满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A local woman didn’t _______ her tears w...

A local woman didn’t _______ her tears when she saw her store destroyed by the fire.

A. hold out        B. hold back        

C. hold up           D. hold on


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一个当地的妇女在看见自己的店被大火毁灭的时候,忍不住眼泪。这里使用动词短语,四个选项的含义分别是:A. hold out伸出,维持,B. hold back忍住,C. hold up举起,耽搁,D. hold on别挂断,所以选B。 考点:考查动词短语  

Scientists said that the winter of 2011 was _____ cold, and in fact it was much colder than predicted.

A. frozen             B. freezing         

C. freezingly          D. froze



The child ______ in the countryside knows how to _____ animals like dogs, pigs and so on.

A. raised; bring up               B. brought up; raise

C. fed; raise                     D. fed up; bring up



The reason _____ he was late for the meeting was ____ he was held up by traffic jam during rush hours.

A. why; because                B. that; that

C. why; that                   D. that; because



Don’t blame yourself too much. Everyone has his ______ and weaknesses.

A. powers         B. strengths    

C. forces         D. energies



_____ in a heavy snow, he didn’t get there in time.

A. Catching         B. Catch    

C. Caught          D. To catch



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