满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nine years ago, after Leo had died, peop...

Nine years ago, after Leo had died, people said to me, “I never knew he was your stepfather.” You see, I never called him    . At first, he was no one special in my life. Then he became my friend.    , I felt he was also my father.

Leo married my mother when I was eleven. Two years later we moved into a house in a new suburban development, where we put down roots. At first our lawn was just a mud with wild grass, but Leo saw bright    . “We’ll plant trees there to give us   as well as some flowers,” he said. And just these little touches made our house   from all the others. More importantly, a real family was       . Leo was becoming a full-time parent, and I was learning what it   to have a father.

Weekday mornings when the weather was bad, Leo often drove me to school. Having a father    

you off may have been something my classmates took for granted,       I always thought it was wonderful. mornings, we went to the hardware shop, then stepped into the five-and-ten, buying a sports magazine or something else. Some people might think that doing shopping together is nothing   , but I, who had ever before spent my childhood other families do their everyday activities, experienced them now with   delight.    , I realized that Leo gave me what I needed most—the of doing ordinary things together as a family.

1.A. itB. thatC. soD. one

2.A. In timeB. At the timeC. First timeD. On time

3.A. necessitiesB. possibilitiesC. recognitionD. decoration

4.A. vegetablesB. grassC. shadowD. shade

5.A. beautifulB. similarC. sameD. different

6.A. formingB. developingC. growingD. becoming

7.A. becameB. meantC. followedD. got

8.A. cutB. helpC. dropD. drive

9.A. soB. andC. butD. since

10.A. MondayB. WeekdayC. FridayD. Saturday

11.A. specialB. usualC. especialD. different

12.A. noticingB. recognizingC. understandingD. watching

13.A. modestB. extremeC. deepD. high

14.A. Looking backB.Coming backC. Looking forwardD. Going back on

15.A. achievementB. recognitionC. experienceD. procedure


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇情感文章。这是作者本来和继父之间有隔阂,随着继父关爱自己与日俱增,作者找到了拥有父亲的快乐与幸福。 1. 代词辨析。句意:我从来不那样叫他。根据上下文,此处的代词是指“继父”这个名词,故判断选B。 2. 介词短语辨析和上下文串联。A及时,迟早;B在那时;C第一次;D准时,根据前文的first,then判断选A。 3. 名词辨析和上下文串联。A必需品;B可能性;C承认;D装饰。根据前文的grass和下文的trees应是看出可能性。故选B。 4. 名词辨析和上下文串联。A蔬菜;B草;C阴影;D树荫。根据前文的plant trees判断答案。故选D。 5. 形容词辨析和上下文串联。A美丽的;B类似的;C同样的;D不同的。根据前文由于树木的遮荫,让房子与众不同。根据空后的from判断,故选D。 6. 动词辨析。根据下文的parent判断。A组成;B发展;C成长;D变成。根据下文判断选A。 7. 动词辨析。A变成;B意思是,意欲,打算;C跟随;D变得。句意:……我才知道有父亲意味着什么。故选B。 8. 动词辨析。句意:有父亲让你下车已经成为我的同班同学认为想当然的事。根据前文的drove,此处的drop off让某人下车,故判断选C。 9. 上下文串联。根据空前后是转折关系。故选C。 10. 名词辨析。A周一;B工作日;C周五;D周六。此处是父亲陪儿子去购物,应是周六,故选D。 11. 形容词辨析。一些人认为一起去购物没有特别的。A特别的,专门的;B通常的;C特殊的;D不同的。故选A。 12. 动词辨析。A注意到;B承认,认出;C理解;D观看。句意:……但我,从前从没有过,童年时代总是花时间看着其他家庭做日常活动,……。故选D。 13. 上下文串联。句意:……带着极度的兴奋。A谦虚的;B极度的;C深深的;D高高的。根据题意选B。 14. 动词短语辨析。A回首;B回来;C期望;D回去。根据前文应是回首。故选A。 15. 名词辨析。A成就;B承认;C经历,经验;D进程。句意:……作为家庭做平常事情的经历。故选C。 考点:考查情感故事。

Tom, you shall not come to school late again.

Sure, Mr. Brown.

A. It doesn’t matter.  B. Why me?

C. Forget it.   D. You have my word.



The new equipment, ____ the disabled, was put into the market last weekend.

A. was intended for   B. intending for

C. intended for D. being intended for



If you hurry up, I think it quite ____for you to catch the flight, for there are still 50 minutes left.

A. probably  B. likely

C. possibly  D. certainly



Nowadays people are convinced ___ the negative effect of second-hand smoking ___ people around.

A. of; at B. by; in

C. of; on D. on; at



—Would you rather ______ there to attend the lecture tomorrow?

—No, I’d rather he ______ there instead of me.

A. to go; will go     B. go; went

C. go; will go      D. going; shall go



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