满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’m afraid I’m not _____to help with the...

Im afraid Im not _____to help with the talent show, for I am fully occupied with my own project.

A. reliable     B. available   

C. convenient      D. accessible


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查形容词。A. reliable可靠的;B. available可利用的;C. convenient方便的;D. accessible可得到的。句意:恐怕我没法帮你搞这个达人秀,因为我要忙我自己的项目。故D正确。 考点:考查形容词  

The recent MH370 accident,______ more than two hundred people lost their lives, has renewed concerns over the safety of flight travel.

   A.that    B.which    C.where     D.When



How did you manage to get to the school on time _________you missed the school bus?            

A. when       B. if         C. once          D. because



—What do you think of Mrs. Smith?

   —She is _______ of a good housewife, for her children’s room is always a terrible mess.

A. nobodyB. somebody

C. somethingD. nothing



The charity sale our school organizes every year has taught us much. _______ we would never  have learned it in class.

A. ThereforeB. Meanwhile

C. OtherwiseD. Instead



As is known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _____.

A. Paris is the largest     B. Paris the largest   

C. Paris to be the largest   D. Paris be the largest



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