满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At present we are living in a good age. ...

At present we are living in a good age. Therefore, there are still a

small number of people who don't act responsibly. His bad behaviors are

out of place in our civilizing society. For an example, some people often

risk their lives to disobey traffic rules. Littering is still a seriously problem.

Some people are often seen spit in public places. Bad still, it is common to

find silly things written by some tourists in scenic spots.

To my opinion, everyone should learn to become a responsible citizen.

We must aware that everything we did in public places will affect others and

we should break our bad habits. As long as we obey the rule in every field and

are filled with care and love, our world will become better.


1.Therefore--- However 2.His --- Their 3.civilizing --- civilized 4.去掉an 5.seriously--- serious 6.Bad----Worse 7.To --- In 8. must后加be 9. did---- do 10.rule --- rules 【解析】 试题分析: 1.前一句“目前我们生活在好年代”,后一句是“然而仍然有”是转折关系,所以用However“然而”表示转折。 2. 考查代词,他们的坏行为。Their 3.文明的社会 “文明的” civilized 。 4.固定短语“例如”。 5.形容词修饰名词。Serious problem。 6.固定短语“更糟糕的是”worse still. 7.固定短语“依我看来”:in my opinion。 8.aware 是形容词,因此前面需要加be 动词,must后用动词原形,故加be。 9.通篇时态是叙述现在,因此是一般现在时。 10.规则是多条的,因此用复数。 考点:考查短文改错



M:  I'm so relieved.  I just finished the story l was working on for our creative writing course.

W:I haven't finished mine   1.  .I had trouble   2.    (get) past the beginning.

M: How come?

W:I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages ,I

just   3.    write any more.

M: The same thing    4.    (happen) to me. You can talk to Mrs Wilson about it.

W: Actually,1 went to ask for more time to finish the writing. But instead she gave me

some good advice. She said the first thing I should do is just write anything that

comes into my mind even if it doesn't make any   5. .

M: That's interesting. When I got   6.   (stick),I stopped to do   7.    else, you know, do some for one of my other courses.

W: Her methods seem to have worked for me.  I have written most of the story, and I

should be able to hand it    8.    on time, but l still need to go to the jewelry store.

M: You are going shopping?

W: I'm going there for my story.  My detective story involves    9.   jewelry store rob   bery , so I want to go there in order to take a look at    10.    the cases are arranged,

where the security cameras are placed.




I have always lived in Canada, and traveled from Hamilton to Ottawa for work months ago. Arriving at the airport    , I had to stay in the       hall to spend my time. Without much else to do, I decided to go to the     store. As I walked around the store, 1      two American women having a    on a bench. It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours, and I felt anxious to do something to help them     their wait.

I          the store for a few moments, and went to buy a medium-sized toy which looked like a cartoon          . I asked the owner of the shop for a note and a         and wrote,  "When you get up ,I hope this gift will make you smile.  Have a good trip ! "

I walked    towards the two women and     the toy and the note next to them. Not wanting to wake them, I tried my best to make no    , but in my attempt to flee the scene. one of them woke up and caught me in the act. At first she looked  . Maybe she thought I was a    ! But when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she    up, as if she became a happy girl. " Is this for me? " she asked. I gave her a     smile and nodded.

She was          about the thing !  We talked more like old friends instead of     

     . I came to realize that we should care for each other and love each other although

we were from       places.

1. A. late        B. early          C. hurriedly         D. soon

2. A. waiting     B. dining         C. exhibition        D. lecture

3. A. flower      B. book           C. drug            D. gift

4. A. kept        B. made          C. noticed          D. heard

5.A. talk        B. nap           C. rest           D. cigarette

6. A. calm       B. ease           C. weaken          D. sharpen

7. A. ran into     B. went through     C. looked around    D. set about

8. A. driver      B. author           C. salesman        D. character

9. A. pen        B. card            C. box            D. packet

10. A. hurriedly   B. quietly         C. slowly         D. fast

11.A. repaired    B. hid             C. placed          D. showed

12. A. mistake     B. experiment      C. noise            D. progress

13.A. moved      B. happy          C. sure           D. scared

14.A. passenger    B. thief           C. passerby       D. student

15. A. gave        B. turned         C. hurried         D. brightened

16. A. friendly     B. grateful        C. plastic           D. bitter

17.A. excited      B. worried        C. sad              D. anxious

18. A. workers     B. teachers        C. strangers        D. officers

19. A. enjoyment   B. permission      C. attention         D. suggestion

20.A. clean       B. beautiful         C. same            D. different



With the development of modern science and technology, the functions of cellphones have changed greatly.   1.   The only difference may be that they fit in your pocket and you pay by the minute to use them. Some of the things a cellphone can do for you will be available this year:

