满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith...

假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith ,但没有联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学写信


2. 询问Mr. Smith的近况并索要其联系方式

3. 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。





One possible version: Dear Tom,      Thank you very much for your kind help when I stayed in America . With your help , my English has improved a lot and my teachers and friends are surprised at my fluent English.      How is Mr. Smith ? I want to know something about his life. I tried to get in touch with him ,but unfortunately I don’t have his address and can’t connect with him .Do you have his email address or his telephone number?      The spring festival is coming . It is an important traditional festival for Chinese , when all the family members get together. It is like Christmas in the western countries .Would you like to come to feel the Chinese culture ? I am sure you will live happily here and learn a lot of funny things . Besides, I can also show you around some places of interest. Best wishes ! I am looking forward to your reply .                                          Yours ,Li hua 【解析】 试题分析:根据要求可知本文是一篇书信体裁的书面表达。要点有1).感谢Tom对你学习上的帮助 ;2)询问Mr. Smith的近况并索要其联系方式;3) 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化等三方面内容。建议可以采用三段式的结构安排。根据内容可以判断本文可以使用一般现在时和第一人称。在写作时还要注意书信的格式。此外,为了文章的语言顺畅,要使用适当的连接词。要尽量使用熟悉的词汇和短语,避免语言性错误,但同时要采用多种句式以提高文章的档次。 【亮点说明】本篇范文要点全面,思路清晰,层次分明,语言自然流畅,而且使用了一般现在时和第一人称,很好地完成了写作任务。作者用三个段落分别表述了三个要点的内容,开始先表达了自己的感激之情;然后询问史密斯先生的情况;最后提出邀请。在写作时作者较多地使用了简单句,使书信语言亲切自然,定语从句when all the family members get together.和短语With your help以及连接词Besides的使用有效地起到点缀的作用,避免了语言的单调。 考点:考查提纲作文。  







Today is Sunday, I didn't get up early as usually. In the morning after I finished my homework, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a film. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema at 3:00 p.m. we found all the tickets had sold out. Then we went back to school and played the football. After this, while we were about to go home , we saw our English teacher, Mr. Wang, coming into the school gate. He told us we have made great progress in English this term . He also suggested that we should read more and wrote more. We promised him that we would follow his advices.




1. Do you know there are seven______ in the world? (州,大陆)

2. Having a ____ diet is quite good for our health(平衡的).

3. It ’said that the plane flying to Canada __     last weekend (坠毁).

4.When she came to China, she brought (行李)with her.

5.They were selling everything at a ________(折扣).

6.Though he was hurt ____ (轻微地), he still lay on the bed all the day.

7.Not long ago a ____ (剧烈的)earthquake occurred off the coast of Indonesia.

8.The three­star hotel offers a friendly ________ (气氛)and personal service.

9.Li Bai and Du Fu were both Chinese _____ (诗人).

10.The biologist likes _____ with his students(闲聊).



Some ways to Cheer Up.

Feeling a little blue? Here are some fast and easy ways to smile.

Play outside

Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you.


When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical called endorphins. This chemical makes you feel happier.  1.

Play Pop Music

Westlife, Backstreet Boys, S.H.E…who doesn’t like a little mindless pop? Listening to upbeat, happy music will make you smile. Singing along won’t hurt either.

Laughter is the best medicine

2.   Children laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times a day. What happened? Be a kid for a day: play games, watch funny movies, or read jokes online.

3.   Chocolate has special natural chemicals that make you happy. Besides, it tastes so good!

Get a dog

Dogs are cute, energetic, and fun. Plus, studies show that people with pets live longer and people with dogs live the longest!


If you can’t go to the gym, try taking deep breaths. 4.

Have a Heart-to-Heart talk

If something is bothering you, it is a good idea to talk about it. Call a friend or relative. 5.     Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene or a time when you were happy and feeling good.

A. Laughing is the best way to improve your mood.

B.Everyone likes laughing.

C.The youth like chatting online.

D. A good chat is great way to feel better fast.

E. Power of Chocolate.

F. Breathing deeply will relax your muscles and give you energy.

G. That is just another reason why exercise is good for you.



Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet a foreigner.They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.

It's uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).

Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don't be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.

1. What's the best topic for the passage?

A. How to Speak to Foreigners         

B. How to Study English Well

C. How to Organize the Idea in English  

D. Practise Speaking English All the Time

2.Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because ________

A. they seldom practise speaking English

B. they seldom meet foreigners

C. they had no chance to speak English

D. they think it's enough to master the basic language structure only

3. So many Chinese students are afraid speak to foreigners because

A. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking

B. they don't think their English is poor

C. they are afraid they can't understand foreigners

D. they didn't like speaking to foreigners



 Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.

With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.

Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.

Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.

Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate.

Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.

1.Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ______

A. bring weight problems             

B. bring you much trouble in your life

C. make you worried about your foods   

D. make you hate delicious foods

2. In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight, you'd better__

A. drink much water and have vegetables only    

B. not eat the food in high fat

C. not accept invitations to feasts               

D. turn away from delicious foods

3.According to the passage, ___ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.

A. physical exercise     B. water     

C. calories of energy    D. vegetables

4.Many people can't help putting on weight after the holidays because they _______ .

A. enjoy delicious food           

B. go to too many feasts

C. can't control themselves        

D. can't help turning away from the foods



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