满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完型填空 (共一篇, 20小题目, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, ...

完型填空 (共一篇, 20小题目, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案

A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the________ that he is not capable of it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how to make the ________ of his mental faculties(官能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of _________ anything new because of their age.

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real _________ , because he feels that it _________ be useless, he won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for success, and he won’t work his hardest, even though he may_________ he is doing so. He is _________ likely to fail, and the failure will ________ belief in his incompetence(无能). Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had a (an) _________ like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor ________ in maths. His teacher told his _________ he had no ability in maths in order that they would not ________ too much of him._________he too accepted _________ mistaken thinking of his ability, and he felt that it was useless to ________, and was very poor at maths, ________ as they expected.

One day he worked out a problem which _________ of the other students had been able to solve. Adler succeeded in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now ________ with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at ________. He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned early in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may _________ himself as well as others by his ability.

1.A. belief        B. way          C. fact          D. condition

2.A. biggest       B. most          C. highest      D. deepest

3.A. teaching      B. learning      C. accepting      D. using

4.A. decision      B. success          C. effort          D. trouble

5.A. would        B. should          C. must          D. could

6.A. forget        B. think          C. guess          D. understand

7.A. nevertheless   B. moreover      C. however      D. therefore

8.A. lead to        B. add to          C. take to      D. contribute to

9.A. experience    B. example      C. thought      D. story

10.A. state         B. mind          C. start          D. ending

11.A. classmates    B. friends        C. neighbors      D. parents

12.A. blame        B. expect          C. get          D. win

13.A. Virtually     B. Totally        C. Fortunately  D. Especially

14.A. it           B. her             C. its          D. their

15.A. manage      B. succeed          C. try          D. act

16.A. only         B. almost          C. just          D. nearly

17.A. none         B. all             C. many          D. most

18.A. lived         B. worked       C. played      D. graduated

19.A. 1essons     B. medicine      C. subjects      D. maths

20.A. encourage     B. love          C. astonish      D. disappoint


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文以Alfred Alder医生在小学学习数学的事情为例,说明了自信心对于人的学习、工作的重要性 1.A考查名词辨析A. belief信念;B. way方法 C. fact事实;D. condition 条件;句意:也许他会有这样的信念,也就是他自己没有能力。根据下方提到A child may think he is stupid可知这是一种想法,故选A项。 2.2】B考查固定搭配;A. biggest最大;B. most最多;C. highest最高;D. deepest最深;句意:因为他不知道如何充分利用自己的能力,所以认为自己愚蠢。make full use of充分利用,固定搭配; 3.3】B考查动词辨析A. teaching教;B. learning学习;C. accepting接受;D. using用;句意:老人们可以会认为自己年龄很大,不能再学习新鲜事物了,根据常识来进行推断,故选B项。 4.4】C考查名词辨析A. decision决定;B. success成功;C. effort努力;D. trouble麻烦;句意为:一个认为自己无能的人是不会尽一切努力的,因为他感到这样做也没有用。make an effort指“尽力、努力”,固定搭配。 5.5】A考查情态动词。A. would会;B. should应该;C. must必须;D. could能够;句意:他感觉这会是无用的。Would 表示过去习惯发生的动作,故选A项。 6.6】B考查动词辨析A. forget 忘记;B. think认为; C. guess猜测; D. understand明白;即使他认为自己努力了,但是实际上他并没有努力。根据语境,这是作者的一贯的思维,故B项。 7.7】D考查副词辨析A. nevertheless然而;B. moreover此外;C. however然而;D. therefore因此;正是因为上文所说的原因,因此他很可能会失败,故选D项。 8.8】B考查动词短语A. lead to导致;B. add to增加; C. take to喜欢开始;D. contribute to有助于;不断的失败又会加强了他这样的想法,认为自己没有能力。根据语境,作者的不断失败又巩固这个想法,故选B项。 9.9】A考查名词辨析A. experience经验;B. example举例;C. thought想法;D. story故事;句意:Alfred Adler也有类似的经历。根据下方提到When he was a small boy,,可知选A项。 10.0】C考查名词辨析A. state状态;B. mind 想法;C. start 开始;D. ending结束;根据下文,后来Alfred Alder 数学学得很好。因此只是开始(start )学得不好,故选C项。 11.1】D考查名词辨析A. classmates同学;B. friends朋友;C. neighbors邻居;D. parents父母;句意:他的老师告诉他的父母,他没有能力学好数学。根据语境,可知老师将这事告诉了父母,故选D项。 12.2】B考查动词辨析A. blame责备;B. expect期望;C. get得到;D. win赢得;句意:他的老师告诉他的父母,他没有能力学好数学为的是父母不要期望太多。expect too much of him指对他期望过高,故选B项。 13.3】D考查副词辨析A. Virtually 实际上;B. Totally 完全地;C. Fortunately幸运地;D. Especially尤其;句意:尤其是,他得接受这种错误的意识。根据句意,父母与老师的不太期望,让他有了这种错误的意识,故选D项。 14.4】A考查代词辨析A. it 它;B. her她C. its它(宾格)D. their他们的;句意:尤其是,他得接受这种错误的意识。It 代指的是数学不好的错误的意识,故选A项。 15.5】C考查动词辨析A. manage管理,成功做成;B. succeed成功;C. try尝试;D. act行动;句意:他自己也认为努力没有用,自己的数学真得很差,既然都认为自己数学不好,也是没有必要尝试了,故选C项。 16.6】C考查副词辨析A. only只有;B. almost几乎;C. just仅仅;D. nearly几乎;句意:这一切恰如老师和父母所认为的那样。根据语境,错误的意识再不断给他的自信以压力,故选C项。 17.7】A考查代词辨析A. none 没有;B. all所有; C. many许多;D. most很多 ;句意:他做出了一道很多别的同学都无法做出的数学题,这让他信心大增。根据语境选A项。 18.8】B考查动词辨析A. lived居住;B. worked工作;C. played玩;D. graduated毕业;句意:他带着兴趣,决心和目的在学习。根据上文提到,受到鼓励,所以继续努力,故选B项。 19.9】D考查名词辨析A. 1essons功课;B. medicine机器;C. subjects科目;D. maths数学。句意:他现在对数学非常感兴趣,很有信心,最后变得很擅长数学了。根据上下文可知他擅长了数学,故选D项。 20.20】C考查动词辨析A. encourage鼓励;B. love 爱;C. astonish吃惊;D. disappoint失望。句意:他可以鼓励他自己和别人。根据句意通过这事可以来鼓励更多 的人,故选C项。 考点:故事类短文。

