满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Recently, my husband and I had the chanc...

Recently, my husband and I had the chance to do something good for two complete strangers. This    us feel so good that I felt I had to share our experience.

We were traveling to Mexico for      week with our family.      I traveled a lot for work, we had enough frequent flier miles (累计飞行里程) and could upgrade (升级) our tickets to    class seats. We were sitting in the very first two seats in the first row of first class,    the plane to take off. I overheard one of the flight attendants (空乘) telling the others that there was a couple sitting in the      of the plane who had just got married the previous day and were heading off on their     . They had booked their flight eight months in advance    , due to some schedule changes, they had not been able to get     together. No one else on the plane was willing to move and the bride (新娘) was      .

I turned to my husband and told him what I heard. We immediately    and I called the flight attendant over to tell her that we would be happy to    our seats to this couple. The flight attendant seemed        and amazed and said, “Really? Are you sure” We said, “Of course!”

So we moved to the back of the    . I sat in a middle seat part way back and my        sat in the window seat in the last row of the plane.

The flight attendants were extremely thankful and    good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first class. We both made friends with the people      around us and had a great flight. I had to go back to the front of the plane to pick up a forgotten bag at one point during the     . I saw the newlyweds sitting very close together,    enjoying champagne (香槟).

It didn’t just make my day—it made my whole Thanksgiving      !

1.A. forced         B. made         C. got          D. persuaded

2.A. Christmas      B. New Year        C. Thanksgiving   D. Halloween

3.A. Since          B. When       C. While         D. If

4.A. second         B. last        C. middle        D. first

5.A. watching       B. waiting for       C. listening to    D. observing

6.A. front           B. beside        C. back       D. left

7.A. honeymoon      B. holiday       C. business      D. dream

8.A. and           B. or          C. but           D. therefore

9.A. bags           B. seats        C. tickets       D. wishes

10.A. in tears        B. in silence      C. in surprise     D. in comfort

11.A. agreed         B. answered    C. replied       D. moved

12.A. give out      B. give up      C. give off      D. give in

13.A. shocked        B. interested      C. tired        D. disappointed

14.A. house          B. car          C. plane         D. train

15.A. friend          B. husband     C. son          D. daughter

16.A. made         B. turned        C. took          D. looked

17.A. sitting         B. standing      C. walking        D. talking

18.A. time           B. flight        C. space         D. schedule

19.A. satisfactorily    B. shamefully    C. terribly       D. happily

20.A. week         B. day           C. month        D. year


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:送人玫瑰,手留余香。作者和丈夫乘飞机回墨西哥过感恩节。他们坐在头等舱,在起飞之前,当得知有一对去度蜜月的新婚夫妻未能坐在一起时,作者和丈夫同意与他们交换座位。在帮助他人的同时,作者和丈夫也获得了快乐。 1. 2.my whole Thanksgiving !”可知,作者和丈夫回家过感恩节,故选C。 3.we had enough frequent flier miles因为作者经常出差,所以她的飞行里程数达到了升级到头等舱的条件,前后是因果关系,故选A。 4.the first row of first class”可知,作者他们坐在头等舱的前排,说明他们升级到了头等舱,故选D。 5. the plane to take off等待飞机起飞,wait sb/sth to do sth else等待......做某事,watch...doing/do sth观察......(正在)做某事,故选B。 6.So we moved to the back of the .”可知,作者夫妇与那对新婚夫妻交换位置,作者两个人坐到了飞机的后部,说明新婚夫妻原先坐在飞机的后部,故选C。 7.who had just got married the previous day”可知,新婚夫妻乘飞机去度蜜月,故选A。 8. , due to some schedule changes,他们提前了八个月订机票,但是由于时间安排上的变化......,前后表示转折,故选C。 9.I sat in a middle seat part way back and my sat in the window seat in the last row of the plane.”可知,新婚夫妻两个人的座位不在一起,故选B。 10.No one else on the plane was willing to move and the bride (新娘) was 45 .由于没有人愿意跟新婚夫妻换座位,新娘感到很伤心,故选A。 11.we would be happy to our seats to this couple”可知,作者他们同意跟新婚夫妻换座位,故选A。 12.we would be happy to our seats to this couple作者他们愿意把座位让给新婚夫妻,故选B。 13.and amazed”可知,空乘人员感到惊讶,故选A。 14.So we moved to the back of the .作者夫妻俩换到了飞机的后部,故选C。 15.I turned to my husband”可知,作者是和丈夫一起乘坐飞机的,故选B。 16.The flight attendants were extremely thankful and good care of us空乘人员非常感激作者他们,并对他们照顾有加,take good care of好好照顾,故选C。 17.the people around us坐在作者周围的乘客,故选A。 18.at one point during the .在飞行的过程中,作者一度回去拿落下的包,故选B。 19.the newlyweds sitting very close together”可知,新婚夫妻互相依偎着,开心地喝着香槟,故选D。 20.for week with our family.”可知,作者和丈夫感恩节放假一周,故选A。 考点:故事类短文阅读

—I’d like to be on my own for a while. Do you mind?  —________. Go ahead.

A. Not in the least       B. No way

C. Yes, of course         D. I’m afraid so



—Oh, my God! My English book is nowhere to be seen.

—You __________ it at home.

A. should have left    B. would have left

C. must have left      D. could have left



To their relief, the doctor told them that if proper _______, Betty could recover very soon.

A. treating          B. treated

C. being treated     D. to be treated



_______ there are many different types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type.

A. Since            B. Unless

C. Once            D. While



As the Internet has gained popularity, there has been a change in the way ______ people spend their time.

A. which            B. in which

C. where           D. when



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