满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

William: Hello! Nice to meet you again!...


William: Hello! Nice to meet you again!

Mary: How have you ____1.____ recently? And hows your new apartment working out?

William: Well, thats ___2._____ Im calling about. You see, Ive decided to look for a new place.

Mary: Oh, whats the problem with your ___3.___ now? I thought you liked it.

William: I do, but its a little far from the campus. Do you think you could help?

Mary: All right. So, what kind of place are you ___4.___ (look) for?

William: Well, Id like to share an apartment ____5.___  one or two roommates within walking distance of school.

Mary: Okay, how much do you want to spend ___6.__ rent?

William: Oh, somewhere under $200 a month.

Mary: Hmm. And anything ___7.___?

William: Yeah, I need a ____8.______ (park) space.

Mary: Well, I know theres an apartment ___9.___ (near). Ill drop by there on my way to class today.

William: ____10.______.

Mary: No problem.


1.been 2.what 3.apartment 4.looking 5.with 6.on 7.else 8.parking 9.nearby 10.Thank you/Thanks a lot 【解析】 试题分析:题目考查学生对上下文的联系,还考查了学生对时态、表语从句、名词、介词、形容词、副词等知识的掌握情况。 1.考查现在完成时。句意:你最近怎么样?根据句意,且由have可知用的完成时。故填been。 2.考查表语从句。句意:那是我所打电话谈的事情。这是一个表语从句,空中作表语,故填what。 3.考查名词。句意:你现在的部门怎么了?这里空指代前面的apartment,故填apartment。 4.考查现在进行时。句意:你现在在找什么地方?表示正在进行的动作,故填looking。 5.考查介词。句意:我想和一两个室友一起合租公寓。share sht.with sb.固定搭配,与某人分享……。故填with。 6.考查介词。句意:你想要租多少钱的。on rent为固定搭配,表示租房的标准。故填on。 7.考查形容词。句意:其他的一些事情呢?Anything else.固定搭配,表示其他的呢。故填else。 8.考查名词。句意:我需要停车位。parking place固定搭配,停车位。故选parking。 9.考查副词。句意:我知道附近有个公屋。空中在句中表示副词,near用nearly。 10.考查情景交际,句意:谢谢你。由下句 No problem.可以推断出。故填Thank you/Thanks a lot. 故填Thaink you/Thanks a lot. 考点:考查时态、表语从句、名词、介词、形容词、副词。

Adele Green was just 11 weeks old when her father left the family. ________, hes never returned. Now, after having a Facebook campaign to find him, the _________ daughter has finally found her father, more than three ________ later.

Adele posted an old photo of her _______ on the social networking site. Then, she was _______ by a man who said he knew her father. The man had seen my post, which had been ______ more than 21,000 times. They had ______ each other because of a homeless charity. An hour later, he called me and gave me a _____. I rang it and then there he was my dad, on the other end of the _____.

Derek is now 63, who was 33 when he walked out of the family home. The family had ______ he worked at his office, but he didnt appear there at all. They spent days ______, but in vain. Police also conducted inquiries, ______ were unable to find Derek. He himself ________ made contact with his friends or family again.

Though her father never contacted her family, Adele says she is excited to _____ him and isnt looking for answers. When I first got to his house, I was very scared, ____ Adele I knew I couldnt go and expect anything. But it ______ out quite well. We got on like a house on fire(极好地), and its the _______ 24 hours of my life. I wasnt looking for _______, and just getting to know him was ______ for me. I want to thank every person, who read and shared my post online. Because _____ all of you, I would never have found him. It is a fairy tale ending and Im just so happy.

