满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As soon as the plane took off, it was cl...

As soon as the plane took off, it was clear that something was wrong. People   their seats and there were already some terrible shouts. It seemed that we were about to .

People cried all around. Although I didn’t shout, I couldn’t have spoken   . Then two rows to my left, I heard a calm voice, a woman’s voice, speaking in a normal tone nothing serious was happening. The woman, in her mid-30s, was staring into the face of her daughter, who looked to be four years old. The child   so carefully that she seemed unaffected by the sounds of  36  around her.

I suddenly remembered another girl who had   a terrible plane crash with the protection of her mother. The mother lost her life.   , the little girl had to be treated to get rid of the feelings of guilt and unworthiness that often     survivors. She was told time and again that it hadn’t been for her   that her mother had gone away. I hoped this situation wouldn’t     in the same way.

Finally, I leaned over and heard this soft,     voice. Over and over again, the mother said, “I love you so much. Do you know     that I love you more than anything else?”

“Yes, Mommy,” said the little girl.

“And remember that no matter what happens, I will always be    you. And you are a good girl. Sometimes things happen, and they are not your fault. You are   a good girl and my love will always be with you.” Then the mother put her   over her daughter’s, fastened the seat belt over both of them and was     to crash. Everything seemed hopeless. But   , the horror was over in seconds. We landed safely.

That mom showed me what a real     looked like. And in those few minutes, I heard the voice of   .

