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One of India’s top engineering schools h...

One of India’s top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its boarding houses, saying addiction to surfing, gaming and blogging was affecting students’ performance, making them lonely and even suicidal.

Authorities at the best Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them. “Now, a student doesn’t even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet,” said Prakash Gopalan, dean of Student Affairs. “The old dormitory culture of companionship and socializing among students is gone. This is not healthy in our opinion.”

IIT­Mumbai, with about 5,000 students, is one of the seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world. They are also a talent pool for global technology giants. But their hard courses, tough competition and lonely campus lifestyle have taken an effect on students. Depressive and dysfunctional lifestyles are known to be common among IIT students, and at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years. Students have unlimited free Internet access in their boarding houses to help them in their studies, but many also use it to surf, chat, download movies and music, blog and for gaming.

“Starting Monday, Internet access will be banned between 11 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. at IIT­Mumbai’s 13 boarding buildings to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their shells.” Gopalan said. But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated. “Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby (摇篮曲) to go to sleep.” said Rajiv, an electronics student. 

1.According to the text, the students addicted to the Internet in IIT-Mumbai are likely to ______.

A. perform well in studiesB. participate in social activities

C. know their classmates better   D. feel lonely and even suicidal

2.The underlined word “dysfunctional” in Paragraph 3 most probably means “______”.

A. unpopular B. meaningful   C. abnormal   D. exciting

3.What measures have been taken in IIT­Mumbai?

A. Students must go to bed before 11 p.m.

B. Students are forbidden to surf the Internet on campus.

C. Students have unlimited free Internet access in their dormitories.

D. Internet access is unavailable in deep night in boarding buildings.

4.We may infer from the last paragraph that ______.

A. all electronics students hate the banning order

B. some students complain about the banning order

C. there is no Internet access on the IIT campus ever since

D. more students prefer listening to music to surfing the Internet


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章报道了印度的一所工程学校为了防止学生沉迷网络,限制住校学生上网,有些学生抱怨这条禁令。 1.根据One of India’s top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its boarding houses, saying addiction to surfing, gaming and blogging was affecting students’ performance, making them lonely and even suicidal.故选D。 2.根据Depressive and dysfunctional lifestyles are known to be common among IIT students, and at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years.可猜出dysfunctional意思是不正常的,故选C。 3. 根据“Starting Monday, Internet access will be banned between 11 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. at IIT­Mumbai’s 13 boarding buildings to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their shells.”故选D。 4.根据But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated. “Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby (摇篮曲) to go to sleep.” said Rajiv, an electronics student. 可知有些学生抱怨这条禁令,故选B。 考点:考查新闻类阅读

I’ve often wondered if I might do more good as a travel agent rather than as a psychologist. It seems that I have been more dramatically affected by certain kinds of travel experiences than I ever have.

My trip to Iceland is a fine example of that. The plan was to spend two days in a remote mountain hut in Iceland. I was working on a photographic book about winter in Iceland and needed to capture images of this amazing region of high mountain peaks, smoky volcanoes, and lakes with floating icebergs.

The moment after we arrived, the weather turned extreme making visibility impossible. It snowed so much and the wind blew so hard that we couldn’t leave the tiny hut. To stay warm, we walked around in circles much of the day inside the tiny hut. We tried to call for help but the radio did not work. Day after day, we watched our supplies of food and fuel grow dangerously short. We got acute cabin fever (幽居病) and started going for walks and ski expeditions outside. Even when the weather finally broke, nobody came to get us even though it was three days beyond our scheduled pickup. By the time the rescue team came to pull us out, we had all given up hope.

From then on, the world looks different to me, as does my life. It would have taken me years of psychotherapy to get to the same point.

Almost everyone has a story to tell, and interestingly, most of these experiences were not altogether pleasant at the time. In fact, it appears that the most constructive life-changing journeys were those that involved some sorts of awful and uncomfortable events that forced the person to develop new resources, increase confidence, and solve problems in new ways.

1.The writer went to Iceland to ______.

A. enjoy the natural beautiful floating icebergs

B. take photos about the region for a book

C. collect materials for psychological research

D. challenge the high mountains there

2.During the trip in Iceland, those travelers faced difficulties EXCEPT that ______.

A. they got lost in the mountain

B. they were short of food and fuel

C. they couldn’t see the surroundings clearly

D. they failed to get in touch with the rescue team

3.From Paragraph 3, we learn that the travelers ______.

A. were in despair before they were rescued

B. stayed in the hut for three days altogether

C. got sick because of going for ski outside

D. got rescued immediately the weather turned fine

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The writer is a travel agent who loves difficult challenges.

B. In Iceland the weather is always extreme and it snows a lot.

C. The travellers were so depressed that they needed psychotherapy.

D. Awful journeys may become life-changing events that inspire people.




注意:1. 词数:100左右。

      2. 参考词汇:房租 rent (n.) 。


Dear Bob,

__________________________________________________________________________     _   

_______________________________________学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!__________________________________ ______


Li Hua




Joyce: What do you think of the lead teacher’s speech?

