满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As a busier woman in Norton , she made h...

As a busier woman in Norton , she made       her duty to look after all the other

people’s affairs in that town.

A. this   B. that     C. one    D. it


D 【解析】 试题分析: 考查固定句型。句意:作为一个忙碌的女性,她把照顾好别人看作是自己的责任。Make it one’s duty to do sth 把某事看作是一份责任,it 做形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式,故选D项。 考点 : 考查固定句型  

He asked me how much       on the mountain bike.

A. did I pay    B. I paid

C. had I paid   D. I had paid



With our knowledge       practice , we can make contribution to our society.

A. to base on  B. basing on

C. based on   D. base on



—Did the boys break the window       ?

—No. They did it when they were playing football.

A. by accident  B. on purpose

C. at dusk     D. as usual



Jerry is so       that he won’t listen to anyone’s advice once he had made up his mind.

A. determined  B. stubborn

C. reliable   D. concerned



—Hi, Bob, are you going to attend tomorrow’s conference?

—Oh, I’m afraid not,      invited to.

A. even if   B. as if     C. if     D. since



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