满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One spring during the 1960s, when I was ...

One spring during the 1960s, when I was 10,my father was laid off.Money was tight and my mother was      .So I decided to cheer her up by buying a special Mother's Day      

There was a boutique(精品店),the Agins, nearby, which was known for its high-end fashions.Lots of actresses and       women shopped at the store.My mother, who couldn't      to shop there,occasionally mentioned the store in a      voice.

One day after       I rode my bike to the Agins.I told the shop       I was looking for a Mother's Day gift and I had little money.

She treated me like a       customer and asked me what my mother would like.I told her I wasn’t sure.She walked around the store for a few minutes and returned with a       .She opened it and took out an Italian purse made of soft      

“How much money do you       ?” she asked.

“Twelve dollars.”I said.

“You’re in luck.”she told me.“It's only $11.”

‘She wrapped the purse and thanked me for my      

It wasn’t       many years later, when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I       just how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.Recently,I met someone at a party who knew her       ,Roberta.I called Roberta, who told me her mother       22 years ago.I felt bad that I never had a chance to propdrly       her mother.She comforted me, saying that her mother never wanted 38 for the things she did.

My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years until it was       repair, is now 90.She can still recall(回忆)every       about the purse and the amazement it brought to her.

1.A.frightened B.afraid  C.upset     D.ashamed

2.A.purse    B.book    C.flower  D.gift

3.A.wealthy    B.attractive C.proud     D.political

4.A.afford    B.refuse    C.bother     D.continue

5.A.cheering   B.longing C.trembling  D.worrying

6.A.work    B.marriageC.school    D.meeting

7.A.assistant   B.guide   C.guard   D.owner

8.A.valued    B.1ucky    C.polite   D .strange

9.A.box      B.wallet    C.wrapperD.container

10.A.silk    B.1eather   C.metal    D.plastic

11.A.pay    B.give   C.have    D.want

12.A.business  B.kindness  C.help   D.offer

13.A.before    B.while    C.until    D.after

14.A.remembered  B.admitted  C. predicted    D.appreciated

15.A.waiter    B.husband  C.daughter   D.servant

16.A.retired    B.lost    C.changed    D.died

17.A.pay    B.meet    C.thank     D.respect

18.A.credit    B.money   C.congratulation  D.excuse

19.A.over    B.beyond   C.under     D.above

20.A.use    B.show    C.story       D.detail


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是我用一美元买了一个钱包给妈,不曾想,这个钱包很值钱,很感谢那个精品店的店主,在我们家最穷困潦倒时让妈妈感到高兴,我妈妈也很珍惜这个钱包,直到不能用。 1.C考查形容词辨析A.frightened害怕的;B.afraid害怕的;C.upset 不安的;D.ashamed羞愧的;句意:钱很紧张,我的妈妈很不安。根据上文提到my father was laid off可知母亲很心烦意乱,故选C项。 2.2】D考查名词辨析A.purse钱包;B.book书;C.flower花;D.gift礼物;句意:因此我决定买个特殊的母亲节的礼物来让她高兴起来。根据上文提到Money was tight and my mother was .故选D项。 3.3】A考查形容词辨析A.wealthy 富有的;B.attractive吸引人的;C.proud骄傲的;D.political政治的;句意:很多的演员和有钱的女人都去这个店里购物。根据上文提到There was a boutique(精品店),the Agins, nearby, which was known for its high-end fashions故选A项。 4.4】A考查动词辨析A.afford支付;B.refuse拒绝;C.bother 打扰;D.continue继续;句意:我的妈妈买不起这的东西,曾经用期待的声音提到过这个商店。Couldn’t afford to do 买不起。。,故选A项。 5.5】B考查动词辨析A.cheering欢呼;B.longing期望;C.trembling颤抖;D.worrying着急;句意:我的妈妈买不起这的东西,曾经用期待的声音提到过这个商店。根据语境,对于这样的精品店,母亲很是期待,故选B项。 6.6】C考查名词辨析A.work工作;B.marriage婚姻;C.school学校;D.meeting会议;句意:一天,放学后,经过那个地方。根据语境放学后,after school,故选C项。 7.7】D考查名词辨析A.assistant助手;B.guide 指导;C.guard守卫;D.owner主人;句意:我告诉店主,我正在寻找母亲节的礼物但我没有钱。根据下方提到that I 34 just how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.可知选D项。 