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Most parents of kids under age 8 don't w...

Most parents of kids under age 8 don't worry about how much time they spend watching TV or using other media, from computers to smart phones to tablets PCs, according to a new survey that found a child's use of media often reflects how much time parents spend in the similar way.

    ¨We generally found that media use is not a source of conflict in the home" for families with young children, Ellen Wartella, a researcher from Northwestem University, told USA Today. She led a survey of 2,326 parents who have children 8 and younger.It found that in 80 percent of families, children's media use was not a problem, with 55 percent “not too" or“ not at all"  concerned about it. It also showed parents have more positive than negative feelings about how media consumption affects a child's learning and the development of creativity.The exception is video games, which are viewed more negatively than TV, computers or mobile devices.“Parents rated video games as more likely to have a negative effect on children's school performance, attention time, creativity, social skills, behavior and sleep than any other medium," the researchers said in a news conference about the survey.

   ¨The findings exposes a generational shift (转移) in parental attitudes about technology's role in young children's lives," said Wartella.“Today's parents grew up with technology as a central pact of their lives, so they think about it differently than earlier generations of parents, instead of a battle with kids on one side and parents on the other, the use of media and technology has become a family affair. "

    The researchers identified three media environments created by parents: media-centric (39 percent of families) , media-moderate (45%)and media学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!-light (16%). Children  in media-centric families spend at least three hours more each day watching TV or using computers, video games and tablet PCs don't make parenting easier.And 88 percent of parents say they are most likely to turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied.Slightly fewer turn to books (79%) and TV(78%).

     The survey didn't lo学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ok at how media affects children. That's a topic that the American Academy of Pediatrics has handled a number of times. The AAP says studies have found too much media use can lead to attention- problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders and being fat. In addition, the Internet and cell phones can provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.¨By limiting screen time and offering educational media and non-electronic formats (格式)such as books, newspapers and board games, and watching television with their children, parents can help guide their children's media experience. Putting questionable content into context and teaching kids a700ut advertising contributes to their media literacy (素养) ," it says.

     The pediatricians' group says parents should have “screen-free zones"  and TV should be turned off during dinner. At most, it recommends children and teens engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours a day and that should be high-quality content. It is important for kids to spend time on outdoor play, reading, hobbies  and  using their imaginations  in free  play.“ Kids  under 2 should not use television and other entertainment media because their brains are developing quickly and they learn best from direct human interaction," the group says.

    An article on screen time by t.he Mayo Clinic also notes problems linked t.o over screen time, including  学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!being  fat, irregular  sleep , behavioral  problems , weak  school  performance , violence  and  less time for active and creati学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ve play.

1.Parents have more negative than positive feelings about media consumption like    

A.computers                  B.smart phones         

C.video games           D.tablets PCs

2.Most parents don't worry about kid's media use because        

A.they can limit the screen time

B.they want their children happy

C.they also grew up with technology

D.they can teach their children themselves

3.From the data of the survey, we learn       

A.children in media-centric families are smarter than others

B.children in media-light families spend one hour watching TV

C.more than half of the parents think children's media use was a problem

D.media-centric children spend more than three hours each day on media use

4.To make parenting easier, most parents probably        

A.try to persuade their children to read books

B.ask their children questions while watching TV

C.allow their children watching TV or using computers

D.turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied

5.Which of the following is a suggestion by the researchers?

A.Media use time for babies under 2 should be limited.

B.Entertainment media use should be high-quality content.

C.Schools should provide more time for active and creative play. 

D.Home media use should provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述孩子使用媒体的经历与父母有关,而这一代伴随着科技长大的父母并不担心孩子沉迷于这些电子设备。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段提到It also showed parents have more positive than negative feelings about how media consumption affects a child's learning and the development of creativity.The exception is video games, which are viewed more negatively than TV, computers or mobile devices.视频游戏比电视,电脑,手机更有负面的影响故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段提到Today's parents grew up with technology as a central pact of their lives, so they think about it differently than earlier generations of parents,今天的这些父母就是伴随着科技长大所以与以前的父母不一样,他们并不担心科技以对孩子的影响,故选C项。 3.细节推断题。根据第四段提到Children in media-centric families spend at least three hours more each day watching TV or using computers, video games and tablet PCs don't make parenting easier.可知孩子用在电子设备的时间超过三小时,故选D项。 4. 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段提到And 88 percent of parents say they are most likely to turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied.大多数的家长会让孩子玩玩具,参加活动,让孩子有事做,故选D项。 5. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到At most, it recommends children and teens engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours a day and that should be high-quality content.他建议青少年每天用于娱乐媒体的时间少于二个,应该是高质量的内容,故选B项。 考点:教育类阅读。

Below are pages adapted  from, http://sochi2014.com/en/

Sochi Volunteers


1.Sochi 2014 Volunteer Training Program was launched on       

A.30 May 2013       B.11 March 2013 C.16 December 2013   D.19 September 2013

2.“ White Stick"  Music Festival took place in      

A.Sochi        B.St. Petersburg

C.the United Kingdom D.Moscow

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The 25 ,000 volunteers were from Russia.

B.Winners of Cultural Program Competition weren't known until 19 September 2013.

C.From August,25 to September,8,you were able to enjoy Winter Games in Sochi.

D.Few of the cultural activities were intended for creating atmosphere of Sochi Winter Games.

4.From the two boxes, you can learn that the activities were listed according to      

A.importance        B.place          C.date          D.name



Henry Ford grew up on an un-electrified farm, and as a young man he followed Edison's career as the inventor became a national role model.Ford took a job at the Edison Illuminating Company working his way up to chief engineer.