第二部分:语法填空 15分(每空1.5分)

W: Good morning. I’m Linda Li

M: please have 1._____________ seat, Miss Li. I received your resume last week, and I’m very 2._____________(impress).

W: Thank you.

M: May I ask 3.____________ do you want to leave your present job ?

W: I’ve always wanted to work in a larger company 4.____________ offers more opportunities for development.

M: I understand, but why are you interested in working for 5._____________ company ?

W: Well, as far as I know, your company has an impressive reputation and a good working environment.

M: That’s so good to hear . Why do you think you are the right person 6.____________this position?

W: I’m a business major and I 7._____________(work) for three years in this field. Besides, I have excellent written 8.____________(communicate) skills.

M: Any hobbies?

W: Yes. I like watching moves and I often go 9._____________(swim)

M: Oh, that’s interesting. We’ll let you know the result as soon as possible.

W: Ok, thanks. It was nice meeting you .

M: It was nice meeting you 10.____________, and thanks for coming in today.





1.课内互动 (师生或生生互动);

2.课外活动 (演讲或晚会等);

3.运用英语 (口头或书面交流);







Recently we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun.






[1] What is fear of money ? And who are the people who suffer from it ? If its the first time youre hearing about this kind of condition, this is the chance for you to learn more.

[2] Fear of money is a fear of wealth usually brought about by a past experience. Some people develop this fear when they find themselves buried in debt and without a clue on how to overcome it.

[3] There are a lot of different factors that contribute to this phenomenon.. If you want to learn how to overcome it, read on.

[4] Be Conscious About Your Fear. The first step to overcoming fear of money is proper awareness. All too often, we fear what we dont understand. The same principle applies when it comes to money. If you know how much debt youve really accumulated, you at least know what youre dealing with.

[5] Talk To Others About It. If you want to overcome your fear of money, why not talk about it with friends and family ? You dont want to broadcast every little detail about your financial matters, but you do need to let out a little bit of steam and perhaps, realize that youre not the only one having issues.

[6] Make Money Decisions Regularly. If you really want to get over your fear of money, you have to be more hands-on. So why dont you make money decisions from time to time ? Decide how much you want to save up this year. Decide where you want to invest your money in the next few months. Of course, you have to make careful and calculated decisions.

[7] Fear of money is easier to conquer with the right amount of knowledge and determination. Dont be frightened by money. Fear is but a state of mind.

