满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Before the war broke out, many people in...

Before the war broke out, many people      in safe places possessions they could not takewith them.

A. threw away       B. put away           

C. gave away        D. carried away 


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查短语辨析。A. threw away抛弃;B. put away放好,储存;C. gave away赠送;D. carried away带走。句意:在战争爆发之前,许多人把他们不能够带走的财产放到安全的地方。故B正确。 考点:考查短语辨析  

I like the sofa we’ve found in the shop. In my opinion, it is a perfect __ for the furniture in our  sitting room.

A. match     B. game

C. suit     D. fit



David was ____ in the second half of the football match after a serious knee injury.

A. scheduled  B. abandoned       

C. reserved  D. substituted



Who do you suppose _____ wants to go with to the cinema____ in the 1990’s.

A. she; building             B. that she; building    

C. she; built                D. that she; built



Discovery in a South African cave suggests that modern human behavior ____ much earlierthan ____.

A. begin, previously thoughtB. began, previously thought

C. should begin, previous thinkingD. began, previous thinking



Most people are aware that, ____ , the relationship between Hong Kong and the Republic of the Philippines will become poorer.

A. if not dealing with carefully   

B. if dealt not carefully with

C. if not carefully dealt with

D. if not carefully dealing with



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