满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announce...

One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the destination of the seventh­grade field trip would be the amusement park. The classroom buzzed with ____ as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, ____ that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me ____ to feel so left­out. But not Danny. He ____ told everyone that he wouldn't be going. When Mr. Sims asked him why, Danny stood up and ____, “It's too much money for me right now. My dad hurt his back and has been out of ___ for a while. I can't ask my parents for money.”

Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up proudly, even though ____ had begun. I could only shrink in my ____, and surely those whispers must be about me if they found out I would not be going either.

“Danny, I'm very proud of you for understanding the ____ that your parents are in. Not every student of your ____ has that ability,” Mr. Sims replied.

___ not everyone accepted Danny after that day, he won ____the respect of many of us. I was especially ____ by how he didn't back down under peer pressure. For so long, I could never ____ to my friends that I couldn't afford to go there. ___, in order to continue to ___ in, I lied about why I couldn't do things and ____ with excuse after excuse.

By standing up and admitting he was poor, Danny changed my life. His self­confidence made it ____ for all of us to understand that what his parents had or didn't have did not ____ who he was. After that, I no longer felt I had to lie about my family's situation. And Danny, ____ because of his courage and honesty than his great looks, is someone I will never forget.

1.A.amazement  B.excitement

C.disappointment  D.encouragement

2.A.sensing  B.knowing  C.finding  D.saying

3.A.depressed  B.worried  C.unsatisfied  D.scared

4.A.gladly  B.shyly  C.simply  D.rudely

5.A.shouted  B.complained  C.lied  D.stated

6.A.work  B.duty  C.order  D.control

7.A.teaching  B.debating  C.whispering  D.understanding

8.A.shadow  B.coat  C.desk  D.seat

9.A.situation  B.pain  C.danger  D.trouble

10.A.class  B.age  C.grade  D.group

11.A.Since  B.As  C.Unless  D.Although

12.A.up  B.out  C.over  D.back

13.A.shocked  B.persuaded  C.impressed  D.confused

14.A.announce  B.admit  C.apologize  D.prove

15.A.However  B.Otherwise  C.Instead  D.Also

16.A.join  B.take  C.give  D.fit

17.A.came up  B.broke up  C.put up  D.got up

18.A.harder  B.easier  C.clearer  D.better

19.A.conclude  B.show  C.determine  D.cause

20.A.rather  B.other  C.better  D.more


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 作者通过一件事情告诉大家勇气和诚实是一个人获得尊重的重要因素。 1.答案:B 当老师宣布我们七年级实地考察旅行的目的地是游乐园时,整个教室由于女孩们讨论她们要穿什么衣服和带什么样的东西而充满了兴奋的嗡嗡声。故excitement符合语境,意思是“激动,兴奋”。amazement“吃惊,惊奇”;disappointment“失望”;encouragement“鼓励”,均不符合语境。 2.2】答案:B “我”知道(knowing)“我”的父母没有钱让“我”参加这个活动,“我”只能坐在后面听。 3.3】答案:A 根据空后面的“to feel so left­out”可知,depressed“沮丧的,消沉的”符合语境。 4.4】答案:C Danny只告诉大家他不去了。simply“仅仅,只”,符合语境。 5.5】答案:D 当老师问他为什么不去时,Danny站起来陈述了原因。state的意思是“陈述,说明”,符合语境。 6.6】答案:A 根据文中的“too much money”“My dad hurt his back”以及“I can't ask my parents for money.”可以判断出Danny的父亲失业(out of work)了。 7.7】答案:C 根据8空后面的“those whispers”可以判断出,此处应用whispering。 8.8】答案:D 根据2空前面的“I sat back”可知,此处应用seat。 9.9】答案:A “Danny,我为你能理解你父母的处境(situation)而感到自豪。并不是每一个像你这么大的学生都有那样的能力。”20空前的situation是提示。 10.0】答案:B 参见上题解析。age“年龄”,符合语境。 11.1】答案:D 虽然(Although)在那天之后,并不是每个人都接纳了Danny。 12.2】答案:C 但他却赢得了我们中许多人的尊重。win over的意思是“获得,赢得”,故答案为C项。win back“重新获得”,win out“摆脱困境”。 13.3】答案:C be impressed by意思是“对……印象深刻”,符合语境。 14.4】答案:B 作者从来没有向他的朋友承认(admit)他没有钱去。 15.5】答案:C 根据上下文内容可知,这里表示“相反”的意思,故答案为C项。 16.6】答案:D 相反,为了相处融洽,“我”向他们撒谎“我”为什么不能做那些事情,编造一个接一个的借口。fit in“相处融洽,适应”,符合语境。 17.7】答案:A 参见上题解析。come up with意思是“提出,想出”,符合语境。 18.8】答案:B Danny的自信使我们大家更容易(easier)理解…… 19.9】答案:C 根据语境可知,他的父母拥有什么或没有什么,这并不能决定(determine)他是谁。 20.20】答案:D 与其说是Danny出色的外表,倒不如说是他的勇气和诚实,使他成为“我”永远无法忘记的人。more...than...的意思是“与其说……倒不如说……”。故答案为D项。

Internet users are warned to be ________ about giving away personal information to strangers.

A.cautious  B.anxious  C.particular  D.sensitive



The managing director took the ________ for the accident, although it wasn't really his fault.

A.charge  B.account  C.blame  D.cause



—Car prices have been going down sharply in the last 20 years.

—It's not surprising because the law of market ________ the price of a product.

A.is controlling  B.controls

C.has controlled  D.controlled



Is he the only one of the students who ________ here just now?

A.is  B.are  C.was  D.were



We ________ jump to conclusions before we have all the facts.

A.couldn't  B.mightn't  C.shouldn't  D.mustn't



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