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3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student长处:strength 缺点:weakness

Dear Mr.Zhang,

We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.                                                     







Dear Mr.Zhang, We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student. Some are for the idea.In their opinion, everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses.Although they are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts.Therefore, they can learn from each other, and they may develop friendship.In addition, top students can help slower ones gain self-confidence by helping them with their lessons, which benefits them all. However, others don’t hold the same view.They think some slower students are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class and breaking school rules, which may lead to their forming bad habits.Besides, slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies. In my opinion, I’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together. Yours, Li Jun 【解析】 试题分析:本篇写作题材是对于让成绩好的学生和成绩差的学生坐同桌的两种不同观点。这种文章一般分四段:第一段为总述;第二段正方观点及依据;第三段反方观点及依据;第四段自己观点。要注意的是1.在列举双方依据时要尽量使语言多样化;2.自我观点表达时要有正确的判断,要有辩证的思维。一篇文章需要有正确的句子才能明了清晰的表达作者的意思。考生应明白高考书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求的是将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确地表达意思的能力。考生应该用自己最熟悉、最有把握的词、短语及句式,按一定的逻辑顺序和意义层次完成短文,划分好文章的自然段落,注意段落之间的发展和连贯。尽量使用不同长度的句子,使句型多样化。适当使用连词,使句子间的衔接自然流畅。 【亮点说明】范文的特点是句式多变,Although they are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts.这句话用了让步状语从句, They think some slower students are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class and breaking school rules, which may lead to their forming bad habits.这句话用了非限制性定语从句,slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies.这句话用了非限制性定语从句,I’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together.这句话用了so that句型,.还有文章还使用了 Therefore, In addition,However, Besides, In my opinion,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。 考点:考查议论文  


[1]We are told breakfast is the most important meal of the day,and dinner the most enjoyable.It is an occasion to socialize and spend time with the family.But what about lunch?

[2]In today's fast-paced society,few people take time to enjoy this midday meal.Most of us just rush right through it.We grab a quick salad,or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers.Sometimes,if there is a deadline around the corner,we just          

[3]The development of technology hasn't done our eating habits much good either.We are constantly troubled by e-mail,social media,and 24-hour news.Even When we do sit down for lunch,we are more connected to our hand-held electronic devices than ourselves.

[4]Long working hours can cause all kinds of health problems,and many developed countries have put in place labor laws specifically regarding the lunch break.These regulations give employees the right to take a break during a long work shift,but it's up to them whether they do so or not.

[5]Frank Partnoy,a former Wall Street trader,says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch.This is because long lunch breaks can benefit both individuals and society.Writing in The Guardian,Partnoy says that one obvious reason to take a lunch break is to slow down and gain some perspective.A break from work allows us to think strategically and outside the box.It also puts our daily tasks into a broader context.If we sit down at a proper restaurant and chat leisurely with colleagues,we are more likely to slow down,something that hardly can be achieved in a noisy and over-packed fast food chain.

[6]Despite these benefits,some employees might still be unwilling to take time off for lunch.Partnoy's suggestion? Make skipping lunch difficult:Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal.

1.What's the purpose of the text?


2.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 2 with proper words.


3.Many developed countries have issued labor laws in order to     


4.List three benefits of taking long lunch breaks.




5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




All parents know that one of their most important tasks is to prepare their children for an independent life,but any parent can tell you that it’s hard to let go of your children.That balance between keeping your children safe and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes can be heartbreaking.Years of experience means that parents often do know best,but on the other hand,the young,being less bound by tradition,are often more creative,more able to find new solutions to old problems.Revolutions are led by the young.

Good teachers make the growth of critical (批判性的) thinking easier in their students,only to find that this can lead to a questioning of the teachers’ basic beliefs.Schools encourage parents to become involved,but are often embarrassed when parents have reservations about some of the educational methods being used.Governments encourage unimportant groups to empower themselves in order to participate fully in the development process.And they are often surprised when the new leaders of these groups turn around and attack the policies of that same government.The rebellions (叛逆的)young and the newly unimportant groups are important in social development.They are not necessarily representatives of those they want to represent or not realistic in their demands,but their voices must be heard.

Good parents know that just forbidding particular behaviors does not prevent their children from finding ways to engage in these forbidden activities.Indeed,sometimes the forbidden fruit is more inviting,just because it is not accepted by authority.Parents must work with their children to educate them on the facts,know as much as possible about he lives of their children,provide a good example,encourage more wholesome activities but also support their children when they don’t follow what is expected of them.But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let go.

1.By saying “Revolutions are led by the young”,the author indicates that young people are more___________________.


C.realistic  D.heartbreaking

2.From the second paragraph we know__________________.

A.the voice of the rebellious young should be heard by the government

B.schools encourage parents to question their education methods

C.movement is satisfied with the new leaders’ attack on the policies

D.teachers’ basic beliefs should be questioned by students

3.In order to educate children well,parents should_________________.

A.forbid particular behaviors in their daily life

B.know as much as possible as their children

C.educate them with facts and expect much of them

D. know them well and set a good example to them

4.From the passage we can learn that the author prefers ___________________.

