满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was ______ the president's speech tha...

It was ______ the president's speech that the secretary spent the whole morning at home.

A. to prepareB. preparing   C. prepared    D. be prepared


B 【解析】 试题分析:本题中含有一个强调句型,强调的是句子的宾语preparing the president's speech;在英语中,通常动名词可以在句中做宾语。本句中是一个固定搭配spend some time in doing stt花费时间做某事;句义:秘书花了整个晚上在家里准备的正是总统的演讲。故B正确。 考点:考察动名词用法  

“No student,” the headteacher stressed, “_______ go out of the school after ten o’clock at night without my permission.”

A. must   B. will   C. shall  D. may



It’s a common scene in the film Tangshan Earthquake that families cry helplessly over _____ is left of their homes.

A. what         B. which         C. there        D. it



Nowadays, sending e-mails to each other has become a way _____ what they think to others.

A. many a student expresses

B. in which more than one student express

C. that most of students express

D. the majority of students expresses



—Did Zhou Libo say anything that _____ you in Mr Zhou Live Show?

  —Not really. Actually I slept through his performance.

A. adapted to   B. attached to    C. referred to    D. appealed to



Mo Yan, ____ famous contemporary Chinese writer, this year’s Nobel Prize winner for literature, abandons _____conventional writing style and advocates his unique way of Magic Realism.

A.the; a  B. a; the  C. a; a D. the; the



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