满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not until he went through real hardship ...

Not until he went through real hardship ________the love we have for our families is important.

A. had he realized     B. did he realize     C. he realized     D. he had realized


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查倒装。Not until置于句首,主句用部分倒装。realize的动作和go through同时发生所以用一般过去时态。答案选B。句意:直到他经历了真实的艰难困苦,才意识到我们对家人的爱是多么重要。 考点:考查倒装  

Measures have been taken to fight ________recurring food safety problems, but there is still a long way to go before China can rid itself ________ these issues.

A. for; of     B. for; from    C. against; of     D. against; from



“Only two centimeters higher, _______break the world record,” encouraged the coach.

A. you will       B. and you will    C. or you will     D. will you



This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all, indicating a high time that we ______ on what we've done to the environment.

A. have reflectedB. are reflecting      C. will reflectD. reflected



The Chinese abacus(算盘), officially ______ as a cultural heritage at the 8th Annual UNESCO World Heritage Congress, is another symbol of Chinese wisdom.

A. having listedB. listedC. having been listedD. listing



— Tom seems not so enthusiastic as he was two years ago.

— Yes. He’s really reached a point in his career ______ he has to decide what to do next.

A. thatB. when C. whereD. which



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