满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jenny found her old bicycle at the back ...

Jenny found her old bicycle at the back of the garage.It was a lot smaller than she remembered.When she sat on it and put her feet on the pedals,her knees nearly touched her chin. She then asked her dad for a new bicycle.

“Well,Im sorry,but I cant afford a bicycle now,“said Dad.“Why dont you work and earn some money? You can save up for a bicycle yourself.”

Jenny began to work.That day she earned five dollars for cutting the grass and ten dollars for mowing the lawn for her dad.

That night Jenny went on the computer.She wrote“Gardening and Housework—Ten dollars an hour.Call Jenny at 23 Roseville Lane.“She decorated the page with pictures of cleaning and gardening equipment.She printed it fifty times.Then she posted the pages through all the doors on her street.

That week,Jenny was very busy! Lots of people had jobs to do,but they didnt have time to do them.So they called Jenny.Every day,Jenny rushed home from schoo1.She did her homework quickly,and then she went out to work.

At the end of the week.she had$65! She told her father.

“Thats enough for a second hand bicycle.”he said.

“Yes,but if I work for one more week,I might have enough money for a new bike,“said Jenny.“In two more weeks,I could buy a really good bicycle! I think that's what I'll do. I want to have the best bicycle in the class,because I earn it myself!”

Jennys dad hugged her.“I think you learned something important.We appreciate things a lot more when we earn them.When we get something without earning it,we do not realize its true value.”

1.What was the problem with Jennys old bicycle?

A.It was broken.    B.It was too small.

C.Jenny didn't like it.D.It was too dirty.

2.Why didnt Jennys dad buy her a bicycle?

A.He had just bought Jenny a birthday present.

B.He was too busy.

C.He wanted to teach her a lesson.

D.He didnt think it was a good idea.

3.How much money did Jenny earn on the first day?

A.$10.    B.$15.    C.$65.D.$5.

4.How did Jenny tell her neighbors about her new business?

A.She mailed letters to them.    B.She talked to all her neighbors.

C.she sent them an email.D.She delivered messages by hand.

5.We can infer from Jennys words at the end of the story that she was ___________.

A.optimistic about making more money 

B.grateful to her father for his advice

C.pleased because she had learnt a useful lesson   

D.disappointed because she couldnt afford a new bicycle


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:文章主要讲述珍妮通过自身的努力去买一辆新的自行车。 1. 2.2】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段I think you learned something important.We appreciate things a lot more when we earn them.When we get something without earning it,we do not realize its true value可知父亲只是让她认识到一个道理。故C正确。 3.推理判断题。根据文章第三段That day she earned five dollars for cutting the grass and ten dollars for mowing the lawn for her dad.可以计算出所获得钱。故B正确。 4.细节理解题。根据文章第四段Then she posted the pages through all the doors on her street.可知她是亲手递送的。故D正确。 5.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段珍妮的话,故可以推测出她是对自己能够赚取更多的钱表示很乐观。故A正确。 考点:考查记叙文阅读

“Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice.Gifts are easy—they're given after all. Choices can be hard.”

I got the    to start Amazon 16 years ago.I     the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2300 percent per year.Id never seen or heard of anything that grew so fast,and the idea of building an   bookstore with millions of titles was very     to me.I had just turned 30,and I’d been married for a year.I told my wife that I wanted to           my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldnt       since most start-ups don’t,and I wasnt sure what to     .She told me I should     the idea.Id always wanted to be an inventor,and she wanted me to follow my    

I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a    boss that I admired very much.I went to my boss and     with him that I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet.He took me on a long walk in Central Park,listened     to me,and finally said,“That sounds like a really good idea,   it would be an even better idea for someone who didnt already have a good job.”That logic made some          to me,and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours     making a final decision.Seen in that light,it really was a difficult     ,but finally, I decided I had to give it a shot.I didnt think Id regret and failing.And I suspected I would always be troubled by the decision not to try at a11.After much         ,I took the less   path to follow my dream,and I’m     of that Choice.For all of us,in the end,we are our choices.

1.A.idea        B.support    C.fund D.message

2.A.got throughB.set aside    C.came across D.turn down

3.A.online    B.available    C.intelligentD.expensive

4.A.practical    B.exciting    C.flexible D.productive

5.A.take    B.1and    C.exchange D.quit

6.A.matter    B.work    C. fail  D. exist

7.A.do    B.finish      C.plan D. expect

8.A.give up    B.set up    C.stick to D.put off

9.A.dream    B.pace    C.hobby D.example

10.A.cruel    B.brilliant    C.greedy D.honest

11.A.shared    B.argued    C.reasoned D. required

12.A.gradually  B.eventually    C.carefully D.generously

13.A.so    B.and    C.otherwise D.but

14.A.sense    B.difference    C.bet D.bargain

15.A.while    B.before    C.once D.since

16.A.puzzle    B.suggestion    C.choice D.report

17.A.managing  B.requesting    C.changing D.trying


19.A.difficult    B.secure    C.amusing D.interesting

20.A.confident    B.regretful    C.hopeful D.proud



They could have attended the awarding ceremony,but their flight      due to the bad weather.

A.was delayed      B.had been delayed

C. has delayed    D.was delaying



—My dear, you ______ things about. Look, what a mess in the room!

   —Sorry, Mom.

A.have always thrown    B. always throw

C. are always throwing     D. always threw



I really don’t know           I put my wallet after I paid the bill.

A. where was it       B. it was where that 

C. where it was that           D. where was it that



  _______ the exact time departure time, he missed his train.

A. Being not told  B. Having not been told 

C. Not having told  D. Not having been told 



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