满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“Cleverness is a gift while kindness is ...

“Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice.Gifts are easy—they're given after all. Choices can be hard.”

I got the    to start Amazon 16 years ago.I     the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2300 percent per year.Id never seen or heard of anything that grew so fast,and the idea of building an   bookstore with millions of titles was very     to me.I had just turned 30,and I’d been married for a year.I told my wife that I wanted to           my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldnt       since most start-ups don’t,and I wasnt sure what to     .She told me I should     the idea.Id always wanted to be an inventor,and she wanted me to follow my    

I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a    boss that I admired very much.I went to my boss and     with him that I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet.He took me on a long walk in Central Park,listened     to me,and finally said,“That sounds like a really good idea,   it would be an even better idea for someone who didnt already have a good job.”That logic made some          to me,and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours     making a final decision.Seen in that light,it really was a difficult     ,but finally, I decided I had to give it a shot.I didnt think Id regret and failing.And I suspected I would always be troubled by the decision not to try at a11.After much         ,I took the less   path to follow my dream,and I’m     of that Choice.For all of us,in the end,we are our choices.

1.A.idea        B.support    C.fund D.message

2.A.got throughB.set aside    C.came across D.turn down

3.A.online    B.available    C.intelligentD.expensive

4.A.practical    B.exciting    C.flexible D.productive

5.A.take    B.1and    C.exchange D.quit

6.A.matter    B.work    C. fail  D. exist

7.A.do    B.finish      C.plan D. expect

8.A.give up    B.set up    C.stick to D.put off

9.A.dream    B.pace    C.hobby D.example

10.A.cruel    B.brilliant    C.greedy D.honest

11.A.shared    B.argued    C.reasoned D. required

12.A.gradually  B.eventually    C.carefully D.generously

13.A.so    B.and    C.otherwise D.but

14.A.sense    B.difference    C.bet D.bargain

15.A.while    B.before    C.once D.since

16.A.puzzle    B.suggestion    C.choice D.report

17.A.managing  B.requesting    C.changing D.trying


19.A.difficult    B.secure    C.amusing D.interesting

20.A.confident    B.regretful    C.hopeful D.proud


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:文章讲述的是亚马逊网站创始人的故事。才智是与生俱来的,而善良是后天可以选择的。天赋易得,选择难做。在贝佐斯16岁的时候,他惊叹于互联网的迅速发展,于是萌发了建立网上书店的想法。在得到妻子的支持以后,他辞去了待遇很好的工作,虽然老板曾试图留住他,但贝佐斯最终决定把自己的想法付诸实践。 1.上下文串联。A想法;B支持;C资金;D信息,信息。根据43空句She told me I should 43 the idea可知我在16年前就有了这样的想法。故选A。 2.动词短语辨析。A完成;B放在一边,不管不顾,储存;C遇见;D拒绝;我知道了这个事实,因特网的使用以每年百分之2300的速度在增加,所以我意识到这对于网络售书是一个机遇。本句中的come across表示发现。故选C。 3.A在线;B存在的,可利用的;C勤奋的;D昂贵的;我从来没有见过或者听过增加如此迅速的事情,建立一个网络在线的书店对我来说是一件非常令人兴奋的事情。故选A。 4.形容词。A实用的;B令人兴奋的;C灵活的;D多产的;我从来没有见过或者听过增加如此迅速的事情,建立一个网络在线的书店对我来说是一件非常令人兴奋的事情。故选B。 5.动词。A拿走;B登陆,着陆;C交换;D放弃;我告诉我的妻子我想放弃我的工作来做这件疯狂的事情。故选D。 6.动词。A有关系,重要;B起作用;C失败;D存在;我想放弃我的工作来做这件可能不起作用的疯狂的事情。故选B。 7.A做;B实现,获得;C计划;D期待;我不敢确信我能够期待得到什么样的结果。 故选D。 8.短语辨析。A放弃;B建立,成立;C坚持;D推迟;我的妻子告诉我应该坚持这个想法,我总是想成为一个发明家,她希望我坚持自己的梦想。故选C。 9.上下文串联。根据54空I took the less 54 path to follow my dream可知:我的妻子告诉我应该坚持这个想法,我总是想成为一个发明家,她希望我坚持自己的梦想。故选A。 10.形容词。A残忍的;B很棒的;C贪婪的;D谦虚的;我在纽约的一件金融机构工作,我的老板是一位我很钦佩的很棒的老板。根据后面的定语从句that I admired very much可知这是一个我很钦佩的人,那么B项“很棒的”符合上下文。故选B。 11.动词。A分享;B争论;C理论,辩论;D询问;固定搭配share sth with sb与某人分享某事;我去找了老板和他分享了我想做的事情。故选A。 12.副词。A逐渐地;B最后,终于;C仔细地,细心地;D一般说来;老板和我在中央公园走了很久,很仔细地听了我的计划和想法。故选C。 13.连词。A于是;B和;C否则,要不然;D但是;他说:这听起来是一个很好的主意,但是对于一个没有工作的人来说是似乎是一个更好的事情。也就是说老板认为我已经是一个有很好的工作的人,没有必要再去冒险做这样一个可能会失败的事情。可知老板反对我做这样的事情。故选D。 14.固定固定搭配。Make sense有意义,讲得通;老板的逻辑对我来说是讲得通的。本句表示作者明白了老板的意思和态度。故选A。 15.连词。A当…时;B在…前;C一旦;D自从;老板说服我在做出最终决定之前再考虑48小时。本句表示老板让我三思而后行,让我仔细考虑自己的行为。故选B。 16.A困惑;B建议;C选择;D报告;对我来说这是一个很困难的选择,但是最后我还是决定试一试。故选C。 17.A设法做到;B请求,要求;C改变;D努力,尝试;我决定去做这件事情,我想努力并尝试了以后我是不会后悔遗憾的。如果我不去努力和尝试也许我会很遗憾。故选D。 18.名词。A考虑;B决定;C对话;D申请,应用;考虑很久 以后我决定走这条不是很安全的追随自己梦想的小路。故选A。 19.形容词。A稳固的;B安全的;C令人快乐的;D有趣的;因为这件事情没有人做过,没有人知道是不是会成功,所以使用secure表示对于这一道路的前途的不确定性。故选B。 20.形容词。A有信心的;B遗憾的;C有希望的;D自豪的;对于我的选择我很自豪,对于我们所有人来说这是我们自己的选择。故选D。 考点:考查人物类短文阅读

They could have attended the awarding ceremony,but their flight      due to the bad weather.

A.was delayed      B.had been delayed

C. has delayed    D.was delaying



—My dear, you ______ things about. Look, what a mess in the room!

   —Sorry, Mom.

A.have always thrown    B. always throw

C. are always throwing     D. always threw



I really don’t know           I put my wallet after I paid the bill.

A. where was it       B. it was where that 

C. where it was that           D. where was it that



  _______ the exact time departure time, he missed his train.

A. Being not told  B. Having not been told 

C. Not having told  D. Not having been told 



Many people would rather _____ eating out on holiday than give up their broadband, mobile phone and pay-TV services, according to a recent survey.

A. cut off           B. cut in                        

C. cut back on          D. cut up



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