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请给21世纪英语报写一题为Is cyber language dangerous?的报,陈述以上的调查结果并发表你自己的看法。

注意:1. 不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥;

2. 词数150字左右;开头已写好,不计入总词数;

3. 参考词汇: 草根文化 grass-roots culture;  庸俗 vulgar

Is cyber language dangerous

With the development of information technology, cyber language has stepped into our life and is spreading rapidly. According to a survey recently conducted among high school students, there are various views about the use of cyber language.





One possible version: Is cyber language dangerous ? With the development of information technology, cyber language has stepped into our life and is spreading rapidly. According to a survey recently conducted among high school students, there are various views about the use of cyber language. The supporters think cyber language is a product of the information age, which can be regarded as a new form of grass-roots culture. They also think cyber language words are easy to learn or understand, so they are convenient to use. Besides, cyber language can not only enrich their school life but also ease the pressure of studying because many words used online are fun and cool. However, many students reject the use of cyber language. Firstly, cyber language words are rude and vulgar. Secondly, the Chinese language is the foundation of our great culture. Overusing cyber language will cause young people to gradually forget our traditional culture. In my opinion , it is dangerous to use too much cyber language, for it may well do great harm to our mother tongue. As the foundation of the traditional culture, the Chinese language is the standard language. We teenagers should learn it well and at the same time go all out to hand down our fine traditional culture. 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇表述观点看法的作文,文章的要点基本给出,但是需要考生根据要点进行拓展发挥,而且不能有遗漏。根据提示信息可知文章应该包括三个方面内容,一是赞同的观点;二是反对的看法;三是表明自己的态度。在时态选择上应使用第一人称,而且要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型,如强调句,倒装句等,让文章更上档次。同时要注意使用合适的连接词来增加语言的连贯性,如:First,second, Besides, What’s more等。 【亮点说明】本文层次清晰,结构分明,分别用三个自然段来表述三个要点。在文中作者使用了高级词汇和多种句式结构,如定语从句which can be regarded as a new form of grass-roots culture,并列句They also think cyber language words are easy to learn or understand, so they are convenient to use和for it may well do great harm to our mother tongue.,增加了文章的亮点。此外,连接词的准确使用也是一大特色,如表述递进关系的besides,表示转折关系的however,以及表示顺序的firstly,secondly等。 考点:考查提纲作文  

Some people believe that greed and selfishness has become the basis of modern society, and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?

In this fast-paced world, many values are undergoing major changes. While people

traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbed and self-concerned.

Modern people act selfishly to survive the harsh competition of life. They say that it is a jungle out there. To survive, you have to fight with whatever means that come handy. Obviously greedy and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas. In a company, employees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position, even at the cost of colleagues. We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct. It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to outside influences.

In spite of common practice, it is hard to conclude that modern society is built on greed and selfishness, both of which are not newly invented vocabulary. In ancient times people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were more condemned then. But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively more isolated life and faced less pressure compared with their modern counterparts.

Are we happier to share with others and be generous to them? There is no fixed answer either. Some people take great pleasure helping and giving to others while others feel happy doing the opposite. But I personally think that people should not be too selfish. Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.

In conclusion, modern people appear to be more self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure. However, we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.

Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish?

Main comparisons


1.   are changing

In the past people put caring, sharing and generosity in the first 2.   .

Nowadays, people seem to be more   3.

about themselves.

4.   are changing too.

People in the past appeared to be modest and self-effacing(谦让的)

People may strive to achieve their own  5.   at the price of their coworkers.

The authors  understanding

6.   for changes in authors eyes

Fierce  7.  and great  8.  on modern people may be responsible for the changes.

The authors  9.  towards topic.

A relationship which can  10.  two sides should be established.



Chinese college students have graduated to find the job market vary from when they entered school and those so-called “hot courses” might fail to land them good jobs.

Graduates with different majors have very different experiences in the job market. But degrees in finance, economics and a few other fields often guarantee good jobs.

“I have applied to 15 companies online, and most of them show interest in hiring me,” said WangLi, a postgraduate of labor Economics at Southwest University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He said that all the students of economics, finance and accounting in his university had received at least two job offers.

Students of mining and materials science that were not popular before, however, have observed more employment opportunities than before. The employment rate of graduates from the courses was 100 percent at Guizhou University.

On the contrary, some so-called “hot courses” including law, journalism and computer science that have received large groups of students, failed them in the job market. Experts said high tuition fee of those courses led to blind enrollment expansion.

Another problem which makes it difficult for graduates to find jobs is the gap between school- learned- knowledge and requirements of real career.

In 2007, merely 60percent of computer science graduates were employed. Meanwhile, job vacancies in IT industry exceeded one million. IT companies complained about the large amount of money they spend on pre-career training of new employees. They hope universities adjust their courses to better prepare students for their future work.

In addition to academic background, employers are looking for college graduates with a good sense of responsibility. This merit is followed by a sense of team work, ambition, flexibility, eloquence, independence, confidence, pressure-bearing ability, communication skills and so on.

1.The graduates with degrees in “hot courses” may have difficulty in finding satisfactory jobs probably because ______________.

A. the graduates with such degrees are of poor quality

B. those fields have developed slowly in recent years

C. there are too many graduates with such degrees

D. enterprises will not employ the graduates with such degrees

2.The words “hot courses” in the first paragraph of this passage refers to “________”.

A. law, journalism and computer science

B. economics, finance and accounting

C. mining and materials science

D. economics, journalism and materials science

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Economics, finance and accounting are no longer “hot” now.

