满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He was driving home one cold evening on ...

He was driving home one cold evening on a country road when he saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road. He stopped to give her a ____. “Why don't you wait in the car where it is warm, Madam? It won't take me long.” He said, “____,my name is Joe.”

She had a flat tire. Joe crawled under the car and changed the tire. But he got dirty and his hands hurt. She couldn't thank him ____ and asked him how much she ____ him. He told her that if she really wanted to ____ him back, the next time she saw someone in ____ of help, she could give that person the ____ he needed, and Joe added, “And think of me.”

She drove off with gratefulness. A few miles ____ the road the lady saw a small ____. She went in. The waitress who was nearly eight months pregnant, ____ her with a sweet smile. The old lady ____ how someone like her who seemed so poor could be so genuinely happy and how she could ____ her enthusiasm in her work in such inconvenient conditions. Then Joe's words ____ her. After the lady finished her meal, the waitress went to get her ____ from a hundred­dollar bill. ____, the lady stepped right out of the door.

When the waitress came back, she noticed a note on the table, ____ “I'm helping you because someone once helped me. If you really want to pay me back, here is ____ you can do—Do not let the chain of love ____ with you.”

The waitress went home that night with the ____ tip and what the lady had written. With the baby ____ next month, she and her husband needed money. She knew how worried her husband was and as he lay sleeping next to her, she whispered, “Everything's going to be all right. I love you, Joe.”

