满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The country life he was used to ______gr...

The country life he was used to ______greatly since 1992.

A. change        B. has changed

C. changing        D. have changed


B 【解析】 试题分析:考察时态。本题中含有一个定语从句he was used to,对答案有很强的干扰,the country life是这个定语从句的先行词,关系代词that/which作为介词to的宾语,被省略。横线上应该使用现在完成时的时态,因为句子的时间状语是since 1992.句意:自从1992年以来,我所习惯的乡村生活已经有了巨大的变化。故B正确。 考点:考察时态  

The lucky dog missed _______by his teacher, though he had made a big mistake.

A. to punish          B. being punished

C. punishing         D. to be punished



—I think your brother is managing your parents’ shop the wrong way.

—I agree. I regret _______it myself!

A. to run           B. not to run

C. not running      D. running



Upon ______the classroom, I started thinking about my mother.

A. leave            B. leaving

C. left             D. to leave



Although it had been________ struggle for him to finish______ experiment, he enjoyed the  result with________ satisfaction.

A. the, an, /        B. a, the, /

C. a, an, a        D. /, the, a



学生李明到华山中学上学已经半个学期了。现在很焦虑 (anxiety)。原因如下1.高中的课程内容加深,变难,因为没有好的学习方法,学起来很吃力2. 因为腼腆(shy),不敢问老师问题。3.原来学校的学习优势已经不复存在,导致学习信心下降。

假设你是心理老师裴老师,请给他一封建议信,帮他消除焦虑感,让他对华山的学习充满自信。(可以适当发挥,120词以内,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数,须使用以下连接词(first of all , what’s more, in addition, /besides …)内容要点如下:

首先(First of all),做出科学的学习计划…

此外(What’s more),上课要专心听讲,做好笔记…

还有(In addition),这儿的老师都很热心,善良,遇到难题向他们求教时千万别害羞…

另外(Besides),请记住,并非你不优秀(excellent),而是你有了更多竞争者(competitor)。你要做的就是更加努力地学习。相信你自己,你能做到的。(not that …but…)

Dear Li Ming,

I am sorry to hear about your anxiety. Don’t worry ! It’s normal for some students who have studied in Hua Shan High School. I’d like to share my tips with you.

First of all ,

What’s more ,

In addition,

Besides, please remember: not that


I hope my tips will help you feel confident.

Best wishes

Ms Pei



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