It desperately wants the remaining Windows XP users to upgrade to a newer version of the operating system but a good many of them still haven’t started.The latest numbers from NetMarket show that Windows XP still accounts for around 29.5%of all desktops in use even though Microsoft is due to end support for the l3-Year-old platform on April 8th.ZDNet reports that Microsoft plans to force remaining XP users to start next week by sending them notices reminding them again that it will end XP support within a month.

    However, as Computerworld reports,Microsoft may have a tough time convincing some Windows XP users to upgrade because it's trying to sell them on Windows 8,the newest operating system that has angered many longtime PC users by removing the traditional Start menu and by adding the interface(界面)a special feature.Computerworld writes that many Windows users expressed anger last month when Microsoft asked them to help switch as many people as they could from Windows XP to Windows 8 partly because Microsoft hasn’t offered any sort of discount for Windows XP users making the switch.

     This is particularly tiresome, these users said,because switching from XP to Windows 8 won’t just require a software upgrade but will instead likely force them to buy new machines capable(能够)of running Microsoft’s new operating system.Some users were also annoyed that Microsoft only mentioned Windows 8 and not Windows 7 as upgrade possibilities.

     In the end,it looks like when Microsoft ends support for Windows XP next month there will still be a large part of the desktop PC world using the platform.Hackers who have been saving up all their best new malware(恶意软件)for the day when Windows XP support ends are about to have a field day

1.What problem does Microsoft have now?

A.Windows XP is out of date and needs improvement.

B.Windows 8 runs worse than Windows XP.

C.No people like to upgrade their operating system.

D.Lots of users refuse to switch from XP to Windows 8.

2.How will Microsoft remind users ofthe stop of XP support?

A.By sending them notices.

B.By sending them daily emails.

C.By adding the interface a special feature.

D.By removing the traditional Start menu.

3.Which is probably one of the reasons why users dislike Window 8?

A.Microsoft hasn’t offered any discount for it.

B.They like Window 7 more than Window 8.

C.Microsoft refuses to offer them a new machine.

D.It’s impossible for them to use the new operating system.

4.What does the underlined phrase “have a field day” probably mean in the last paragraph?

A.Show up without warning.

B.Make rapid progress.

C.Make full use of the opportunity.

D.Come to an end completely.

5.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Windows XP will completely be out of use in a month.

B.Windows XP will still be in use for a period of time.

C.Windows 8 will have a longer history than Windows XP.

D.Windows 7 will easily be attacked by Hackers.



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