1.A. surprise     B.hand        C.sympathy      D.glance

2.A. Just in case  B.As you wish  C.For one thing   D.By the way

3.A. enough     B.right        C.straight        D.extra

4.A. charged     B.provided     C.owed         D.offered

5.A. pay         B.bring       C.put           D.hold

6.A. honor       B.favor        C.need         D.possession

7.A. guidance    B.assistance    C.acquaintance   D.consequence

8.A. down       B.off          C.beside        D.beyond

9.A. bank        B.grocery     C.gas station      D.restaurant

10.A. introduced  B.greeted      C.identified      D.spotted

11.A. thought     B.suspected   C.wondered      D.questioned

12.A. taste       B.measure     C.remain        D.maintain

13.A. struck      B.moved      C.obtained       D.reminded

14.A. tip         B.change     C.order          D.service

15.A. Moreover   B.Otherwise   C.However       D.Eventually

16.A. writing     B.showing     C.going          D.saying

17.A. how       B.which       C.what           D.whether

18.A. combine    B.end        C.disagree         D.deal

19.A. honest      B.generous    C.modest         D.graceful

20.A. due        B.ready       C.born            D.likely


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了乔在开车回家的路上,帮助了一位老太太,当老太太给他钱的时候,他不求回报,只是希望她也去帮助那些需要帮助的人。之后,当老太太在餐馆吃饭时,没有要找回的零钱,帮助了怀孕8个月的女服务员,而且也希望她能够把爱心传递下去。 1..B 考查名词辨析。A.surprise 惊讶;B.hand 手; C.sympathy同情; D.glance瞥视。从上文可知那位老太太的车坏在路边,乔给老太太换轮胎(She had a flat tire. Joe crawled under the car and changed the tire)看出乔停下来帮忙,固定搭配:give sb a hand帮某人忙,选B。 2..D 考查短语辨析。A just in case“万一”; B as you wish“如你所愿”; C for one thing“一方面”; D by the way“顺便说一下”。根据情景可知答案选D,其他不符合语境。 3..A 考查形容词辨析。A.enough 充足; B.right正确的; C.straight直的; D.extra额外的。从情理可知乔给老太太换轮胎,弄得很脏,手还受伤了,所以老太太十分感激他。couldn't thank him enough“再怎么感谢他也不过分”。 4..C 考查动词辨析。A. charged收费; B.provided 提供; C.owed 欠,归功于;D.offered主动提供。从上文可知乔帮助老太太换轮胎,所以老太太应该是问他应该付给他多少钱,也就是欠他多少钱。不是索取,也不是提供,选C。 5..A 考查动词辨析。A pay sb back还给……钱,偿还,报答。B bring带来;C put放;D hold控制,保留。根据语境可知选A。句意:乔是说要是真的想报答他……。 6..C 考查名词辨析。 A.honor 荣誉,光荣;B.favor 帮忙; C.need 需要;D.possession财产。固定短语: in honor of为纪念……; in favor of赞同; in possession of拥有,in need of 需要,根据故事内容可知乔和老太太都是帮助了需要帮助的人,选C。句意:下次你看见需要(in need of)帮忙的人,就帮助他。 7..B 考查名词辨析。A guidance指导;B assistance帮助; C acquaintance熟人,相识;D consequence结果。根据前句中出现的help可知此处是说给那些需要帮助的人提供帮助(assistance)。 8..A考查介词辨析。 A down在….下;B off远离,离开; C beside在……旁边;D beyond超过,那一边。老太太的车修好之后就上路继续行驶,应该是沿着公路又行驶了几英里。其他不符合语境,选A。 9..D 考查名词辨析。A.bank 银行; B.grocery杂货店; C.gas station 加油站;D.restaurant饭店。从下文的The waitress看出,是餐馆(restaurant) ,选D。 10..B 考查动词辨析。A introduce介绍;B greeted 问候,迎接;C identify识别; D spot认出。从情理可知服务员见到顾客要微笑着迎上前去,greet sb with sth“用…..来迎接、问候某人”。句意:那个怀孕的女服务员面带微笑向老太太问候。 11..C 考查动词辨析。A。think想,认为;B suspect怀疑;C wonder想知道;D question质问。老太太看到这个服务员已怀孕接近八个月,还在这里做服务员的工作,虽然贫穷却很快乐,是想知道个究竟,选C。 12..D 考查动词辨析。这个服务员在怀孕的情况下,在工作中还保持那份热情。A taste“尝,体验”; B measure“测量”;Cremain“保持”,是不及物动词,跟形容词作表语;D maintain“保持”为及物动词,可跟名词作宾语。 13..A 考查动词辨析。A strike打动;B move感动;C obtain获得;D remind提醒。语境为:乔说的话触动(strike)着她。Move一般用于被动句中,表示某人被感动了,选A。 14..B 语境题。A tip小费;B change零钱; C order命令;D service服务。从下文的from a hundred­ dollar bill看应该是找回零钱。 15..C 考查副词辨析。A moreover而且; B otherwise否则; C however然而; Deventually最终。从下文的the lady stepped right out of the door看出,这里是表示转折的关系。句意:在服务员找零钱的时候,老太太已经走出了门。 16..D 考查动词辨析。Awriting写;B showing展示;C going 去;D saying 说,显示。这里说的是纸条上的内容,所以选saying,意思是:“写着”。而write的主语应该是人。选D。 17..C 考查疑问词辨析。 A. how 如何,怎样;B.which哪个,哪些;C.what 什么; D.whether是否。在句中what引导表语从句,在从句中作do的宾语。句意:这就是你能做的。 18..B 考查动词辨析。A combine联合;B end使结束;C disagree不同意; D deal处理。从故事可知乔希望老太太把爱心帮助传递下去,而老太太的确这样做了,而且她还希望这种爱心要一直传递下去。句意:别让这爱心之链在你这里结束(end )了。 19..B 考查形容词。A honest诚实的;B generous慷慨的,大方的; C modest谦虚的;D graceful优雅的。根据搭配可知选B。句意:那个孕妇拿着慷慨解囊(generous)的小费,这个小费是老太太没有要的找回的钱。 20..A 考查形容词。A due到期的;B ready准备好的; C born天生的;D likely有可能的。从上文可知这名妇女是位孕妇,所以是下个月到预产期,根据语境选A。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

—I have to go and get the clothes from the laundry.

—________? I can pick them up on my way home this afternoon.

A.So what  B.How come 

C.Why bother  D.Why not



Help me out in the kitchen and I ________ you to some western­style food.

A.treat       B.was treating 

C.will treat  D.have treated



________ for children, the album became popular with parents ________ it came out.

A.Designed; when          B.Designed; immediately

C.To design; as soon as  D.Designing; as



I admire my English teacher. I can remember very few occasions ________ she stopped working because of ill health.

A.that  B.when  C.where  D.which



—Did you know more about the mine accident?

—Oh,sorry,I had no idea. I ________ the Rescue Center now.

A.will be phoning  B.am to phone 

C.will phone      D.phone



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