满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most American students go to traditional...

Most American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US. Some students attend charter school.

Charter schools are self-governing. Certain companies operate(经营)some charter schools. They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools. They receiver tax money just as other public schools do. Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning. These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits(允许)them to operate.

Charter schools are different from because they do not have to obey most laws that govern traditional public schools. Each school can choose its own goals and decide what to teach and how to teach them in their own way. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.

The government strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools, which are failing to educate students. But some education unions are against charter schools. One teachers’ union has just released the results of the first national study, which compared the progress of students in both traditional schools and charter schools.

The results of the study show that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than the students in traditional public schools.

Some experts say the study is not fair because students in charter schools have more problems than students in traditional public schools. Other education experts say the study results would make charter school officials realize that they should help their students make greater progress.

1.If a company wants to operate a charter school, it must _________ .

A. try new methods of teaching

B. prove its management ability

C. obey the local and state laws

D. get the government’s permission

2.What’s the government’s attitude to charter schools?

A. Doubtful.         B. Supportive.

C. Satisfied.       D. Unclear.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. More students choose to attend charter schools.

B. Charter schools are better than traditional schools.

C. Students in charter schools are well educated.

D. People have different opinions about charter schools.

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. Charter schools in America

B. Public schools in America

C. Schools in America

D. Education in America


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲的是美国的特许学校(公办民营的学校)。讲述了特许学校的运营模式,与传统公立学校的比较,以及不同人对于特许学校的所持有的态度。 1. schools must ┈┄agreement called a charter that permits(允许)them to operate.特许学校必须向当地或州政府证明他们的学生是在学习,政府提供特许状,允许他们经营。选D 2. government strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools”政府强烈支持特许学校重新组织公立学校。可以看出政府对特许学校是持支持态度的。选B 3. government strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools, which are failing to educate students. But some education unions are against charter schools.”政府强烈支持特许学校重新组织教学落后的公立学校,但一些教育组织反对特许学校。故选D 4. (阅读)考点:考查议论文理解

We, Patty and I, had been best friends since Grade Four. Just about everywhere we went, people     we were best friends. We     secrets about popcorn(爆米花)and soda year after year. The best part about having a best friend was taking     sleeping over on Friday nights.

Then in Grade Eight everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes     my mom. I     believe Patty started the first day of school     the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever. What was happening? Other girls seemed more     than Patty.

I started avoiding her and making excuses.    , during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in the backyard, the    broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.” Then I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her    . I’ll never forget her words. She said,     will come and go in and out of your life forever. You are     and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends.      is happening is hard but perfectly     .”

Time healed(治愈)a lot of the     , and over the next few years we clearly walked along     paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school, I   5  a strange sadness. I thought if I went back and “fixed” everything between us, we could somehow start all over     friends. But that was a fantasy(幻想). Our differences were too great, and I could only     she understood.

I’ll always remember the years when Patty and I were best friend, but Mom was right.    can change, and we have to let them go when it’s time.

1.A. realized    B. believed    C. knew    D.understood

2.A. shared    B. spared     C. kept    D. remembered

3.A. beds    B. places     C. turns    D. sides

4.A. surprised   B. scared     C. frightened   D. satisfied

5.A. wouldn’t   B. shouldn’t    C. couldn’t    D. needn’t

6.A. wearing    B. dressing    C. keeping   D. staying

7.A. boring    B. interesting    C. pleased   D. exciting

8.A. Finally    B. Naturally    C. Generally   D. Especially

9.A. tears    B. words     C. anger    D. hate

10.A. matter    B. everything    C. trouble    D. nothing

11.A. Interests   B. Friends    C. Sadness   D. Childhood

12.A. changing   B. studying    C. quarreling   D. imagining

13.A. What    B. Which     C. Why    D. When

14.A. common   B. ordinary    C. regular    D. normal

15.A. unhappiness   B. loneliness    C. memory   D. emotion

16.A. different   B. same     C. hard    D. separate

17.A. remembered   B. thought    C. felt    D. lost

18.A. like    B. as     C. with    D. on

19.A. suppose    B. believe    C. hope    D. suggest

20.A. Environments  B. Opinions    C. Friendships   D. Attitudes



Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to find out his _______ .

A. thought     B. height

C. weight    D. identity



Never has the reporter _______ such pains since his childhood.

A. gone through   B. gone against

C. gone into      D. gone up



We shouldn’t have set out at that time. We had _______ the fact that it was getting darker.

A. missed     B. ignored

C. disagreed   D. judge



The handsome man is my uncle ________ overcoat is black and white.

A. who     B. that    C. whose    D. his



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