Surf at speed

Cellphones that let you use the Web have been around for years. So, what's new? Well ,  faster third-generation (3G)  networks that let you surf at anywhere.  2. Possible choices are from IJG Electronics VX 8000 and Motorola V1150.Listen as you go.

3.   There is no doubt that it is about to change. Sony Ericsson’s new W8001 can hold around 150 songs in its 500 MB memory. And Samsung's SPH-V5400 even comes with a l. 5 GB hard drive. Mobile phones may eventually replace miniMP3 players, especially for teens. Say cheese.

Camera cellphones are not new either but most of them have limitations: around l- megapixel  (百万像素 ) .  However new technology has made 2-megapixel units more common ,and 3-megapixel units are showing up soon. Some 2-megapixel models, like Sony Ericsson's K7501, offer limited zoom and focus controls.   4. Portable TV.

You say you like "watching TV"? That’s what Samsung MMA700 wants to give you. The new model lets users watch popular TV programmes~ for a fee. Other choices are Nokia's 6620, Sanyo's MM740 and NEC's N940.   5.The above are just a handful of what you ' ll see in the coming months.  Further down the road, your mobile phone may play a host of other roles, such as mobile credit card, position locator and so on. So what is there that a cellphone can't do?

A. The NEC model lets you watch public TV - no fee.

B. Without a cellphone, you can do nothing in your daily life.

C. Nowadays, new cellphones are much cheaper than old ones.

D. Today's do-it-all mobiles have a lot in common with the computer.

E. This then allows a carrier to send video, music, and games to your phone.

F. Others, like LG's recent A7110, can even capture 30 minutes of full-motion video.

G. The problem with most cellphone MP3 players is that they hold only a handful of songs.



Suppose you are working as a manager in a famous company in China, and you will be sent to New York for a further study soon, but you don't think your English is good enough. So you are looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English.

Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.

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1.. What is special about the 2lst Century English Training Centre?

A. Its teaching quality is better.

B. It is the nearest to the city center.

C. Its courses are more advanced.

D. It requires an entrance examination.

2.. Which school will you choose if you are busy in the daytime?

A. Global English Center and Modern Language School.

B. Global English Center and the International House of English.

C. Modern Language School and the 2lst Century English Training Centre.

D. The 2lst Century English Training Centre and the International House of English.

3.. If you prefer to have English course on weekends, which telephone number will you call?

A. 67353019.      B. 67705272.    

C. 67801642.      D. 67432308.



London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme. It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.

So how does it work? First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes, which are kept at docking stations in and around central London. You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go, for the length of time you use the bike.

Transport for London, which runs the scheme, is hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year. The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion  (拥挤 )  in London and is expected to create up t0 40 ,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been 6ifilled with thousands of gleaming machines that will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace on our roads as black cabs and red buses".

However, there have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday. On the first day some people found they couldn't dock their bike properly and their usage of the bike had not registered. Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few "teething problems" and have said they wouldn't charge for the first day as a "gesture of goodwill". Some other people have criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.

Despite the comments, the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things, saying, "My campaign for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big pedal-powered push forwards. "

1.. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the new bike scheme in order to______.

A. reduce the air pollution of the city

B. deal with the city's traffic problems

C. increase employment opportunities

D. encourage the citizens to take exercises

2.. If you want to hire a bike, in which order will you do?

a. pay for the key to a bike

b. sign up as a member to get a key

c. cycle in and around central London

d. pay for the bike according to the time you use it

A. bacd     B. bdca     

C. dcba     D. dbca

3.. All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT_____.

A. the high cost to hire a bike

B. docking the bikes properly

C. not registering their usage of the bikes

D. not charging for the first day of the scheme

4.. From the passage, we can infer that_______.

A. the cycling revolution is not successful

B. all the citizens in London support the scheme

C. the London Mayor is confident in the scheme

D. the scheme will be cancelled because of the problems



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