满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Remains of ancient civilization are plac...

Remains of ancient civilization are places which were designed and built as a lasting tribute(致敬)to some individuals or events. By visiting these ______ monuments, you are sure to be amazed by how ____ the ancient civilization that existed centuries before you was. Some of the facilities which could be dated back hundreds of years ago are still in use today. Besides, you will also ______ at the mysterious stories behind it. The Great Wall, _____, is probably the best-known monument of China, which consists of a network of walls and towers through which the attack warnings could be received within minutes. _____ then had enough time to prepare. Estimates (估算)of the total length of the monument ______, depending on which sections are included and how they are measured. One of the _____ mysteries is that, although some of the wall is _____ in special radar images taken by satellites, astronauts have confirmed that the existing wall is not several thousand years old, nor is it, as many people had _____ visible to the human eye form outer space.

Even older than the Great Wall of China is the Great Pyramid(金字塔)of Giza. Over a 20-year period, thousands of workers made the vision become ____ with numerous blocks, each weighing more than two tons. It’s still a(n) _____ to modern people how ancient men handled_____ of these giant stones in a time when cars or boats never existed some 4500 years ago. The pyramid served not only as a tomb for King Khufu, but also a place of _____ activity. The number of the God’s servants at that time showed the importance of such activities. After Khufu died, his body was carefully treated with various medicines and materials and was wrapped in order to be ____ for long. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the pyramid, where the mummy was placed, provided a place for the king to pass into the afterlife. Then his servants performed rituals(仪式)to bring _____ to the dead king’s soul, removing all the unrest and pain from his next life.

1.A. modern   B. historic   C. official   D. commercial

2.A. advanced B. technical   C. overlooked  D. energetic

3.A. stare    B. wonder   C. aim    D. call

4.A. in addition  B. in other words  C. however   D. for example

5.A. Mechanics  B. Workers   C. Astronauts      D. Soldiers

6.A. extend   B.remain      C. vary    D. progress

7.A. long-standing  B. widely-used  C. carefully-chosen D. clearly-stated

8.A. recognizable  B. reasonable      C. reliable   D. responsible

9.A. proved   B. claimed   C. threatened      D. requested

10.A. reality   B. tradition   C. mansion   D. civilization

11.A. burden   B. secret    C. solution   D. fortune

12.A. finance   B. storage   C. transportation  D. production

13.A. sports   B. religious   C. fighting   D. family

14.A. preserved  B. recovered   C. buried       D. restored

15.A. leadership  B. peace    C. honour   D. inspiration


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍了象征古代文明的历史遗迹长城和金字塔对的辉煌的建筑和它们背后的故事。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 考点:考查历史类短文

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A.personal    B. further     C. aspects    D. tuition      E. degrees

F. launch      G. simply    H.created   I. traditional   J. revolutionized

Back in the last century self-study used to mean trying to learn from books. Then as technology moved on, electric products __1.__ the way people learn a language. Audio cassettes enabled people to practice listening, video provided a vivid cultural environment of the languages, computers made interactivity possible, and the __2.__ of the Windows 95 operating system opened the door to full multimedia programs that could offer more than what the traditional materials could do.

Today technology has moved on ___3.__ . The Internet has served as a communication center. The general use of email has _4.__new opportunities for teachers to assist learning at a distance, which has an impact on __5.__ learning structures. As you can make more and more progress on your own, the role of the teacher is changing. Basic information and drill can be provided by computer; the teacher is then free to concentrate on the more important ___6.__: motivation and production of language in speech or writing.

The latest development is a direct email link from self-study CD-ROMs to an online teacher. Now you can get __7._ one-to-one tuition from any multimedia PC with an internet connection.

When you need more help you _8.__ email the tutor. The tutor will know which course you are following and your results to date so he is able to provide good, relevant advice. All you do is to buy the CD-ROM at normal price and then get additional _9.__ as you feel the need. So the self-study becomes distance learning with all its advantages of flexibility and low cost.



He was so foolish _____ his car unlocked.

A.to leave    B. that leave

C. as to leave D. for him to leave



The teacher got the students ___ all the words they didn’t know.

A. looked up   B.looking in

C. to look up  D. look at



You’ll find the hot issue that Da Vinci Furniture Co.,Ltd sold fraud(假冒的) furniture_____all over China.

A talk about     B. to talk about

C. talking about  D. talked about



_______ in a top-level university abroad is what many students wish for.

A.Educated     B. Being educated

C.To educate D. Educating



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