A.free parenting                  B.traditional parenting

C.smart parenting              D. critical parenting

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Teaching Methods – for Teachers and Schools

B.Parents’ Tasks – in Children’s Development

C.Way of Growth – for the Young Groups

D.Letting Go – for Children’s Independent Life



However urban life strikes you,cities worldwide have been growing even more rapidly.Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world,but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World.Almost all the world’s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countries

By the year 2030,for the first time in history,60 percent of the world’s people will be living in cities.

This is actually good news in some ways.“Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,” says Marc Weiss,chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development,“ both for the nation and for families.” Industrial and commercial activities in urban areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries of the world“ there’s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city’s problems is to keep people out of them,” Weiss continued.“But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city.” For better or worse,urban-watchers are clear on one point: The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities.Those cities will be bigger than ever.And yet,population numbers by themselves don’t determine a city’s prospects; after all,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,and Hamburg,Germany,have the same population.Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor.“City problems,” one authority points out,“mostly have to do with weak,ineffective,and usually unrepresentative city governments.”

1.The passage mainly discusses ______________.

A.Big cities.B.City life.

C.Population.D.Gross Domestic Product.

2.According to the passage,in the year of 2030 _______.

A.there will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million.

B.rural area will be extinct.

C.most people will live in cities.

D.the third world will keep abreast with the developed world.

3.In the author’s opinion,_________.

A.better city,better life

B.both urban and rural areas have a larger population

C.the larger population,the faster a city develops

D.both urban and rural areas have larger gross domestic products

4.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries.

B.Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers.

C.Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country.

D.It’s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities.

5.The last paragraph implies that ____________.

A.public services are ineffective.           

B.cities are increasing too fast.

C.population is not linked with development.

D.government should be responsible for the problems in the cities.



“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.

Obviously,it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting.I was too thrilled to believe her.Her words could not convince me at all.So I did a research on google.com.To my surprise,there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “Long time no see.” This sentence has been widely used in emails,letters,newspapers,movies,books,or any other possible places.Though it is sort of informal,it is part of the language that Americans use daily.Ironically,if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word,the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence.Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies.In the 1930s,Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens.Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius.“Long time no see” was his trademark.Soon after Charlie Chan,“Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some scholars refer to America as a huge pot of stew.All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together,and they change the color and taste of each other.American Chinese,though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States,is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.

You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese,such as pizza from Italian,susi from Japanese,and déjà vu from French etc.There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others.They will modify it and make it their own,so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant,or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store.Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays,I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future.In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.

1.The writer himself felt surprised at ______.

A.the Chinglish expression “Long time no see”    

B.“Long time no see” used as standard American English

C.so many literal translation of the expressions used in America

D.finding out Americans use the expression every day

2.The word “stew” in the 4th paragraph probably means ______.

A.mixture literature            B.Confucius’ words

C.a kind of cooked dish         D.American changing cultures

3.According to the passage,it can be inferred that ______.

A.detectives translate the phrase “Long time no see”

B.Hollywood made “Long time no see” popular

C.the huge pot of stew greatly affects all kinds of languages

D.cultures can be changed in the huge pot of stew

4.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.some Chinese expressions are introduced into English

B.you’ll not be surprised at a tofu in a restaurant in America

C.some American expressions can be used in China

D.American English keep being enriched from different cultures

5.According to the passage,which of the following statements is not true?

A.Informal language sometimes doesn’t go with grammar and structure.

B.Languages are always ruled by grammar and structure.

C.“Long time no see” has been used in at least four media mentioned in the passage.

D.There are four languages mentioned to be adopted in the American stew.



While watching the Olympics the other night,I came across an unbelievable sight.It was not a gold medal,or a world record broken,but a show of courage.

The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks.For one reason or another,two of them false started,so they were disqualified.That left only one to compete.It would have been difficult enough,not having anyone to race against,even though the time on the clock is important.

I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong.I’m not an expert swimmer,but I can tell a good dive from a poor one,and this was not exactly medal quality.When he resurfaced,it was evident that the man was not out for gold – his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle.The crowd started to laugh.Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.

I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was pitiful.He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.But in those few awful strokes,the crowd had changed.

No longer were they laughing,but beginning to cheer.Some even began to stand and shout “Come on,you can do it!” and he did.

A clear minute past the average swimmer,this young man finally finished his race.The crowd went wild.You would have thought that he had won the gold,and he should have.Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history,this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.

Just a short year ago,he had never even swum,let alone race.His country had been invited to Sydney.

In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold,or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors,it is nice to watch an underdog

1.From the passage we can learn that the young man        

A.made his turn to start back pitifully        

B.was skillful in freestyle in the game

C.swam faster than the average swimmer     

D.was not capable enough to win the medal

2.The crowd changed their attitudes because         

A.they felt sorry for the young man        

B.they were moved by the young man’s courage

C.they wanted to show their sympathy     

D.they meant to please the young man

3.According to the passage,“it is nice to watch an underdog” probably means         

A.it’s amazing to watch an ordinary man challenging himself

B.it’s amusing to watch a man with awful swimming skills

C.it’s cheerful for athletes to act proudly before their competitors

D.it’s brave enough for some athletes to remove the silver medals

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The event started with three men,two of whom were disqualified later.

B.The crowd started to laugh at the athlete’s arms waving in an attempt at freestyle.

C.The athlete,as well as the author,is an expert swimmer.

D.The swimming event is a show of courage rather than a fierce competition.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Compete for Gold!        B.Try again!     

C.Break a Record!                   D.Go for it!



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