    In 1896 Ford was thirty-three and, though still working for Edison Co.,he had created his first experimental automobile the Ford Quadricycle2 during his off-time. At an Edison company party in New York, Ford had his first chance to meet his hero Edison and was able to explain his new automobile to the great inventor. Edison was impressed. Edison is said to have slammed his fist down and shouted ¨Young man, that's the thing! You have it! Your car is self-contained and carries its own power plant." Edison himself had been working on the idea, but had only been considering electricity as the power source, so the idea of a gas engine was a somewhat new one.

    The words comforted Ford greatly, who immediately set out building a second car which was to become the Model-T.6.The two men became f'ast friends and would go on camping trips together.When Edison later became limited to a wheelchair, Ford brought an extra one to his house so they could race.At the 50th anniversary of the invention of light-bulb, Ford honored Edison.When Edison spoke, he ended his speech directed at Ford:“ As to Henry Ford, words fail to express my feelings.I can only say that he is my friend." Therefore it is no surprise that Ford wanted something to remember Edison by after he passed away in 1931.

    Once, Ford asked Thomas Edison's son Charles to sit by the dying inventor's bedside and hold a test tube next to his father's mouth to catch his final breath. Ford was a man with many strange behaviors( as was Edison)including some学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! interest in reanimation and spiritualism(夏活通灵术)and some say that he was attempting to catch Edison's soul as it escaped his body in hopes of later bringing the inventor back to life.

    The test tube itself didn't turn up until 1950 when it was listed in the Ford possessions after Clara Ford's passing away, and then lost again until 1978 when it was discovered in an exhibit Entitled “Henry Ford-A Personal History"  in the Henry Ford Museum.It would then be discovered that the tube was labeled “Edison's Last Breath".

    There is a further mystery of this “last breath"  test tube. It would seem as if Edison had quite a last breath indeed, as the Edison Estate holds a collection of 42 test tubes all supposedly containing Edison's last breath.

    Regardless of the excitement over the last breath, the test tube is quite touching in its meaning.Although both men were known for all sorts of poor behavior towards .their loved ones and mistreatment of employees, between them at least, there was clearly a deep respect and admiration.

1.The passage can be sorted as a        

A.science research B.short story C.news report D.self-introduction

2.From the underlined sentence in学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! Paragraph2 we can learn that       

A.Edison envied what Ford had achieved

B.Edison was annoyed that Ford did better him

C.Edison was angry bec学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ause Ford stole his idea

D.Edison was extremely amazed at Ford's new idea

3.In Paragraph 3,the writer mentions Ford bought an extra wheelchair       

A.to remind Edison was Ford's role model

B.to suggest Ford was a man of strange behavior

C.to tell us the importance of a creative idea then

D.to show the close friendship between Henry Ford and Edison

4.¨The 61ast breath' test tube" can probably be regarded as       

A.a symbol of a friendship and memory

B.a witness to a scientific breakthrough

C.a failure to bring Edison back to life

D.a sign of the two inventors' poor behavior

5.It can be learned from the last paragraph that“       ” .

A.Great minds think alike

B.Nobody is perfect

C.Two heads are better than one

D.A friend in need is a friend indeed



How far would you walk to learn about something that interested you? When he was young, Jacob Lawrence often walked more than sixty      from his home in the Harlem section of New York City to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Jacob wanted to be a(n)      ,and he believed that studying the famous paintings      in that museum would help him.

It was 1930,when many people were out of work, money was      and people suffered a lot.Still the streets were      with energy and color.As he walked through Harlem, Jacob looked hard at the people, the churches, and barbershops and so on.He      those images in his mind, along with the images of paintings he saw in the     

Jacob came from a poor family.His mother believed there was little chance      her son could grow up to be a successful painter.She wanted him to aim for something more      .But Jacob's teacher, Alston, in an art program saw that he was talented.Alston      him how to use paints to make stage sets.

As time passed, Alston let Jacob rent work space in his own studio. That was an exciting place for a young black man       to become an artist.Many creative people      there to talk about art, literature and history.From their      ,Jacob learned that history books often       the accomplishments of African Americans.He decided to paint a sel1es of pictures describing the story of a black hero.He        Toussaint, who had helped free his people      French ruling.

Many people admired Jacob's pictures, but he needed      admiration.To help his family, he often had to work at jobs that      him away from painting.Then something encouraging happened.An artist named Augusta got Jacob a job.For eighteen months, Jacob was given a      to paint pictures. For the first time, he felt like a      artist.

1.A. stepsB. blocksC. buildingsD. avenues

2.A. artistB. tutorC. scholarD. official

3.A. swingingB. existingC. hangingD. twisting

4.A. blankB. looseC. toughD. tight

5.A. linedB. decoratedC. associatedD. filled

6.A. storedB. receivedC. createdD. remembered

7.A. museumB. studioC. churchD. street

8.A. whetherB. whichC. thatD. when

9.A. preciousB. practicalC. standardD. flexible

10.A.recommendedB. remindedC. providedD. showed

11.A. hesitatingB. strugglingC. marchingD. participating

12.A. settledB. wanderedC. gatheredD. rushed

13.A. experiencesB. performancesC. accentsD. conversations

14.A. acknowledgedB. accusedC. ignoredD. witnessed

15.A. choseB. acceptedC. countedD. employed

16.A. againstB. fromC. 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!forD. with

17.A. more thanB. rather thanC. other thanD.less than

18.A. brokeB. gaveC. permittedD. took

19.A. awardB. titleC. salaryD. prize

20.A. permanentB. popularC. positiveD. professional



—Chris, how about going to a seafood restaurant?

    —        ! I told you I don't like the smell of fish.

A.Whatever   B.Not again       C.You betD.No wonder



Though brought up in Los Angeles, Steven Davidson spent his whole life       in New 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!York.

A.mostly          B.constantly       C.roughly D.merely



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