满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When my husband and I got married, he wo...

When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 a.m. However, I worked during the __   . So as he came home from work each morning, I was getting ready to _  _.

We had very little __   then, so when Valentine's Day came around that first year, I knew we couldn't ___   _ anything for each other. After he left to go to work the night before Valentine's Day, I decided to ___   _ and make a Valentine's Day card for him. I ___   wrote a poem on the front of the card. When he came home the next __   _, I felt foolish as I handed him the card, ___   _ that he wouldn't laugh at it. When he had finished ___   _ it, he slowly raised his head and looked at me. Then he reached down into his pocket. When he pulled his ___   _ out, he was holding __   .

He told me that he had _32_ it for me during his lunch hour, but he had been ___   _ to give it to me because he thought I might think it was ___   _, and that I might laugh at it.

It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝).  ___   _ I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card, he had been cutting out a __   _ for me. I still have the aluminum heart, and I ___   it in my desk. Every time I see it, all those ___   _ come flooding back to me. Over the years, we've been able to buy each other very nice, __   presents for Valentine's Day. But none has ever been as dear or ___   _ as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.

1.A. day    B. night          C. weekend          D. holiday

2.A. cook    B. leave          C. rest              D. help

3.A. time    B. chance         C. money           D. energy

4.A. buy     B. choose         C. find             D. borrow

5.A. look out       B. call back       C. slow down       D. stay up

6.A. still     B. only           C. even            D. again

7.A. morning       B. noon           C. afternoon        D. evening

8.A. imagining      B. hoping         C. guessing         D. noticing

9.A. studying       B. reading        C. examining        D. playing

10.A. hand    B. foot           C. arm             D. leg

11.A. everything     B. anything       C. nothing         D. something

12.A. written        B. drawn         C. made            D. invented

13.A. surprised      B. happy         C. angry            D. afraid

14.A. wrong   B. difficult       C. dangerous     D. silly

15.A. Before   B. Though       C. While           D. If

16.A. heart    B. card          C. toy            D. book

17.A. change   B. keep          C. cut           D. divide

18.A. problems      B. pains          C. memories         D. choices

19.A. strange   B. special         C. expensive      D. satisfying

20.A. meant   B. proved         C. influenced        D. explained


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是结婚后的第一年,作者和丈夫由于经常拮据,都没钱给对方买情人节礼物,于是他们决定自己动手做礼物。 1.A考查名词辨析A. Day白天;B. night夜晚;C. weekend周末;D. holiday假期;根据文中提到丈夫的工作时间是from midnight to 8am,及随后的转折词however,推测可知 ,作者都是在白天工作。 2.2】B考查动词辨析A. cook烹饪;B. leave离开;C. rest休息;D. help帮助;句意:每当丈夫每天早晨下班回家时,作者已经准备离开,故选B 项。 3.3】C考查名词辨析A. time 时间;B. chance机会;C. money 钱;D. energy能量;根据上下文内容可知作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节的礼物。 4.4】A考查动词辨析A. buy 买;B. choose造反 C. find发现;D. borrow借。根据上下文内容可知作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节的礼物。 5.5】D考查短语辨析A. look out小心;B. call back回电话;C. slow down 减速;D. stay up熬夜;根据文中提到the night before Valentine's Day可知,作者决定熬夜给丈夫帮个情人节的卡片。下段的stayed up 也提示了本题的答案。 6.6】C考查副词辨析A. still仍然;B. only仅仅;C. even甚至;D. again再次 句意:除了卡片之外,作者甚至还写了首诗,故选C 甚至。 7.7】A考查名词辨析A. morning早上;B. noon中午;C. afternoon下午;D. evening晚上;根据第一段提到from midnight to 8 a.m.及as he came home from work each morning可知是在早上; 8.8】B考查动词辨析A. imagining想象;B. hoping希望;C. guessing猜测;D. noticing注意;句意:作者觉得自己很愚蠢,所以才会希望丈夫不会笑话她。 9.9】B考查动词辨析A. studying学习;B. reading阅读;C. examining检查;D. playing玩;句意:作者把卡片递给丈夫后,丈夫自然 是在阅读卡片及上面的诗,故选B项。 10.0】A考查名词辨析A. hand手;B. foot脚;C. arm胳膊;D. leg腿;根据上一句话提到Then he reached down into his pocket.及本句话中的holding可知,能伸进口袋又可以握着东西的应该是手,故选A 项。 11.1】D考查代词辨析A. everything一切;B. anything任何;C. nothing 什么也没有;D. something一些;根据下段提到It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝).可知,丈夫手里拿着铝刻出来的桃心,故用something来代指这个桃心。 12.2】C考查动词辨析A. written写;B. drawn画;C. made制作;D. invented邀请;根据下方提到make out of 及cutting 可知,作者得知丈夫利用午饭休息时间给作者做礼物,故选C项。 13.3】D考查形容词辨析A. surprised吃惊的;B. happy 高兴的;C. angry生气的;D. afraid害怕的;根据本段中作者的担心I felt foolish…he would laugh at it 可推测,作者夫妇的担心是一样的,都害怕对方 认为自己的礼物很傻,笑话自己,故选D项。 14.4】D考查形容词辨析A. wrong错的;B. difficult难的;C. dangerous危险;D. silly愚蠢的;根据本段中作者的担心I felt foolish…he would laugh at it 可推测,作者夫妇的担心是一样的,都害怕对方 认为自己的礼物很傻,笑话自己,故选D项。 15.5】C考查连词辨析A. Before之前;B. Though虽然;C. While虽然; D. If如果;此处将作者熬夜给丈夫做卡片和丈夫给自己做桃心进行对比,故选C项。 16.6】A考查名词辨析A. heart 心;B. card 卡片;C. toy玩具;D. book书;根据本段提到的I still have the aluminum heart可推断出选A项。 17.7】B考查动词辨析A. change改变;B. keep保持;C. cut砍;D. divide分开;根据下句话提到every time I see it 可知,作者把这颗桃心入在了桌子 里保存,故选B项。 18.8】C考查名词辨析A. problems问题;B. pains疼痛;C. memories记忆;D. choices选择;根据文中的大意可知上文是作者的回忆,故memories符合此处的语境。 19.9】C考查形容词辨析A. strange奇怪的;B. special特殊的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. satisfying令人满意的;这里是将多年后与作者夫妇 婚后第一年进行对比,故这里指作者夫妇现在已经能够给对方买得起昂贵的情人节礼物,故选C项。 20.20】A考查动词辨析A. meant意味着;B. proved证明;C. influenced影响;D. explained解释;根据全文不难判断,第一年作者夫妇自己动手做的情人节礼物对他们来说意味着很多,故选A项。 考点:故事类短文。

_____ time, the teacher had us do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.

A. To saveB. Save

C. SavingD. Having saved



Anyone ______ trying to take knives on board flights would be caught by the police.

A. findsB. being found

C. foundD. will find



While watching television, __________.

A. the doorbell rang                      

B. the doorbell rings

C. they heard the doorbell rings         

D. they heard the doorbell ring



It’s reported that global warming is heating the planet twice as quickly as _____ feared.

A. extremely       B. previously     

C. preciously      D. eventually



The girl _______ in bed _______ to us that she had _______ the dictionary on the bookshelf.

A. lay; lied; lay                     B. lying; lied; laid   

C. lying; lay; laid                   D. lied; lied; laid



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