1.A. Soon after     B. Before long   C. Since then   D. In future

2.A. crazy         B. angry       C. young       D. devoted

3.A. decades     B. years      C. months         D. centuries

4.A. sister      B. father     C. mother         D. friend

5.A. stopped     B. noticed     C. followed      D. contacted

6.A. changed     B. shared     C. collected     D. bought

7.A. visited     B.avoided  C. known         D. harmed

8.A. number    B. photo     C. letter         D. telephone

9.A. phone      B. street     C. world          D. story

10.A. thought     B. fooled     C. imagined        D. feared

11.A. helping     B. searching    C. hearing     D. worrying

12.A. though     B. unless     C. but             D. so

13.A. even     B. seldom    C. often        D. never

14.A. find     B. doubt     C. invite         D. follow

15.A. thanks       B. watches     C. recalls      D. lies

16.A. stood     B. worked     C. picked         D. moved

17.A. longest     B. worst     C. best      D. latest

18.A. effects      B. plans     C. pains      D. answers

19.A. usual     B. common    C. unfair      D. enough

20.A. without      B. with     C. about      D. for



In America, seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WIN-WIN.__ 1.___ However, as time goes by, I have gradually comprehended the meaning of WIN-WIN principle---it is the attitude of seeking mutual(相互的) benefit.

When I was little, I used to play Chinese checkers(跳棋) which include two basic tactics(战术): ___2.___ The other is to block the passages of your rival. Players may apply these two totally different approaches in the game, but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for himself even if his opponent(对手) may take advantage of it. ____3._____ Meanwhile, some player may take another approach to prevent his opponent from moving forward at all costs. By this he may get a short-term benefit, but couldnt fix attention on the final goal, thus he would never truly develop further.

___4.____ Its core is to achieve your objective while giving other people some benefits, so there is no real loser. One example of applying the WIN-WIN principle is the voluntary system in the US. __5.__

It is quite usual that some people are too selfish and never take other peoples interests into consideration, while someone who really has courage to do something for the public is often called foolish or stupid. Actually helping other people can be of great delight to the helper, for he can also learn something important for his life such as sympathy, care, devotion, etc. So taking other peoples interests into earnest consideration can you assure your own gain.

A.Playing Chinese checkers really needs skill.

B. In the 1990s, a strategy(策略) called WIN-WIN became widespread in the western world.

C. It was important for me after I knew its meaning.

D. One is to create paths for yourself.

E. Most Americans advocate(提倡,拥护) the spirit of social service and voluntary contribution.

F. It sounded strange to me at first.

G. Finally he can always reach the destination a few steps ahead of the other player.



                       Dress codes cause us arguments

The first day of school is always a chaotic(混乱的) time. For many students in the US, this year was even more so. It was all due to one extra school policy. They are now required to wear clothes that meet a new standardized dress code(规范).

According to the handbooks of all high schools in Allentown, Pennsylvania, students must wear short or long sleeve polo shirts and khaki(卡其色的) or black pants. Skinny jeans, leggings(紧身裤), and open toe shoes are not allowed.

Allentown schools are not alone. Overall, about 57 percent of American public schools now have a strict dress code, up from more than 47 percent a decade earlier, said USA Today.

Some students dont mind wearing a similar attire(服装) every day. It takes away the daily fashion show and helps level the playing fields a little bit with the haves and have-nots, longtime school safety consultant Ken Trump told USA Today.

But others arent happy, claiming that uniforms rob students of individuality(个性).

While school uniforms have been a popular topic to discuss recently in the US, however, in the UK there are much fewer questions about them-they are a tradition.

School uniforms in England were first introduced during the reign(统治) of King Henry VIII in the 16th century. They became popular following the Elementary Education Act of 1870. The UK Department of Educations website states: The Department strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it cancontribute to the beliefs of a school and set the correct tone.

The uniform is now a strong part of school culture in the UK. Schools sometimes even have Mufti(便服) days on which students can wear their own clothes if they make a small donation(捐赠) to charity.

However, the tradition does not mean that school uniforms are popular there.

Many children hate them, according to Aisha on the BBC Newsround website. Ask UK students why they wear a school uniform and their answer will mostly likely be, because we have to.

1. We can infer from the first three paragraphs that ________.

A. there is a strict standardized dress code in most American public schools

B. the high schools in Allentown, Pennsylvania have the strictest dress code in the US

C. there has been a growing trend of strict dress codes in US high schools in the last decade

D. the new standardized dress code in Allentowns high schools was put forward by teachers and parents

2. We can learn from the article that students attitudes towards dress codes are _____

A. negative     B. divided

C. supportive  D. doubtful

3.What does paragraph 7 mainly talk about?

