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When my family moved to America from a s...

When my family moved to America from a small village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respect elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.

I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive(敏感) Americans are and how they dislike the description “old”. I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed an学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!d were no longer angry.

In my village in China, people are proud of being old. Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.

However, in the United States, people think “growing old” is a problem since “old” shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging, and women put on makeup, hoping to look young. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young. I had told them something they didn’t want to hear.

After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I don’t respect them any more; I still respect them, but now I don’t show my feelings through words.

1.Jack brought the couple their food very fast because[_______________.

A.the manager asked him to do so    B.he respected the elderly

C.the couple wanted him to do so     D.he wanted more pay

2.When Jack called the couple “elderly”, they became[____________.



3.In Jack’s hometown,______________.

A.people dislike being called “old”

B.people are proud of being old

C.many people reach the age of seventy or eighty

D.the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants

4.After this experie学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!nce, Jack___________.

A.lost his job in the restaurant

B.made friends with the couple

C.no longer respected the elderly

D.changed his way with older people

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple got.

B.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience.

C.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple.

D.From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 【解析】 试题分析: 本文作者是一位从中国广东移民到美国的年轻人,除了随身带的行李外,他还带去了中国传统的价值观和尊老爱幼的传统美德。但是就是这种“尊老”的美德,却使他在餐馆服务时惹恼了一位顾客,经过这次经历,他意识到了中美文化的差异。 1.细节理解题。根据文章首段One of the rules is that young people should always respect elders和.第二段I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.可以判断答案选B。 2.细节理解题。从文章第二段As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure.可知当杰克称呼那对夫妇“老人”的时候,他们明显的不高兴,答案选C。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第三段In my village in China, people are proud of being old.可知在杰克的村子,人们以老为荣,故答案选B。 4.细节理解题。从文章末段After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. 可知答案选D。 5.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知经过这件事情以后作者改变了自己对待老年人的方式,由此判断他对美国文化有了更深的了解,答案选D。 考点:考查社会生活类短文阅读。


Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesn’t matter 1. you live — in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village — the chances   2. you will be disturbed by jet airplanes, transistor radios, oil-powered engines, etc, are almost everywhere. We seem   3. (get) used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely   4. background music while they are working.

Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very   5. (frighten) experience for human beings.   6.  , some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to   7. eardrums (耳鼓). The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.

One recent report about noise and concentration   8.  (suggest) that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration,   9.  really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise,   10.  doesn’t 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!change too much (music, for example), may even help people to concentrate.



The moment happened 30 yours ago but it was still fresh in my memory. I was a college freshman and had     up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first    of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a    . A few minutes nap(小睡)time before class couldn’t     , I thought.

BOOM! I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my     beating wildly trying to find the cause of the    . My young professor was looking at me with a boyish(孩子气的)smile on his face. He had deliberately  dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!”, he said still     . “I am glad to see everyone is awake. Now let’s get started. ”

For the next hour I wasn’t sleepy at all. It wasn’t from the     of my professor’s textbook alarm clock either. It was instead from the fascinating discussion he led. With knowledge and good      he made the material come alive. His insight was full of both wisdom and loving-kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy that he     with were contagious(有感染力的). I    the classroom not only wide awake, but a little smarter and a little better as well.

I learned something far more important than not     in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life,do it well,do it with     . What a wonderful place this would be if all of us did our work joyously and well. Don’t sleepwalk(梦游)your way through     then. Wake up! Let your love fill your work. Life is too    not to live it well.

1.A. tookB. dividedC. stayed    D. put

2.A. classB. testC. taskD. lecture

3.A. platformB. pillow    C. carpet            D. wall

4.A. benefit B. helpC. lastD. hurt

5.A. heartB. mindC. thoughtD. head

6.A. troubleB. noiseC. failure    D. incident

7.A. smilingB. talking    C. complainingD. shouting

8.A. soundB. shock   C. interruption    D. blow

9.A. gestureB. senseC. humor    D. design

10.A. taughtB. spread       C. combined    D. started

11.A. decoratedB. filledC. leftD. entered

12.A. discussingB. speakingC. cheatingD. sleeping

13.A. joyB. speedC. aimD. determination

14.A. workB. lifeC. journeyD. college

15.A. hardB. complexC. shortD. simple




Social Practice

Social practice has been more and more popular in schools. Senior school students are asked to enter society and get some ideas of it. Surely, social practice has many advantages. Firstly, social practice can offer students a chance to contact society and meet different kinds of people. In this way students can gain some precious social experience, which will be useful to their future career. Secondly, students can apply what they have learned in class to practical work, thus knowing themselves more clearly. Thirdly, social practice can bring them some financial reward and make them more independent of their family.

However, some problems may arise if no correct guidance is made. For example, some students get overly interested in social practice and want to work full-time and earn more money, thus neglecting their studies. And some students are likely to get in touch with the dark side of society, which will affect their future values.

In order to carry out social practice smoothly, students should first know their objective. They should put their studies in the first place and see social practice just as a useful supplement(补充), so they ought to try to strike a balance between social practice and their studies.


1. 请以约30个词概括上文的内容;

2. 请以约120个词谈谈你对“社会实践”的看法,包括如下要点:

(1) 谈谈社会实践的重要性;

(2) 你或你朋友所经历过的一次社会实践;

(3) 你认为如何协调好学习与社会实践的关系。


1. 可以用事例或者其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直 接引用原文句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名称。

【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。








你的笔友George 是英国某动物保护协会的成员,想了解2011年在上海举办的动物运动会的情况。请你根据下表,向他介绍该运动会的相关情况。







参考词汇:海野生动物园 the Shanghai Animal Park  动物运动会 Animal Games

田径赛 track and field    尊严 dignity



Dear George,

Im glad to have received your letter, in which you require some information about the Shanghai Animal Games. Here are some details about it.





This is all I know about the animal games. I hope this can be of some help to you.







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1.Work appears to be taking its toll on the relationship between dads and their families, a new study finds. CareerBuilders annual Fathers Day survey found that 22 percent of fathers say their work has negatively affected relationships with their children, while 26 percent believe their job has hurt relationships with significant others.

2.U.S.workers are looking for a little pat on the back,according to a new study.The latest Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker revealed that more than half of employees would leave their current job to go work for a company that recognized their efforts. The research shows a direct correlation between recognition and retention.

3.Its lonely at tile top, and CEOs know that better than anyone, according to a new poll.While being a CEO may come with prestige and financial benefits.a study by RHR International, a global executive talent development firm, revealed that the high, ranking position is often accompanied by isolation.

4.While women are doing less housework than they used to. they still take on the brunt of the household cleaning chores. New research indicates that this extra work stresses them out,and that stress worsens when there is salary or gender inequality present in the relationship. Though both men and women spend less time spent on domestic duties, women still take on a large amount of the work, studies show.

5.Saying thank you may be a simple way to boost marital happiness,new research suggests. This cycle of appreciation may also make for longer-lasting relationships. Feeing appreciated by your partner influences how you act in your relationship, and how much you want to stay in that relationship,”study researcher told LiveScience.



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