满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The students are warned not to talk abou...

The students are warned not to talk about anything ______ to the accident that happened the other day in the school.



A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:学生们被警告不要谈论与前几天学校发生的事故有关的任何事。A相关的;B相似的;C相反的;D合适的。根据句意判断选A,其他不符合语境。 考点:考查形容词辨析。  

The river have ________, so they will have to spend much money irrigating(灌溉) the crops.

A. gone up   B. built up    C. broken up    D. dried up



These crops ________  well to the warm and damp climate here.

A. apply       B. adopt      C.  adapt      D. admit




Sharing is caring when it is given from the heart with pleasure.

The good returns are many and the rewards cannot be measured.








1.With __________________________the competition, it is difficult for you to defend your championship. (participate)


2.He found ____________________________________ getting up early. (adjust)


3.________________ my teaching work all the time, I have no time for housework and social activities. (occupy)

由于忙于我的教学工作, 我没有时间做家务和社交活动。

4.People who approved of the reform urged that education resources ______________________ among the members of society equally. (distribute)


5.The teacher criticized him, because it was the second time that___________________________. (make)


6.Several failures ____________________ the truth that Rome was not built in a day. (aware)


7.Chemistry is not quite relevant to these students, ______________will be going back to their villages after year 8.(most)


8._________________________________50 years ago now appears quite normal.(seem)


9.Not until one month later ________________________with the new class.(fit)


10.Twenty nine passengers were reported ____________________ in the terrorist attacks in Yunnan Kunming Railway Station.(kill)




There are some things humans can go without. We can lose a kidney (肾)or a lung, an arm or two and still live perfectly well.学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! But some fish put us to shame. They can get by without stomachs.

One such fish is the stout longtom尖嘴魚 . The group it belongs to carries a more appropriate name: the needlefish. All needlefish lack stomachs. Their ancestors had them, but later they were lost.

The stout longtom can reach 1.3 meters in length, and lives near the sea surface. Like all needlefish, it can jump out of the water to escape its enemies. Tropical(热带) fishermen are sometimes injured by needlefish. In 1977, a 10-year-old Hawaiian boy was killed when a needlefish jumped through his brain. The longtom eats smaller fish. Its teeth are not good at cutting fish into pieces, so it swallows fish whole.

Ryan Day from Australia and his colleagues wanted to know how the longtom digests its meaty meals without a stomach, so they ran some chemical tests about the fish.

Day’s results show that the longtom can consume food without the help of a stomach. It uses a special material called trypsin(胰岛素) that can break down proteins without acid — although the approach is less efficient than using a stomach.

Because it’s a meat-eating animal, the longtom gets a lot of protein in its food, so it can afford this slightly less efficient system for absorbing it. Two plant-eating fish that Day studies actually had higher levels of trypsin in their body, as their food was low in protein.

Day thinks that the longtom and its stomachless relatives might actually have arrived at an energy-saving solution. He says that although the stomach is critical to many kinds of animal, the organ is “a fairly expensive organ to run”. This perhaps explains why some animals have got rid of theirs.

1.What does the underlined phrase “get by” mean?

A. Live.B. Fight.C. Hunt.D. Recover.

2.Ryan Day ran the chemical tests in order to find out how the longtom ______.

A. catches smaller fish in the water   

B. can jump so high to escape its enemies

C. digests the smaller fish in its body   

D. uses acid to break down the protein

3.What plays a key role in the longtom’s digestion process?

A. AcidB. Trypsin.C. The stomach.D. Protein in its body.

4.Ryan Day’s results show that ______.

A. the longtom often waste energy

B. the longtom can make acid easily

C. the longtom’s high-protein food helps its unique way of consuming food.

D. meat-eating fish have higher levels of trypsin i学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!n their bodies than plant-eating fish



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