满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He spends little time on English, but , ...

He spends little time on English, but   , he has passed the important examination.

A. somehow       B. as a result

C. so            D. however


A 【解析】试题分析:考查关联词。A不知怎么地,莫名其妙地B结果C因此D然而。句意:他在英语上几乎没有花时间,但是不知怎么地,他已经通过了重要的考试。故选A 考点:考查关联词。  

—How did your mother react ________ the news?

—She reacted by getting very angry.

A.on             B.of          C.with          D.to



I was ________ at the letter, which was _________ to my classmates..

A. amaze;amazing                  B. amazing; amazed

C. amazed; amazing                D. amaze;amaze



近期,你校学生会以“高中生该不该参加秋游”为题,在你校展开了调查。请你根据下表的信息,以“Should Senior Students Go Autumn Outing”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,描述此次调查结果并发表你的观点。






Let children judge their own work A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking . He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, children learning to do all the other things without being taught, such as walking, running, climbing, riding a bicycle. They compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.

But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made t0.Let children help each other if they want--what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not

If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book  Let him correct his own paper. Why should we teachers waste time to such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.

1.According to the passage, how does a child learn to speak correctly?     (No more than 10 words)

2.According to the passage, what is the best way for children to learn thing?    (No more than 10 words)

3.According to the writer, what should teachers do in school?     (No more than 10 words)

4. Please explain-the underlined phrase "bit by tit 'in English.     (No more than3 words)

5.According to the passage why do teachers seldom give students chance to correct their own mistakes?  (No more than 20 words)



As for older people, some of the applications(应用程序)are hard to use because they didn't grow up with them. They don't have simple models of how it should work. They don't know what to do when it doesn't work.

I think there is huge potential, so I have designed some for them. The ability to connect to friends, who remember the same movies, news and music, is really important, especially as people get older. They end up in retirement homes and they aren't always close to their friends. Allowing the network to help them connect with friends and family members is a really powerful thing.

My wife likes using the Internet, although it took me years to get her to use e-mail. She was born with normal hearing, but lost it when she was three years old. She was totally deaf for many years until 53 when she got ear implants(移植).They work really well. That is a big change for her. Before then, her friends couldn't call her on the phone, so they insisted that she use e-mails to communicate with them.

The younger people don't even think of this as technology. It's just there, and they use it .There's been a very interesting change in communication styles between the old and the young .A woman named Sharryturkle wrote about this phenomenon(现象).There are some kids who are now in their teens and are tending not to make phone calls. And they think of e-mail as old-fashioned and slow.

The reason why teens don't make phone calls seems to be that they don't know what to say. When they call they often pause for a while. On the other hand, texting is considered proper, and it's OK if you don't answer. You might have been distracted(心烦意乱的).It's not considered rude, but it's considered unusual if you're in this kind of voice conversation and simply stop talling.

1. We can infer from the text that the author is a____.

A. company manger    B. program designer

C. college professor D. family doctor

2. Why did the author's wife connect with others by e-mail? Because she______.

A. didn't like to talk on the phone

B. didn't know how to use the phone

C. couldn't move or meet with her friends

D. was deaf and couldn't hear others on the phone

3. What do the young people think of the Internet according to the text?

A. Interesting.  B. Amazing.

C.Common.       D. Dull.

4. What is the best way for the teens to communicate with others?

A. Sending e-mail.    B. Making phone call.

C. Writing letters.   D. Sending text messages.



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