满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



When my father was still in his teens, his father usually took him to the church to pray (祈祷). My grandfather had a______of keeping his change in his shirt pocket. As they______in the church side by side one day, the______fell out of his pocket and onto the floor. Obviously deep______concentration, my grandfather didn’t notice it at all______, a gentleman that was sitting nearby, as well as my father, ______the incident. The man moved quickly and picked up the coins______. Maybe he was afraid the others would have seen what he was doing. Then he______to another corner of the church. He pretended (假装) he hadn’t done anything except praying. My father saw the man’s______and as soon as my grand- father______praying, he couldn’t______telling my grand-father what had happened. My grandfather______what had happened and stopped my father from telling him who______the money. He then told my father the following______the man had to steal in church, then it must be because he was very______and could not support his family. "We mustn’t be so______to judge a person," he added. They______a grocery store (杂货店). My grandfather told my father to make sure that every month he would______a bag of daily things needed by a______and send it to that person without telling him whom it was from. I don’t know how______went for that man from then on, but wouldn’t this world be a better place to live in if we had that kind of kindness in our society?

1.A. hobby       B. habit        C. dream   D. secret

2.A. sang      B. walked    C. existed       D. prayed

3.A. coins         B. cards    C. tickets   D. bills

4.A. in       B. on    C. by            D. at

5.A. Therefore   B. Besides          C. However     D. Instead

6.A. experienced   B. noticed         C. found   D. searched

7.A. slowly    B. bravely      C. hardly        D. secretly

8.A. put up    B. set off          C. went away   D. ran after

9.A. sighting     B. behav满分5 manfen5.comior         C. evidence  D. change

10.A. finished      B. continued    C. succeeded  D. supported

11.A. keep         B. imagine      C.  help      D. stop

12.A. cared      B. talked    C. heard   D. worried

13.A. brought   B.borrowed      C. earned   D. took

14.A. Whether   B. Although      C.If             D. Once

15.A. angry      B. bad          C. mild       D. poor

16.A. quick      B. friendly    C. impolite   D. clever

17.A. owned    B.满分5 manfen5.com reached    C. passed   D. bought

18.A. compare   B. produce   C. examine   D. propare

19.A. group   B. shop            C. church   D. family

20.A. life       B. luck       C. time    D. work


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了作者的爷爷和爸爸在一个教堂的经历,和爷爷平常的做法看出作者的爷爷是个非常有爱心的乐于助人的人。 1. hobby爱好,B. habit习惯,C. drea梦想, D. secret 秘密,我的祖父有在衬衫口袋放零钱的习惯,所以选B。 2. sang唱歌,B. walked步行,C. existed存在,D. prayed祈祷,根据上文:his father usually took him to the church to pray (祈祷).所以选D。 3. coins硬币,B. cards卡片,C. tickets 票, D. bills账单,根据上文:keeping his change in his shirt pocket.可知硬币从他的口袋掉出来,所以选A。 4. in在……里面,B. on在……上面,C. by通过, D. at在……地方,词组:deep in concentration非常专注,所以选A。 5. Therefore因此,B. Besides除此以外,C. However然而,D. Instead相反,然而,坐在旁边的一个绅士和我爸爸注意了这件事,表示转折关系,所以选C。 6. experienced经历,B. noticed通知,注意到,C. found发现,D. searched寻找,坐在旁边的一个绅士和我爸爸注意了这件事,所以选B。 7. slowly慢地,B. bravely勇敢地,C. hardly几乎不,D. secretly秘密地,根据:Maybe he was afraid the others would have seen what he was doing.可知他秘密地捡起这个硬币,选D。 8. put up竖立,提供食宿,B. set off出发,引发, C. went away走开,D. ran after追赶,然后他走开到教堂的另外一个角落,所以选C。 9. sighting视野,B. behavior行为,C. evidence证据,D. change改变,我爸爸注意到这个人的行为,所以选B。 10. finished完成,B. continued继续, C. succeeded成功,D. supported支持,我祖父一完成祈祷,我爸爸就情不自禁地告诉他发生的事情,所以选A。 11. keep保持,B. imagine想象,C. help帮助,D. stop停止,can’t help doing情不自禁地做某事,所以选C。 12. cared关心,B. talked谈论,C. heard听见,D. worried担心,根据上文:telling my grand-father what had happened.可知我祖父听见了这件事情,所以选C。 13. brought买,B. borrowed借,C. earned挣得,D. took拿,我祖父阻止爸爸说出是谁拿了钱。所以选D。 14. Whether是否,虽然,然而,B. Although虽然, C.If如果,D. Once一旦,如果一个人不得不在教堂偷东西,一定是因为他很穷不能养活家庭。if引导条件状语从句,所以选C。 15. angry生气的,B. bad坏的,C. mild温和的,D. poor穷的,根据下文:could not support his family.可知很穷,所以选D。 16. quick快的,B. friendly友好的,C. impolite不礼貌的,D. clever聪明的,我们不能很快地判断一个人,选A。 17. owned拥有,B. reached到达,C. passed通过, D. bought买,根据下文,可知他们拥有一个杂货店,所以选A。 18. compare比较,B. produce制作, C. examine检查,D. prepare准备,我祖父告诉我爸爸确保每个月准备一包一个家庭需要的日常用品。所以选D。 19. group组,B. shop商店,C. church教堂, D. family家庭,根据下文:send it to that person without telling him whom it was from.可知是有需要的家庭,所以选D。 20. life生活,B. luck幸运,C. time时间, D. work工作,我不知道那个人以后的生活会是什么样的?所以选A。 考点: 考查人生百味类完型填空

         rapid progress they have made!

Right. And it is true       the students from other developing countries.

A. What a; with     B. How a; for

C. How; of          D. What; of



The plane is flying  ____ a speed of 500 kilometers an hour ____ the way to Kunming.

A.with; on     B.at; on

C.at; in       D.with; in



You can’t learn to play the piano without practising.____, you can’t learn a language well without using it.

A.Likely     B.Hopefully

C.Similarly   D.Personally



We’ll ____ three groups to carry out the experiment in chemistry.

A.be separated from             B.be divided into

C.be divided from               D.be separated off



He fell from the bike and broke his leg.____, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.

A.As a result of                B.With the result that

C.As a result                   D.Without result



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