8.8】A考查形容词辨析A.valued 价值;B.1ucky好运的;C.polite礼貌的;D .strange奇怪的;句意:她把我当作一个有钱的顾客,问我妈妈喜欢什么。 Treat sb like sth 把。。当作,故选A项。 9.9】A考查名词辨析A.box箱子;B.wallet钱包;C.wrapper包装纸;D.container容器;句意:她从店里转一圈,拿着一个箱子出来。根据语境选A项。 10.0】B考查名词辨析A.silk 丝绸;B.1eather皮;C.metal金属;D.plastic塑料;句意:她打开这个箱子,拿出一个皮制的意大利钱包。根据最后一段提到My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years until it was repair,故选B项。 11.1】C考查动词辨析A.pay支付;B.give给;C.have有;D.want想要;句意:她问,你有多少钱。根据下方提到“Twelve dollars.”I said.可知问我有多少钱,故选C项。 12.2】A考查名词辨析A.business 生意 ;B.kindness好心;C.help帮助;D.offer提供;句意:她包装这个钱包,谢谢我照顾她的生意。根据语境提到谢谢我买她的东西,故选A项。 13.3】C考查连词辨析A.before在。。之前;B.while虽然;C.until直到;D.after在。。之后;句意:直到许多年后,我知道这个钱包值几百美元时,我很感激这个店主对我来说是如何的好。Not until 与强调句连用,故选C项。 14.4】D考查动词辨析A.remembered记得;B.admitted承认;C. predicted预测;D.appreciated感激;句意:直到许多年后,我知道这个钱包值几百美元时,我很感激这个店主对我来说是如何的好,根据语境选D 项。 15.5】C考查名词辨析A.waiter侍者;B.husband丈夫;C.daughter女儿 ;D.servant仆人;句意:最后,我在聚会上遇到一个认识她女儿的人。根据下方提到. I called Roberta, who told me her mother 22 years ago.可知选C项。 16.6】D考查动词辨析A.retired退休;B.lost失去;C.changed改变;D.died死;句意:我给Roberta打电话,她告诉我她妈妈已经死了很多年了。根据下方提到She comforted me, saying that her mother never wanted 38 for the things she did可知选D项。 17.7】C考查动词辨析A.pay付钱;B.meet 遇见;C.thank 谢谢;D.respect尊敬;句意:我感到很悲伤,我没有机会谢谢她的妈妈,根据语境,可知要谢谢她的妈妈,故选C项。 18.8】A考查名词辨析A.credit信誉;B.money钱;C.congratulation祝贺;D.excuse借口;句意:她安慰我,说,她的妈妈不想因为做的事得到奖赏,故选A项。 19.9】B考查介词辨析A.over在。。上;B.beyond超过;C.under在。。之下 ;D.above在。。之上;句意:我的妈妈一直用这个钱包,直到不能再用了。Beyond repair 不能修复,故选B项。 20.20】D考查动词辨析A.use 用;B.show展示;C.story故事; D.detail细节;句意:她仍能回忆这个钱包的每个细节,及这个钱包带给她的惊喜。根据语境妈妈一直用到不能用,可知很熟悉这个钱包的每个细节,故选D项。 考点:故事类阅读。

At a local bakery I gave the cashier some money.“Please surprise someone by       their meal with this today,”I said.

Her       dropped open.“Why are you doing this?”she asked.

“To spread a little bit of       ,”I said,“It feels like a good day to share love.”

“This is so nice!” she smiled,I smiled too and thinking about how she was going to      the rest of the day looking for that “perfect” person.

A little while later I stood,looking       , on a subway platform in Times Square.A passer-by        his earphones and gently asked,“Where do you need to go?”Then he gave me directions.

Soon afterwards I found myself struggling with a heavy       through a downtown subway station.I'd already dragged it up and down a great many staircases. As I      in front of a final flight of steps, a young man turned around the corner and without hesitation,said,"Carl I help you with the suitcase?”Before I'd even managed a(n)      he lifted my suitcase up.It was a love-filled moment that       me how much I love this city-with quiet kindness!

1.A.paying for  B.eating up  C.taking away D.clearing up

2.A.eyes    B.mouth    C.hands  D.face

3.A.humor    B.joke    C.kindness D.fun

4.A.spend    B.1ive    C.wander D.work

5.A.satisfied   B.lost    C.sad D.tired

6.A.brought up B.got back  C.gave away D.pulled out

7.A.1uggage    B.handbag   C.umbrella D.suitcase

8.A.paused    B.exercised  C.watched  D.failed

9.A.decision  B.action    C.reply D.support

10.A.taught    B.reminded  C.warned D.praised



—Daniel was dismissed yesterday.

        As faras I know,he is a lazy cat.

A.It serves him right.    B.It's no big deal

C.How come?                D.So what?



The days are gone     physical strength was all you needed to make a living.

A.that      B.when

C.where      D.which



Yesterday I received a text message     my credit card account number.

A.asked for    B.ask for

C.asking for    D.having asked for



—Can I continue with the training,Sir?

—Sorry, you can't       you haven’t recovered from the knee injury.

A.until    B.before

C.because   D.unless



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