1.What is the main idea of the text ? (no more than 8 words)


2.How many steps are mentioned to overcome fear of money ? (no more than 2 words)


3.Who can you talk to about your fear of money ? (no more than 4 words)


4.What do we usually fear ? ( no more than 4 words)


5.Whats the authors suggestion to those who really want to get over fear of money ? ( no more than 4 words)




People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy. They are in closely contact with nature. They make friends with trees and stones. They can own dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the songs of birds.

This contact with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city. but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people.

Because of the absence of cars, one can walk more freely in the country than in the city. There are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey.

People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fresh milk. And they get them at lower prices than in the city.

Country life is economical in other ways, too. There are practically no temptations (诱惑)to waste money.

Country people are mostly honest. They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with sincerity (诚意). They do not put on air. They do not pretend to have those ridiculous (荒谬的) manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.

1.What cant country people often enjoy ?

A.Musical concerts.

B.Fresh air.

C.Song of birds.

D.Close contact with nature.

2.What is probably more expensive in country than in the city ?

A.Vegetables.  B.Beer.

C.Milk.      D.Fruit.

3.What is NOT true of country life ?

A.The traffic accident rate is very high in the country.

B.Living in the country saves one a lot of money.

C.Country people enjoy better health than the city people.

D.Country people are honest.

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?

A.People living in the country enjoy no advantages.

B.People living in the city are in close contact with nature.

C.People living in the country suffer from more diseases than those living in the city.

D.The prices of farm products are lower in the country than in the city.

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ?

A.The Disadvantages of Living in the Country.

B.The Expenses of Living in the Country.

C.Country Life.

D.Healthy Country People.



Situated along Wangfujing Avenue, the Wangfujing Grand Hotel enjoys a prime location with easy access to many tourist attractions such as the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and Beihai Park.

Each luxurious room at the Wangfujing Grand is elegantly furnished and comes equipped with modern amenities including satellite TV, internet access and attached bathroom. Most rooms overlook the Forbidden City or Wangfujing Avenue, providing stunning views.

Hotel guests can swim in the indoor pool or workout at the fitness centre while a sauna and spa lets visitor relax and unwind. Other hotel facilities include a beauty salon, gift shop and travel and tickets service.

The Regent Beijing

Surrounded by the modern business district and the ancient streets of old Beijing, Regent Hotel is truly the place to enjoy a world of luxury at a good value.

Situated within walking distance of the main commercial district, Regent Beijing is very close to shops, entertainment outlets, eateries and nightlife. Major attractions like Forbidden Palace and Tiananmen Square are just a 5-minute drive away.

The world-class Regent Beijing not only offers excellent facilities for leisure and business, it also provides personalized and thoughtful service.

Pamper yourself with a treatment in one of the spas private rooms or relax in the elegant indoor pool. Energize in the large fitness centre or enjoy some retail shopping at the luxury boutiques.

Raffles Beijing Hotel

Raffles Beijing Hotel is in the heart of the prestigious business and commercial districts and a few minutes from the mystical Forbidden from the mystical Forbidden City, historical Tiananmen Square, the Silk Market and other famous sights. It is also a short 15 minutes walk from Beijing railway station and less than 5 minutes from Wangfujing subway station, and approximately 40 minutes by car from Beijing Capital International Airport.

Raffles Beijing Hotel was built in the 1900s, now already as an icon of Beijings historical heritage. It is ideally situated at the crossroads of famous Chang An Avenue and the district of Wangfujing.

1.The underlined word anmenities, as used in the passage, can best be defined as          .

A.comfortable accommodation.

B.convenient transportation.

C.nutritious food.

D.amusing toys.

2.If you choose to stay in Wangfujing Grand Hotel, you can do the following except     .

A.doing some swimming in the pool.

B.doing physical exercise at the fitness centre.

C.going to Forbidden Palace without leaving the hotel.

D.buying souvenirs in the gift shop.

3.We can learn from the passage that            .

A.Regent Beijing is very close to Beijing railway station.

B.Regent Beijing is a world-class hotel with excellent facilities.

C.Only in the Regent Beijing can you enjoy some retail shopping.

D.Regent Beijing is now an icon of Beijings historical heritage.

4.Which of the following is closest to Raffles Beijing Hotel ?

A.Beijing railway station.

B.Wangfujing subway station.

C.Wangfujing Grand Hotel.

D.Beijing Capital International Airport.

5.The passage is written for            .

A.students.   B.passengers.

C.tourists.  D.businessmen.



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