满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Will you _________ playing basketball? A...

Will you _________ playing basketball?

A. join us in       B. join to

C. attend           D. take part


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查固定搭配。Join sb in sth/doing sth和某人一起做某事;attend参加(会议);take part in参加(活动);句义:你要和我一起打篮球吗?根据横线后面的playing说明本句应该使用join sb in doing sth的结构。故A正确。 考点:考查固定搭配  

Good friends usually share the same interest and agree _____ most things but sometimes   they also disagree _____ each other _____something

A. on; with; to    B. to; with; about

C. on; with; on        D. with; with; on



The village is ______what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago.

A. not any longer      B. no longer

C. no more           D. not any more



   finish the difficult task on time, we had to work day and night for weeks.

A. So as to B. So that

C. In order that D. In order to



Mary has been abroad for 6 months. I    have written to her but I haven’t had time.

A. must B. could  C. should  D. might



While    through the old photos, I thought of many happy days.

A. looked  B. look

C. looking  D. to look



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