满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We, Patty and I, had been best friends s...

We, Patty and I, had been best friends since Grade Four. Just about everywhere we went, people     we were best friends. We     secrets about popcorn(爆米花)and soda year after year. The best part about having a best friend was taking     sleeping over on Friday nights.

Then in Grade Eight everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes     my mom. I     believe Patty started the first day of school     the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever. What was happening? Other girls seemed more     than Patty.

I started avoiding her and making excuses.    , during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in the backyard, the    broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.” Then I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her    . I’ll never forget her words. She said,     will come and go in and out of your life forever. You are     and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends.      is happening is hard but perfectly     .”

Time healed(治愈)a lot of the     , and over the next few years we clearly walked along     paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school, I   5  a strange sadness. I thought if I went back and “fixed” everything between us, we could somehow start all over     friends. But that was a fantasy(幻想). Our differences were too great, and I could only     she understood.

I’ll always remember the years when Patty and I were best friend, but Mom was right.    can change, and we have to let them go when it’s time.

1.A. realized    B. believed    C. knew    D.understood

2.A. shared    B. spared     C. kept    D. remembered

3.A. beds    B. places     C. turns    D. sides

4.A. surprised   B. scared     C. frightened   D. satisfied

5.A. wouldn’t   B. shouldn’t    C. couldn’t    D. needn’t

6.A. wearing    B. dressing    C. keeping   D. staying

7.A. boring    B. interesting    C. pleased   D. exciting

8.A. Finally    B. Naturally    C. Generally   D. Especially

9.A. tears    B. words     C. anger    D. hate

10.A. matter    B. everything    C. trouble    D. nothing

11.A. Interests   B. Friends    C. Sadness   D. Childhood

12.A. changing   B. studying    C. quarreling   D. imagining

13.A. What    B. Which     C. Why    D. When

14.A. common   B. ordinary    C. regular    D. normal

15.A. unhappiness   B. loneliness    C. memory   D. emotion

16.A. different   B. same     C. hard    D. separate

17.A. remembered   B. thought    C. felt    D. lost

18.A. like    B. as     C. with    D. on

19.A. suppose    B. believe    C. hope    D. suggest

20.A. Environments  B. Opinions    C. Friendships   D. Attitudes


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1.;B.相信;C.知道;D.理解。此处表示大家都知道我和他是好朋友。knew最符合号语境.故选C 2.;B.分出;C.保持;D.记得.好朋友之间分享更为合适。故选A 3.;B.地方;C.转弯;D.边.此处taking turns sleeping指睡在床的两头,符合两人关系很好的表述。 故选C 4.;B.害怕的 ;C.受惊吓的 ;D.满意的. 我的妈妈知道我的兴趣是化妆和穿衣打扮,很吃惊。符合原文内容。故选A 5.;B.不应该; C.不能;D.不需要.此处指我不敢相信她上学第一天居然扎着和以前一样的辫子。can’t believe 指难以置信 。故选C 6.;B.穿衣; C.保持;D.呆着.此处意为她和以前扎一样的辫子。发饰一般与wear搭配;故选A 7.;B.有趣的; C.高兴的;;D.兴奋的.此处意为其他女生似乎比Patty更有趣。boring符合原文内容。 故选A 8.;B.自然地;C.一般的; D.特别地.我开始躲避她,最终就爆发了。 Finally最符合上下文语境。故选A 9.;B.话语;C.生气; D.憎恨.从后文 broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.”可以看出,该处是我对她说 。故选B 10.;B.一切事物; C.麻烦;D.什么都没有.从后文我妈对我说的话可以看出,此处指我告诉了妈妈我和她之间所有的事。 故选B 11.;B.朋友; C.悲伤;D.童年.从全文可以看出,此处意为朋友会永远不断的增加和离去。friends符合原文内容。故选B 12. ;B.学习;C.争吵 ;D.想象.你一直在变,你们两都会交新的朋友。 故选A 13.;B.哪个;C.为什么 ;D.什么时候。此处缺的是主语从句的主语,应该填What。故选A 14.;B.普通的;平凡的; C.定期的;有规律的 ;D.正常的;正规的 。文章中意思是每天有很多问题,这是正常的。Common比较符合原文内容。故选D. 15. A.苦恼,忧愁 B.孤独 C.记忆 D.情绪。时间治愈了我的忧愁。文中的“我”正是因为与朋友渐渐不和而烦恼,故unhappiness符合文章内容。故选A 16. ;B.一样的;C.艰难的 ;D.分开的,各自的;后来的几年我们各走各的路。separate突出我们之间友谊的断裂,更符合原文。故选D 17.;B.认为;C.感觉 D.丢失。当我在高中学校的大礼堂看到她时,我还是觉得有点难受。只有C符合意思。故选C 18. 像;B.作为; C.伴随;D.在┈之上;关于。我想如果我追溯过去,修复我们的关系,我们可以作为朋友重新开始。从语义上看,as最符合原文内容。 故选B 19. B.相信 C.希望 D.建议;表明。我们之间的不同点太大,我只能希望她理解。在“and I could only 54 she understood.”中,hope符合原文内容。 故选C 20.;B.意见;C.友谊;D.态度; “ but Mom was right. 55 can change, and we have to let them go when it’s time.”妈妈说的对。友谊是会变的,当时间到了的时候,我们只能放手。全文都是围绕友谊来谈的,这一句是文章内容的关键句,揭示文章主旨。故选C (完型)考点:考查记叙文阅读

Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to find out his _______ .

A. thought     B. height

C. weight    D. identity



Never has the reporter _______ such pains since his childhood.

A. gone through   B. gone against

C. gone into      D. gone up



We shouldn’t have set out at that time. We had _______ the fact that it was getting darker.

A. missed     B. ignored

C. disagreed   D. judge



The handsome man is my uncle ________ overcoat is black and white.

A. who     B. that    C. whose    D. his



The rescue worker looks very young but _______ she is more than thirty years old.

A. finally     B. actually

C. frequently   D. extremely



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