满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a Christmas break from school alm...

It was a Christmas break from school almost 40 years ago. I had spent most of the morning like any boy would,       outside in the snow and enjoying the sunlight on the         day of the year. I liked stepping through the snow, making snowballs to         the trees, and watching the smoky breath float (飘) out of my         . After a while, though, the         got to be too much and I went           .

It was warm in the house. I         my wet coat and put on my favorite blue sweater. Then I walked into the           . My mom and grandma had just           baking two loaves of Italian bread. Mom looked up, smiled at me and asked me what I wanted for         . I smiled back and pointed to the delicious bread. Mom laughed,           a slice off the bread, and buttered it for me. Then she told me to go sit           the stove (炉子) in the living room. Taking my slice with me I sat in my favorite chair, and felt the gentle heat (热) from the stove           my little body. It was a moment of pure           . I felt so good and so loved that I         it to this day.

Our daily         and love are all we need in this life. They are all we need to       . Anything else is just an extra blessing to be used to make this world a       place for us all.

Be thankful for the daily bread that fills your       and for daily love that fills your soul. Then go out and with great joy         your bread, your blessings, and your love with the world.

1.A. talking B. driving C. playing D. singing

2.A. hottest B. shortest       C. quickest D. biggest

3.A. pick up B. look for   C. care about     D. throw at

4.A. pool        B. mouth C. box   D. room

5.A. illness B. waste         C. cold   D. smoke

6.A. away B. fast C. alone        D. inside

7.A. took off    B. put aside C. gave away D. found out

8.A. classroom B. station C. kitchen       D. office

9.A. finished    B. suggested C. allowed D. begun

10.A. rest B. lunch         C. support D. pleasure

11.A. beat B. pulled   C. ate          D. cut

12.A. around  B. by C. under   D. with

13.A. warm       B. touch C. help   D. protect

14.A. friendship B. freedom  C. peace   D. luck

15.A. remember   B. write C. respect   D. follow

16.A. chance B. advice C. news         D. bread

17.A. change B. live C. travel     D. think

18.A. cleaner   B. closer       C. better     D. cooler

19.A. memory B. house C. hand D. stomach

20.A. save B. share         C. take     D. make


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:幸福和安静是什么?就是我们每天所吃的面包以及家人对我们的爱。真正的幸福是与别人分享着一切。这才是生活的真谛。 1.C考查动词词义辨析。A谈论;B驾驶;C玩耍;D唱歌;句意:我就像大部分的男孩子一样在早晨的时候在雪里玩耍。其余三项都包括在paly之中了,故C正确、 2.B 考查常识。每年的12月份都是一年中白天最短的时候,所以说我欣赏一年中最短暂的阳光。故B正确。 3.D 考查动词短语辨析。A捡起,用车接;B寻找;C照顾;D扔向;我喜欢踏在雪上,做雪球扔向树,并看着嘴里的热气呼出来凝结成雾飘在空中。故D正确。 4.B 考查常识。在冬天的时候,嘴巴里呼出去的热气很快就凝结成雾气。句意:我喜欢踏在雪上,做雪球扔向树,并看着嘴里的热气呼出来凝结成雾飘在空中。故B正确。 5.C 名词辨析。A疾病;B废物;C寒冷;D烟;句意:过了一会,天气变得更冷了,所以我走了进去。故C正确。 6.D考查副词辨析。A离开;B快速地;C单独地;D里面;句意:天气变得更冷了,所以我走了进去。故D正确。 7.A 考查动词短语辨析。A脱掉;B收拾,整理,放在一边;C赠送,泄露,出卖;D发现,找到;句意:房间里很温暖,我脱下湿了的外套,穿上我最喜欢的毛衣。故A正确。 8.C 考查上下文串联。根据下文baking two loaves of Italian bread烤好两条意大利面包,说明妈妈和奶奶在厨房里。 9.A 考查动词词义辨析。A完成,做完;B建议,说明;C允许;D开始;句意:妈妈和奶奶刚刚烤好两条面包。根据句意说明A正确。 10.B 考查名词辨析。A休息;B午饭;C支持;D快乐;妈妈抬头微笑着看着我,问我午饭要吃什么。故B正确。 11.D 考查动词词义辨析。A击败,打败;B拉;C吃;D切;砍;妈妈笑着切下一块面包并涂上黄油递给我。根据句义可知是把面包切下来。故D正确。 12.B 考查介词辨析。A在…附近;B在…旁边;C在…下面;D随着;然后妈妈让我坐在炉子旁边。本句by表示很近,在靠近的程度上好于around。故B正确。 13.A 考查动词词义辨析。A温暖;B触摸;C帮助;D保护;火炉里的热量温暖着我小小的身体。故A正确。 14.C 考查名词词义辨析。A友谊;B自由;C宁静;D运气;我坐在火炉边吃着面包,享受着真正的宁静。故C正确。 15.A 考查动词词义辨析。A记得;B写作;C尊敬;D跟随;采纳;句意:我感觉如此只好以至于直到今天我仍然还记得。根据句义可知我记得如此美好的感觉。故A正确。 16.D 考查上下文串联。根据54空前Be thankful for the daily bread感谢填饱我们肚子的面包。可知本句D项正确。 17.B 考查动词辨析。A改变;B生活;C旅行;D思考;面包和爱都是我们生活所需要的东西,其他的都是额外。故B正确。 18.C 形容词词义辨析。A更干净;B更接近;C更好;D更酷;句意:任何其他的东西都让我们这个世界成为更好的地方。根据句意可知C正确。 19.D 考查常识。A记忆;B房子;C手;D肚子;面包是用来填饱肚子的食物。所以本题D正确。 20.B 考查动词词义辨析。A挽救;B分享;C拿走;D生产;句意:句意:到外面去,开心地和这个世界上其他人分享你的面包,你的爱。故B正确。 考点:人生百味类完形填空

——The room is dusty.


A. Good.                 B. I’m afraid so.

C. With pleasure.     D. Exactly.



Will you _________ playing basketball?

A. join us in       B. join to

C. attend           D. take part



Good friends usually share the same interest and agree _____ most things but sometimes   they also disagree _____ each other _____something

A. on; with; to    B. to; with; about

C. on; with; on        D. with; with; on



The village is ______what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago.

A. not any longer      B. no longer

C. no more           D. not any more



   finish the difficult task on time, we had to work day and night for weeks.

A. So as to B. So that

C. In order that D. In order to



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