满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______ at the top of the Oriental Tower,...

______ at the top of the Oriental Tower, people below will look very small.

A.Stand      B. Standing

C. To stand   D. If you stand


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查句子成分:句意:如果你站在Oriental塔顶,下面的人会看起来很小。这句话的主语是people below,但是前面的动作stand不是people below发出的,所以不能用非谓语动词做状语,应该是条件状语从句,选D。 考点:考查句子成分  

The pen I _____ I_______ is on my desk, right under my nose.

A. think...lost       B. thought...had lost

C. think...had lost   D. thought...have lost



Direction: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



3.他的微笑表明他想要很你闲聊而不是一个人被留在那儿。(rather than)

4.如今越来越多的中国人像西方人那样过圣诞节 (observe)

5.他发现很难习惯那里的甜食。(find it



Direction: Complete the following sentences using the given verbs in their proper forms.

1.A new hospital ___________ (build) in this area now.

2.The life he has been used to __________ (change) greatly soon.

3.Those naughty boys _________ (always get) into trouble. What tiresome boys!

4.I cant stand ________ (make) fun of by my classmates constantly.

5.This is the first time that he _________ (have) a car of his own.



Direction: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

Apples iPhone may be big news, but in Silicon Valley all eyes are on Facebook. The all-age private Internet club that began as a college student hangout has become the technology industrys hottest ticket.

Facebook, which started out offering simple Web profile pages for users to update personal details and link to their friends, has since late May provided an easy way to enhance profiles with growing menu of 1,400 applications from virtual horoscopes to music video players.

Membership has exploded to over 29 million active users, up one million users in just the past week and five million from six weeks ago. Its adding more than 150,000 member a day, up from its pace of 100,000 six weeks ago, Facebook says.

Facebook has become the central way many users keep track of Web sites they use every day. More importantly, its a way to keep up with what friends are doing, says Chief Technology Officer Adam Angelo, a high school classmate of Zuckerberg.

Far bigger rival MySpace has difficulty striking a balance between sharing personal data and not revealing too much information. Many Facebook users post their mobile phone numbers, political affiliations or changes in dating status.

Facebook is not open the way the Web is open, Users share all kinds of information on the site they would never share on the Web, Angelo, 22, says. We get users to reveal more information because we protect users privacy.

One protest group, called Facebook Should Be Students ONLY, with 20,000 members, is magnet from random discontent.

Facebook should most definitely be ONLY students, Katerina Laurel, 15, of Kansas City, Kansas, writes in Web shorthand. Our CHOIR teacher has a Face book membership.

Laurels solution is to use the sites privacy controls to exclude the teachers/principals/dens/choir directors in her life. I can just block them from my site if I dont want them to see any of my profile. She says.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

1.What is Facebook?


2.How many active uses have Facebook had till now?


3.The reason why Facebook users share all kinds of information on the site they would never share on the Web is that________________________________________

4.It can be inferred that if you dont want your profile exposed to strangers, you can _____________________________________________________________________



We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people think that craft no longer exists.

One of the ways these people wrongly support their view is by pointing to 100-year-old homes which are still solid, and arguing that it is the craftsmanship that is responsible for their durability, Homes in those days were well-built. they say. No doubt these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftsmanship.

Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old homes if people were willing or able to pay the price. For example, most people can no longer afford solid oak stairways, although they were once fairly common in older homes. Nor can they afford the high labor cost of employing a carpenter to build the stairway. Yet if someone can pay the high cost, there are still plenty of carpenters around able to make those stairway. And not only would these carpenters know how to build them, they would probably do a better job than carpenters of old.

One thing the modern carpenter has which enables him to do a better job is much more advanced tools. Such tools as laser beams and power planes help them lay out a house better and make more precision cuts on the wood. Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters with college degrees and carpenters with a sold knowledge of mathematics, which would enable them to deal with more difficult house designs.

The problem of modern quality, then, really boils down to the problem of material, for the modern carpenter is just as able to produce craftsmanship as the carpenter of fifty yeas ago, but only if given proper material.

1.Compared with the carpenters in the past, modern carpenters are ________ .

A. more learned         B. more successful

C. more imaginative     D. more hardworking

2.What does the underlined word they (paragraph 2) refer to?

A. Carpenters who are fond of oak stairways.

B. People who think highly of carpenters of old.

C. Carpenters who have college degrees.

D. People who think that modern material is of low quality.

3.What dose the third paragraph mainly discuss?

A. People in the past preferred to use oak to build stairways.

B. It is now expensive to employ a carpenter.

C. Good carpenters still exist in modern times.

D. Modern houses last as long as the old ones.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Carpenters Today and Yesterday

B. Craft, Back to Life?

C. History of Craftsmanship

D. Is Craft Dead?



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