B. Quite a number of college students don’t work hard at their lessons.

C. The quality of some of the college graduates can not meet the demands of companies.

D. Universities have already adjusted their courses to prepare students for their future work.

4.The author seems to agree that __________.

A. middle school graduates should choose good universities as well as good majors

B. besides academic background, sense of responsibility is also very important

C. university students shouldn’t work hard at their lessons

D. middle school graduates should not choose these “hot courses”



When I was an education official in Palo Alto, California, Polly Tyner, the president of our school board, wrote a letter that was printed in the Palo Alto Times. Polly’s son, Jim, had great difficulty in school. He was classified as the educationally disabled and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers. But Jim was a happy kid with a great smile that lit up the room. His parents acknowledged his academic difficulties, but always tried to help him see his strengths so that he could walk with pride. Shortly after Jim finished high school, he was killed in a motorcycle accident. After his death, his mother submitted this letter to the newspaper:

Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident on Friday night. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known I would have said, “Jim, I love you and I’m very proud of you.”

I would have taken the time to count the many blessings he brought to the lives of the many who loved him. I would have taken the time to appreciate his beautiful smile, the sound of his laughter, his genuine love of people.

When you put all the good qualities on the scale and try to balance all the irritating phenomena such as the radio which was always too loud, the haircut that wasn’t to our liking, the dirty socks under the bed, etc., your angry feelings won’t amount to much.

I won’t get another chance to tell my son all that I would have wanted him to hear, but, other parents, you do have a chance. Tell your young people what you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last conversation. The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He called me to say, “Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you. Got to go to work. Bye.” He gave me something to treasure forever.

If there is any purpose at all for Jim’s death, maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to have people, especially family members, take the time to let each other know just how much we care.

You may never have another chance.

1.According to the passage, we know that _______.

A. Jim was always ashamed of himself

B. Jim did very well in his studies

C. Jim’s parents were patient with him

D. Jim failed to finish his high school

2.The underlined word irritating in Paragraph 4 most probably means _______.

A. annoying B. aggressive

C. impatient D. thrilling

3.By writing the letter printed in the Palo Alto Times, the author intends to _______.

A. mourn her son’s sudden death in a traffic accident

B. remind people to be cautious of motorcycles

C. tell parents to take better care of their children

D. suggest people taking the chance to express their love in time

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Love your Family.             B. Do it Today.

C. Walk with Pride.               D. Appreciate Smiles.



If you are hungry, what will you do? Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just like stomach, even your mind will be hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things. So it silently begins to hide your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets its full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think What happens next?, Why cant I think?, Why am I always given the difficult problems? Well, this is the after-effect of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things.

Hunger of the mind can be actually satisfied through extensive reading. But why is it reading but not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educational tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to turn to reading for help. You have a number of books in the world which will answer all your how-to questions. Once you read a book, you just dont run your eyes through the lines, but your mind decodes (译解) it and explains it to you. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed, if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, which you would never thought of in your wildest dreams! This is nothing but creativity. The more books you read, the wider your mind will become. Also this improves your oratorical (speech-making) skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. When you start speaking English or any other language fluently with your friends or other people, you never seem to run out of the right words at the right time.

Actually, I had a problem in speaking English fluently, but as I read, I could improve significantly. So guys, do join me and give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. Now what are you waiting for? Go, grab a book and let me know!

1. Whats the best title of the passage?

A. Hunger of the mind

B. Stomach and Mind

C. Feed your Mind by reading

D. Reading or Watching TV

2.You dont know your mind is in hunger because _____.

A. you are not hungry

B. you keep it thinking of silly things

C. your creativity gets a full stop

D. you always meet with difficult problems

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantage of reading?

A. Reading can make your dream come true.

B. Reading can contribute to your vocabulary.

C. Reading can improve your spoken ability.

D. Reading can make people creative.

4.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _______.

A. comment and blame      B. introduce and describe

C. explain and persuade   D. advise and inform



Compared to the other parts of the body, our ears don’t ask for much. They don't need to be brushed once a day like your teeth. But they need some special care, especially if you like listening to music with earphones.

Maybe your mum or dad has told you, "Turn that down before you go deaf!" Well, they are quite right. Loud noise might cause hearing loss for a short time or even forever. Think that earphones are a good way to escape from tour parents’ eyes? Well. It may not be as good a way as you expect. American doctors have studied a group of 44,000 people who used earphones more than 15 hours per week. The doctors found that 37,000 of them were getting hearing problems.

If you use earphones for too long a time, your ears might feel painful. You could also lose your hearing for the rest of your life. So don’t wear your earphones too long. Use them less than one hour a day. Want sharp hearing? Don’t forget to do the following: Try to stay away from places where there is too much noise, like a disco. If you have to go, wear earplugs. When swimming, remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from getting in. Never put anything sharp into your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, ask your mum or dad to help you clean it out.

Keep these things in mind! Then you won't be saying "WHAT???" when you are older.

1.Using earphones "may not be as good a way as you expect" because _______.

A. your parents know what you're doing

B. it can cause hearing problems

C. it makes your parents angry

D. most of you use them improperly

2.If you want sharp hearing, you should _____.

A. have your ears specially trained

B. often wear earplugs and clean out the earwax

C. take good care of your ears

D. choose what you listen to carefully

3."WHAT???" in the last sentence is an expression showing that the speaker____.

A. has become impatient

B. speaks in a loud voice

C. is slow in understanding

D. asks for a lot of repetition



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