1.A. fitted in withB. got out ofC. kept out ofD. got away with

2.A . quit B. landC. crashD. withdraw

3.A. calmlyB. loudly C. clearlyD. steadily

4.A. what ifB. even ifC. as ifD. only if

5.A. followedB. listened C. noddedD. glanced

6.A. fear B. sympathyC. regretD. shock

7.A. escaped   B. preventedC. sufferedD. survived

8.A. InsteadB. AnywayC. HoweverD. Otherwise

9.A. stressB. troubleC. possessD. remind

10.A. honor B. responsibilityC. faultD. excuse

11.A. tend B. turnC. stopD. develop

12.A. firm   B. uglyC. hesitantD. tough

13.A. as usual B. beyond belief C. at all D. for sure

14.A. inB. onC. forD. with

15.A. yet B. onlyC. stillD. again

16.A. arm    B. bodyC. headD. hand

17.A. engagedB. devoted C. preparedD. involved

18.A. fortunatelyB. accidentallyC. ridiculouslyD. desperately

19.A. educatorB. rescuerC. heroD. sponsor

20.A. beliefB. commitmentC. faith    D. courage


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1.B动词短语辨析。A. fitted in with适应;适合B. got out of摆脱; 逃避C. kept out of不暴露于D.got away with逃避惩罚。飞机刚起飞就发现情况不妙,人们离开座位,甚至还有恐惧的叫喊声。故选B。 2.C动词辨析。A . Quit放弃B. Land着陆C. crash坠机D. Withdraw撤退。根据语境可知飞机出了故障,似乎我们要坠机了。故选C。 3.A副词辨析。A. Calmly冷静地,镇定地B. Loudly大声地C. Clearly清楚地D. steadily稳定地。人们都在喊叫,尽管我没有出声,但是已经不能镇定地讲话了。故选A。 4.C连词辨析。A. what if要是…又怎样B. even if即使,尽管C. as if似乎D. only if除非;前提是。根据语境可知在作者惊慌的无法出声的时候,突然听到一个女子以一个正常的语调说话,似乎什么事也没有。故选C。 5.B动词辨析。A. followed跟随B. Listened听C. Nodded点头D. Glanced瞥一眼。小女孩只有四岁左右,前文提到她的母亲对她讲话。所以这里应该是她“听得”如此认真。故选B。 6.A名词辨析。A. fear害怕B. Sympathy同情C. Regret遗憾,后悔D. Shock震惊。小女孩听得如此认真,似乎没有为周围人们害怕的喊叫声所影响。故选A。 7.D动词辨析。A. Escaped逃脱B. Prevented阻止C. Suffered遭受D. Survived幸存,幸免于。“我”突然想起那个因为母亲的保护而幸免于难的女孩。Survive a terrible plane crash从一个严重的坠机事故中活下来。故选D。 8.C副词辨析。A. Instead相反;而是B. Anyway反正;无论如何C. However然而D. Otherwise否则,别的方式。母亲失去了生命,然而那个小女孩不得不面对如何消除罪恶感和经常困扰生还者的无价值感的问题。根据语境可知母亲的本意是保护小女孩,但是小女孩在获救后不得不面临许多问题。故选C。 9.B名词辨析。A. Stress强调B. trouble麻烦,困扰C. possess具有;具备D. Remind提醒。根据上文翻译,故选B。 10.C名词辨析。A. honor敬意,荣誉B. Responsibility责任C. Fault过错D. Excuse借口。她一次又一次被告知她母亲的逝去不是她的过错。故选C。 11.D动词辨析。A. Tend倾向B. Turn转,翻C. Stop停止D. Develop发展。根据语境可知作者联想到一件事情之后,希望目前的情况不要像那个事情一样发展。故选D。 12.A形容词辨析。A. firm坚定的,坚决的B. Ugly丑陋的C. Hesitant犹豫的D. tough艰苦的,困难的。后来,“我”倾斜了身体听到一个温柔,坚定的声音。故选A。 13.D短语辨析。A. as usual像往常一样B. beyond belief令人难以置信C. at all根本;完全D. for sure无疑。母亲对小女孩说:我非常爱你。你真的知道我爱你超过其他任何东西吗?故选D。 14.D介词辨析。A. In在...里面B. On在...上面C. For为了D. With和...一起。I will always be with you:我将一直和你在一起。根据后文and my love will always be with you暗示,也可知这里填“with”。故选D。 15.C副词辨析。A. Yet还,已经B. Only仅仅C. Still仍然D. Again再一次。有时候会发生一些事情,但那些都不是你的错,你仍然是一个好女孩。故选C。 16.D名词辨析。A. Arm手臂B. Body身体C. Head头部D. Hand手。这位母亲把手覆盖在他的女儿手上。故选D。 17.C形容词辨析。A. Engaged从事B. Devoted献身C. Prepared准备D. Involved涉及。这位母亲系好她们座位上的安全带,做好坠机的准备。故选C。 18.A副词辨析。A. Fortunately幸运地B. Accidentally偶然地C. Ridiculously荒谬地D. Desperately绝望地。幸运地是几秒钟之后,这场恐惧就度过了,我们安全地着陆了。故选A。 19.C名词辨析。A. Educator教育者B. Rescuer营救者C. Hero英雄D. sponsor主办,发起人。这位母亲向我展示了一个真正的英雄是什么样的。在别人都惊慌失措的时候,这位母亲依旧保持镇定并且安慰女儿消除她的顾虑,所以是一个真正的英雄。故选C。 20.D名词辨析。A. Belief信念B. Commitment承诺C. Faith信仰D. Courage勇气。在那短暂的几分钟,“我”听到了勇气的声音。根据前文可知,在作者惊恐地几乎说不出话的时候,这位母亲依然镇定温柔的对她的女儿讲话,是十分有勇气的。故选D。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those ______ after the disaster.

A. in need          B. in vain           

C. in horror          D. in place



Tom is a little careless, but he is _____ quite suitable for the post. So we can give him a chance.

A. thusB. actually

C. otherwiseD. perfectly



Though some insist separate education can satisfy people’s special needs, most people consider it as ________, saying it will cause greater conflict between the poor and the rich.

A. admirableB.suitable

C. conventionalD. absurd



______ to know about his sister’s present situation, Tom couldn’t fall asleep the whole night until he finally received her phone and was told she was all right.

A. AshamedB. Uncomfortable

C. AnxiousD. Awkward



Many people look forward to the May Day holiday because it offers Chinese families a good opportunity to travel and _______ the daily routine.

A. leave behindB. leave for

C. leave outD. leave off



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