满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On the double 11th day, my uncle’s onlin...

On the double 11th day, my uncle’s online store has successfully sold _____ shoes as last year, that is, it can hardly make ______ progress.

A. as many twice; worse     B. as many twice; bad         

C. twice as many; good     D. twice as many; better


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查倍数和比较级。倍数放在比较级或as...as的前面,不能放在as...as中间,排除A、B;情态 动词can与比较级连用,表示最高级含义,故选D。 考点:考查倍数和比较级  

Let’s go to _________ cinema—that’ll take your mind off the problem for _________ while.

A. the; the    B. a; the     C. the; a    D. a; a



-It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?


A. Yes, my pleasure B. No, thanks 

C. No, never mind  D. Yes, I do



目前环境保护已成为人们极为关心的问题。 假设你受邀参加一次国际中学生环境保护论坛征稿活动,请按根据以下提示,用英语写一篇应征短文: 1.简述目前环境状况; 2.环境污染产生的原因及对生活的影响; 3.提出两个解决办法。

注意:1.词数 120 左右;



The environment has become a matter of great concern to the general public.





下面短文中有 10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。

注意:1. 每句不超过两个错误;

2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

3. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从 11 处起)不计分。

Last summer holiday, I take a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country. It is really the very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers can seen everywhere. Every year there are lots of visitors. During the trip, I found that I like the elephants and fruits best. An elephant is more taller than I! I rode the elephant, because I was very afraid at first. But the elephant was seemed very friendly. I took some photos with them. The fruits there are very fresh and taste. They are very good for our health. The trip to Yunnan impressed me great. I will never forget it.



People in the United States have many ways to get news, some of which are available 24 hours a day. In a recent survey(调查), about 15 percent of American interviewees said that they spend less than one-half to two hours per day watching, listening to, or reading the news. News comes from every source, not only from printed ways, but from TV, radio, and the Internet as well.

With the increased availability of news, serious questions have been raised about the role of the news media in society. Should the media report every detail about every story, even when the information does not seem timely or valuable? Some researchers are concerned that by focusing on everything at once, the media increasingly ignore the more important social, political and economic problems that we face. We cannot concentrate on what’s important by reading about what is not. One extreme example of this is the type of information covered by the tabloid(小报)media, which focus on negative stories of violence and crime.

How can people deal with all the news that is available to them? Some become “news resisters” and choose to turn their backs on news, resisting their desire to turn on the TV and read the paper every day. They argue that although daily news reports may provide us with many facts, they do not include the background or some information that we need to understand news events. They suggest that, instead of daily reports, we look for information that has more in-depth analysis of the news, such as monthly magazines.

1.What percentage of the interviewees spend less than one half to two hours per day paying attention to the news? (within 3 words)

2.According to the researchers, what is the disadvantage of news media? (within 6 words)

3.How do you describe tabloid media? (within 5 words)

4.Who are “news resisters”? (within 9 words)

5.What information does “news resisters” look for? (within 2 words)



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