Caroline: I think it was __1.__ (interest).

Joyce: __2.__ do I. I hear Mike is likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year.

Caroline: Yes, his teacher says so. He __3.__ (work) hard at his lessons every evening for months. He want to go to Oxford University next year.

Joyce: I hope he will realize his goal.

Caroline: I hope so. __4.__ I think he works too hard. I hope he’ll go out and enjoy __5.__ for a change. How about your son Carl?

Joyce: Don’t mention him. Carl never starts studying.

Caroline学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!: You’re joking. I heard that Carl __6.__ (win) the composition prize.

Joyce: You have made __7.__ mistake. That is White Carl. My son is Brown Carl. The whites live in the same community __8.__ we do. White Carl has always been so hard working. He wants to be a __9.__ (write). My son likes going to the concert. He only likes singing.

Caroline: __10.__ he practices singing, he will become a singer in the future.

Joyce: Not all people can become a singer. I don’t think he has the talent.



I am a mom of two young children whom we home-school. This    that they are with me almost constantly. Whenever possible I will    random acts of kindness;    things like paying for the order behind me in the drive-thru lane, holding doors, etc. So, they are very    with the concept and are, of course,    to also do "nice" things for others.

Just a few days ago we stopped    our local grocery store to pick up a few things which quickly turned into an entire cart load of stuff. We got into one of the two open checkout lanes and waited our    . While waiting a young man came up behind us with only a few    in his basket. I told him to go ahead of us as we were in no    .  

He seemed very pleasantly surprised and graciously    . As he began putting his items on the belt the clerk began to    her till tape so we had a fairly long wait in line. My kids were very     behaved but they were still children; they asked questions, they talked    , they moved around and they were generally very entertaining. (To me, anyway.) 

I could see the young man watching and listening with a smile on his face.  

We were putting our groceries on the    when the clerk finished with    order. What I didn't know was that he had heard my kids    bubble gum. I had agreed they could have some.    , he picked up a pack of bubble-gum and asked the clerk to ring it through twice before putting it back. He then told my kids that he bought their gum    their mom was    enough to let him go ahead in the queue.

The experience really drove home the    that good begets(产生,引起) good for my lovely little kiddos(亲呢的称呼:小伙子).

1.A.tellsB. leavesC. means D. ensures

2.A. entertainB. serveC. functionD. perform

3.A. importantB. impressiveC. suitableD. simple

4.A. satisfiedB. occupiedC. familiarD. pleased

5.A. supportedB. taughtC. encouragedD. supposed

6.A. nearB. by C. withD. against

7.A. opportunityB. returnC. turnD. time

8.A. fruitB. vegetablesC. itemsD. sales

9.A. timeB. hurryC. caseD. sense

10.A. acceptedB. collectedC. carriedD. agreed

11.A. changeB. removeC. continueD. stop

12.A. badlyB. poorlyC. wellD. ill

13.A. constantlyB. immediatelyC. usuallyD. rudely

14.A. beltB. benchC. basketD. cart

15.A. herB. hisC. their D. our

16.A. complain aboutB. allow forC. ask forD. concern about

17.A. SoB. ButC. OrD. For

18.A. when B. unlessC. becauseD. until

19.A. happyB. helpfulC. seriousD. nice

20.A. ideaB. rewardC. chance D. instruction



Mary is digging in the ground for a photo, when along学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! comes John. Seeing that there is no one in sight, John starts to scream. John’s angry mother rushes over and drives Mary away. Once his mum has gone, John helps himself to Mary’s potato.

We’ve all experienced similar annoying tricks when we were young—the brother who stole your ball and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Mary and John are not humans. They’re African baboons(狒狒). ___1.___

John’s scream and his mother’s attack on Mary could have been a matter of chance, but John was later seen playing the same tricks on others. ___2.___

Studying behavior like this is complicated but scientists discovered apes(猿) clearly showed that they intended to cheat and knew when they themselves had been cheated. ___3.___ An ape was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting. When she found nothing, she “walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day.”

Another way to decide whether an animal’s behavior is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how an ape dealt with an enemy. “He slowly stole up behind the other ape, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy, he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.” Wild apes do not normally walk on tiptoe. ____4.___ But looking at the many cases of deliberate trickery in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple copying.

It seems that trickery does play an important part in ape societies. ____5.___ Studying the intelligence of our closest relative could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.

A. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is cheating.

B. An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania.

C. And playing tricks is as much a part of monkey behavior as it is of human behavior.

D. So the psychologists asked his colleagues if they had noticed this kind of trickery.

E. The ability of animals to cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use of tools

F. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly used by baboons.

G. Of course it’s possible that it could have learnt from humans that such behavior works, without understanding why.



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