满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If we _______ now to protect the environ...

If we _______ now to protect the environment, we'll live to regret it.

A. hadn't acted        B. haven't acted

C. don't act           D. won't act


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:如果我们现在不行动起来保护环境,我们会后悔的。考查主将从现,故选C项。 考点:考查动词的时态  

My mother was over the age limit and ________, her application for the job was refused.

A. as a result         B. in conclusion

C. worse still       D. what’s more



With so many essays _______ ,he won’t have time to go shopping with his parents this afternoon.

A. writing        B. written      C.  to write           D. be written



Hurry up. Our plane _______ at 7:00 pm according to the timetable. It will be just an hour left before it _______.

A. will leave, takes off

B. leaves, takes off

C. is leaving, is taking off

D. will leave, will take off



I would really appreciate _______ if you could take my advice into consideration.

A. this              B. that             C. you             D. it



The manager asked him not to come again. _______, he was fired.

A. In other words     B. In a word       C. In the end        D. As a result



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