满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

David grew up poor. He started working i...

David grew up poor. He started working in the 7th grade and by high school he was only going to school half days,     at 11 am to go to work.

Lack of money meant lack of educational opportunities, but he had a         to learn. In his spare time he read books that he thought would         him succeed somewhere down the road.

He was a hard worker, and rose above(克服) his       of higher education to provide for his family,       factory life had a bad effect on him physically, emotionally and     . It was, in his mind, killing him like a slow poison.

In 1995 he bought his first computer and a few months later discovered the Internet. He wanted to be a part of it, and worked 48 or       hours a week in the factory, and worked another 40 or more hours a week         himself computer skills. He worked harder than he       had in his life, surfing the Internet over 100 hours a week.

David began       jobs in the Internet and computer fields. He was       many times, but he never gave up. He had a goal and kept after it     he didn’t feel like it because       else seemed so hopeless. That kind of drive and perseverance almost always       . David left the factory and took a job in the computing field.

This is a true story about         , a story about believing in     ; a story about finding what you love to do and       your dreams.

My hope in writing this story is that, if you have a dream, you’ll be     enough to see it through(进行到底). It’s up to you to         it. Remember that even the farthest     always starts with the first step.

1.A. starting   B. leaving    C. arriving    D. studying

2.A. time   B. hope  C. hunger      D. chance

3.A. let       B. have  C. see    D. help

4.A. lack   B. choice     C. favor     D. desire

5.A. and   B. so   C. but    D. as

6.A. individually B. spiritually C. energetically  D. evidently

7.A. more  B. fewer  C. smaller D. some

8.A. showing  B. teaching  C. improving D. acquiring

9.A. even   B. never  C. ever   D. just

10.A. doing  B. creating  C. applying for D. taking up

11.A. turned off B. put down C. held up D. turned down

12.A. even when B. if only      C. even     D. as if

13.A. anywhere B. somewhere   C. anything  D. something

14.A. pays back  B. puts off  C. gets in    D. pays off

15.A. wealth  B. determination C. hardship   D. love

16.A. yourself    B. himself      C. herself       D. itself

17.A. developing B. following C. continuing D. reaching

18.A. demanded B. expected  C. inspired  D. attracted

19.A. get    B. make  C. conduct     D. perform

20.A. journey   B. distance C. life   D. future


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:David故事的精髓在于:一个人成功与否取决于自己的努力和毅力。 1.B 考查动词词义辨析。A开始;B离开;B到达;D学习;句意:他在7年级的时候就开始工作,到高中时他只上半天学,上午11点就离开学校去上班了。根据教育可知B项符合他的情况。故B正确。 2.C 考查名词词义辨析。A时间;B希望;C饥饿,渴望;D机会,可能性;句意:缺少钱就意味着缺少接受教育的机会,但是他有学习的渴望。根据句意可知C项正确。 3.D 考查动词词义辨析。A让,使;B拥有;C看见;D帮助;句意:在空闲时间 ,他阅读一些他认为会帮助他取得成功的书。根据句意可知D项正确。 4.A 考查名词词义辨析。A缺少;B选择;C支持;D欲望;句意:他是一个很努力的工人,但是他克服了自己缺少高等教育的机会来养活家人。根据句义可知A正确。 5.C 考查连词辨析。A和,同,也,并;B于是;C但是;D因为;虽然他很努力,但是繁重的工厂生活对他的身体精神都产生了不好的影响。故C正确。 6.B 考查副词词义辨析。A个人地;B精神上的;C精力上地;D明显地;所填之词要和横线前面的副词emotionally表示相似的意思。表示工厂里的生活对他身体上,精神和情绪上都有很不好的影响。故B正确。 7.A 考查词义辨析。A更多;B更少;C更小;D一些;句意:他一周在工厂里工作的时间超过48小时,在计算机上所花的时间超过40小时。本句主要表示虽然工作很辛苦,但是他在计算机上所花的时间更多。故A正确。 8.B 考查动词词义辨析。A展示,表现;B教;C提高,改善;D获得,要求;固定搭配teach oneself自学;句意:他还要花更多的时间自学电脑知识。故B正确。 9.C 考查副词词义辨析。A甚至;B从未;C曾经;D只是,仅仅;句意:他要比以前更加努力。Ever常常和现在完成时连用。故C正确。 10.C 考查词义辨析。A做;B创造;C申请;D占据,从事于,开始做;句意:David开始申请网络领域的工作。故C正确。 11.D 考查动词短语辨析。A关闭;B写下;C阻碍;D拒绝,调低;句意:他被拒绝了很多次,但是他从来没有放弃过。本句说明他很有毅力,一直在坚持自己的梦想。故D正确。 12.A 考查连词词义辨析。A甚至在…时;B要是…就好了;C甚至;D似乎;句意:他设立了一个目标,并为之一直在努力,甚至在他不喜欢的时候,他也在坚持。因为其他方面的任何事情也是如此的绝望。故A正确。 13.C 考查词义辨析。A无论何处;B某地;C任何事;D一些事;句意:甚至在他不喜欢的时候,他也在坚持。因为其他方面的任何事情也是如此的绝望。故C正确。 14.D 考查动词短语辨析。A归还;B推迟;C收割;D获得回报;这种坚持和毅力几乎总是可以得到回报,后来她终于离开了工厂在计算机领域获得了一份工作。故D正确。 15.B 考查名词词义辨析。A财富;B决心;C困难;D爱;这是一个关乎决心的真实的故事。故B正确。 16. 考查反身代词。句义:这是一个关于决心和相信自己的故事。根据上文叙述可知David一直对自己很有信心。故A正确。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。A发展;B追随;跟随;C继续;D达到;句意:这是一个发现自己喜欢做的事情并追随梦想的故事。故B正确。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。A要求;B期待;C鼓励;D吸引;句意:如果你有梦想,你就应该被鼓励进行到底。成功是由你自己决定的。故C正确。 19. 考查固定搭配。Make it成功,做到;句意:成功是由你自己决定的。本文讲述的故事就是通过个人奋斗取得成功的故事。故B正确。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。A旅途;B距离;C生活;D未来;句意:记住,最远的旅途也是从第一步开始的。故A正确。 考点:教育类完形填空

---You should apologize to her, Barry.

--- _____, but it’s not going to be easy.

A. I suppose so        B. I feel so

C. I prefer to        D. I like to



English has a large vocabulary , hasn’t it ?

-- Yes. _____ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

A.Know           B. Knowing

C. To know        D. Known



—Come on , please give me some ideas about the project.

--- Sorry, with so much work ___ my mind , I always break down.

A. filled       B. filling

C. to fill      D. being filled



After he retired from office, Rogers ___ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A .took up       B. saved up

C. kept up       D. drew up



Mum is coming. What present ___ for your birthday?

A. you expect she has got

B. you expect has she got

C. do you expect she has got

D.do you expect has she got



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