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After living in the United States for qu...

After living in the United States for quite a long time, I do not think about the cultural differences any more. Last month, my parents came to visit me. Their observations (观察) on the American lifestyle reminded me that cultural differences between living in China and America are actually everywhere.

When my parents came to America, they praised my house. Everyone had his/her own bedroom; there was a front yard, a backyard and a garage; there were many bathrooms – all convenient and comfortable. However, they were not used to the glass doors at the first floor. My mom, from southern China, was worried that someone would break open the glass doors. Though I said that nobody would do that, she was still worried about it.

When I brought them to eat in fast food restaurants, whether it was in McDonald’s or KFC, they saw that refilling drinks was for free. This concept (观念) of free refill was so new to them.

A Chinese friend told me a story. He and his American girlfriend ate at a restaurant. His girlfriend wanted to drink English tea. He was curious, so he tried some and found that it didn’t taste bad with milk and sugar in it. Adding more water to tea is free of course, so he drank more cups. His girlfriend found it embarrassing and explained to him that what he was doing was not exactly fair. If he wanted to drink more tea, he should buy another cup. My friend thought that Americans could take advantage of the free refills, but only a few of them did that. After staying in America for some time, he changed his habit.

1.We can infer that the writer _____.

A. doesn’t like American culture

B. has got used to her life in America

C. received an American education as a child

D. thinks American and Chinese cultures are the same

2.What made the writer’s parents worried?

A. That someone would break into the house.

B. That someone would be hurt by the glass doors.

C. That they wouldn’t have a bedroom of their own.

D. That they wouldn’t live comfortably in the house.

3.When eating at McDonald’s for the first time in America, the writer’s parents were probably surprised that _____.

A. there were so many choices

B. the prices for food were so low

C. they could refill drinks for free

D. they could get extra food for free

4.The American girl mentioned in the last paragraph thought that _____.

A. Americans like taking advantage of other people

B. her boyfriend wouldn’t like traditional English tea

C. drinking too much English tea harmed people’s health

D. her boyfriend shouldn’t take advantage of the free refills


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍作者在美国生活一段时间后已经习惯了美国的生活方式,但是他的父母眼中中国和美国在很多地方还是有文化的差异的。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点: 考查文化类短文

My sister and I were flying from our home in Kansas to a summer camp in Minnesota. Our plane had a two-hour    at the airport in Omaha, where I saw a toy airplane that I really    . I had $10 and I had no idea what I needed to    at camp, but I spent $8 on the airplane anyway.

When we reached the camp, I discovered that there were no showers!    , we bathed in a lake every night. I needed to buy    soap. Because the regular soap I brought had chemicals that could      the fish. The special soap cost $4 at the camp store. After buying the plane, I had $2 left, so I couldn’t buy the soap.

After a few days, I was a    . Sally, our camp teacher, asked me if I needed some soap. When I    her that I had spent my soap money on a toy airplane, she laughed and said, “You need to budget.” She then explained that a budget was a(n)    for spending money to help make sure you save enough for things you    — like soap — before you buy fun things — like    . Sally gave me her extra soap, which I    took.

When I returned home from    , I decided to make my    budget. Every week I spent time writing down everything I bought, and some weeks, I would have more in my “Money In” account      I did odd jobs (零活) around the house.

Budgeting was    , especially when my friends bought soda at the store after school and I couldn’t because I had spent all my “Want to Spend” money. But I    with it, and by the next summer, I had    enough money to buy a Paula Pilot doll at Omaha Airport, as well as    at the camp store to    Sally!

1.A. restB. tripC. flightD. stop

2.A. madeB. wantedC. leftD. remembered 

3.A. learnB. bringC. buyD. do 

4.A. BesidesB. HoweverC. InsteadD. Anyhow

5.A. specialB. commonC. smallD. expensive

6.A. catchB. raiseC. hurtD. control

7.A. heroB. messC. starD学科网(www.zxxk.com)--国内最大的教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!. failure

8.A. warnedB. toldC. suggestedD. reminded

9.A. planB. ideaC. exampleD. promise

10.A. loseB. gatherC. needD. hate

11.A. chemicalsB. clothesC. billsD. toys

12.A. fortunatelyB. cautiouslyC. unhappilyD. gratefully

13.A. schoolB. airportC. campD. hospital

14.A. dailyB. weeklyC. monthlyD. yearly

15.A. soB. andC. becauseD. until

16.A. hardB. boringC. safeD. fresh

17.A. dealtB. beganC. agre学科网(www.zxxk.com)--国内最大的教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!edD. stuck

18.A. receivedB. savedC. earnedD. borrowed

19.A. fishB. waterC. soapD. soda

20.A. apologize forB. call onC. care forD. pay back



If you are not satisfied with our work, you can complain to the 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--国内最大的教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!manager who is _________ customer service.

A. in honor of    B. in case of C. in charge ofD. in need of



By the time I reach the age of sixty, I hope to be healthy enough to travel ___________ .

A. gradually    B. frequently     C. entirelyD. equally



More ________ information is needed to help us work out the real situation.

A. generous     B. reliable      C. gratefulD. fluent



What upset us was that our flight was delayed because of the ________ storm.

A. fierce          B. legal              C. intelligentD. secure



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