满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Julia, if you hurry up, I think it quite...

Julia, if you hurry up, I think it quite _______ that you will catch the next train.

A. probably       B. certainly

C. likely         D. possibly


C 【解析】考查形容词/副词辨析。该句句意:“Julia, 如果你快点儿的话,我认为你很可能会赶上下班火车。”,“认为某事怎么样”:think + O. + OC.(补语多为adj.),likely既可作adv.也可作adj.;而其它三项只能用作adv.,故该题正确答案为C. 考点:形容词、副词辨析  

Only ______ the painting _______ decide whether it is worth buying.

A. that he sees; can he

B. that does he see; he can

C. when he sees; can he

D. when does he see; can he



When he joined them in the work, he was disappointed at there _______ so little to do.

A. being   B. were      C. having         D. had



He had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the ______ of attention the moment he stepped into the classroom.

A. aim           B. focus

C. direction     D. point



More money and effort should be spent to _______ the cultural relics in the world.

A. keep         B. remain

C. preserve      D. support



In communication, a smile is usually _____ strong sign of a friendly and _____ open attitude.

A. the; /          B. a; an           C. a; /              D. the; an



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