A. The popularity of school uniforms in the UK.

B. The history and tradition of school uniforms in the UK.

C. The benefits of promoting school uniforms in the UK.

D. The UK Department of Educations requirements on school uniforms.

4.According to the article, on Mufti days, students in some UK schools ______.

A. are required to make a donation to charity

B. can vote to choose their own school uniforms

C. can wear their own clothes if they contribute to charity

D. are allowed to wear whatever they like for the morning



“Indeed,” George Washington wrote in his diary in 1785, “some kind of fly, or bug, had begun to eat the leaves before I left home.” But the father of America was not the father of bug. When Washington wrote that, Englishmen had been referring to insects as bugs for more than a century, and Americans had already created lightning-bug(萤火虫). But the English were soon to stop using the bugs in their language, leaving it to the Americans to call a bug a bug in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The American bug could also be a person, referring to someone who was crazy about a particular activity. Although fan became the usual term, sports fans used to be called racing bugs, baseball bugs, and the like.

Or the bug could be a small machine or object, for example, a bug-shaped car. The bug could also be a burglar alarm, from which comes the expression to bug, that is, “to install (安装) an alarm”. Now it means a small piece of equipment that people use for listening secretly to others’ conversation. Since the 1840s, to bug has long meant “to cheat”, and since the 1940s it has been annoying.

We also know the bug as a flaw in a computer program or other design. That meaning dates back to the time of Thomas Edison. In 1878 he explained bugs as “little problems and difficulties” that required months of study and labor to overcome in developing a successful product. In 1889 it was recorded that Edison “had been up the two previous nights discovering ‘a bug’ in his invented record player.”

1.We learn from Paragraph 1 that ___________.

A. Americans had difficulty in learning to use the word bug

B. George Washington was the first person to call an insect a bug

C. the word bug was still popularly used in English in the nineteenth century

D. both Englishmen and Americans used the word bug in the eighteenth century

2. What does the word flaw in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Explanation.  B. Finding.

C. Origin.       D. Fault.

3.The passage is mainly concerned with__________.

A. the misunderstanding of the word bug

B. the development of the word bug

C. the public views of the word bug

D. the special characteristics of the word bug



Win a Week in England

You still dont know what to do this summer? Well, heres your chance to win a one-week language course in Kent, England! Free4Fun and ETC(English Travel Connections) are giving away two trips to Rochester. This historic city is less than an hours drive from London and close to the sea resort of Herne Bay. It is also the home of one of Englands most famous writers, Charles Dickens. The town of the Rochester is in Southeast England. Charles Dickens often wrote about it in his books. His home, Gads Hill,is there too. A popular attraction is Rochester Castle,a large Norman fortress(堡垒). It was built in the 11th century and rebuilt during the 14th century. Other attractions are Rochester Cathedral, which was built during the 13th century, and Dickens Centre. It has  got its name in honour of Dickens himself.

The trip to England includes:

* travel by train (via the Eurotunnel) to and from any railway station in Germany

* room and full board with a guest family for one week

* language course in small groups

* two trips to London

* large choice of sports and entertainment

* German-speaking advisors available 24 hours a day

Interested? All you have to do is to answer the following question: When was Charles Dickens born?

So, take the chance and send your answer by May1 to:

Free4Fun Rochester

Free4Fun, 24 Elphinstone Road, Hastings, 2FQ6VJ

Fax: 089/85-763-103

e-mail: free4fun@netlight.com

The two winners will be contacted directly before May5. They will also be announced in the June issue of Free4Fun. Good luck!

For further information contact:

Phone: (03212)144-43

Fax: (03212) 144-42

e-mail: info@etc.com

1.Rochester Cathedral was built in the ___________.

A. 1400s      B.1300s      C. 1200s     D. 1100s

2.What activities can you participate in during the trip?

A. Enjoying sports and entertainment.

B. Learning the German language.

C. Traveling by train with a guest family.

D. Working as a language advisor.

3.This advertisement was designed to target _______.

A. Italians    B. Germans

C. Europeans     D. Americans



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