满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Compared with the generation of our gran...

Compared with the generation of our grandparents, who grew up in an age when people were _____ in almost every kind of materials, we should be content with the abundant supply.

A. lacking          B. curious

C. cautious           D. accurate


A 【解析】 试题分析: 句意:与我们祖父母那代人相比,我们应该对丰富的供应感到满意。在他们成长的年代人们几乎每种物资都缺乏。A. lacking缺少的; B. curious好奇的; C. cautious 谨慎的; D. accurate精确的。固定短语:be lacking in“缺少”。 考点:考查形容词辨析  

To make contributions to the protection of the environment, the company encourages its workforce to make the _______ to alternative means of transportation such as carpooling or biking to reduce air pollution.

A. switch          B. conclusion

C. variety         D. enquiry



While I admit that English words keep escaping from our memory, constant ______ to them not only increases our understanding of them, but likely plants them into our mind.

A. pressure         B. exposure

C. procedure       D. mixture





Honesty means always telling the truth and never cheating. Honesty is a kind of courage and responsibility,  an invisible power and wealth. Honesty wins trust, respect and friendship. So it pays to be honest.

注意:   1、无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语











1.Not only _______________ an admission notice to Beijing University, but he also won a scholarship to study in America.  (receive)


2.It was not until I came here ______________this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.  (come)


3.It really took me quiet a long time ________________after getting off the time capsule to the future. (feet)


4.I still can’t believe that I ________________that I came first in the English speech competition last week.  (take)


5.It was the driver himself ,rather than the passengers,I think, who_____________ the car accident.(blame)


6.Though greatly ____________ us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.(surprise)


7.When coming home after a twenty-day traveling, he was shocked to find his house_________.( break)


8.Have you ever had a case __________stealing something that you have actually never seen? (accuse)


9. To Prevent water from being polluted once again, the experts suggested that the source of all the water supplies _________(examine).


10. I disagree that only when people have enough to eat and plenty to wear_____________ to talk about environmental protection.  (make)




YOU probably think you know about London’s problems. The people are unfriendly, it’s way too expensive, and the food is terrible - so why do so many tourists flock (蜂拥) there?

London was named the world’s most popular city between July and September 2013. It edged out other world-famous cities such as New York and Paris, welcoming 4.9 million visitors, according to the UK Office for National Statistics.

Amazingly, this was an increase of almost 19.5 percent on 2012 - the year when the Olympics happened in summer.

So can London’s success be explained? Well, maybe. As the English writer Samuel Johnson once said, “when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. London life is often crazy and expensive, but if you can think of something, you can probably do it there.

Anywhere in the city, you can often look around a great museum such as the British Museum, watch a concert at a historic venue (场所) like the Royal Albert Hall, or dance the night away in a cool nightclub such as Fabric.

And it’s not just about culture – there are also world-famous sporting venues around the city. Many tourists like to watch soccer matches at stadiums such as Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge, Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, or Tottenham’s White Hart Lane. Tourists even came to watch British tennis player Andy Murray’s famous victory at the Wimbledon tennis tournament (锦标赛) in 2013.

Yes, but what about the food? Well, even if you don’t like British food – and if you’ve never had real fish and chips, or a summer pudding, then perhaps you should wait until you’ve tried them – there is plenty of great food from all over the world available in London’s many restaurants.

London, like many of its buildings, has a long history, but also never lacks a vibrant pulse (充满活力的脉搏). All over the city, history and modernity come together to make it an essential place for tourists to discover.

1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?

A. To show the effects of the 2012 London Olympics.

B. To analyze why London appeals to tourists.

C. To compare London with other world-famous cities.

D. To talk about common problems in London.

2. The underlined phrase “edged out” in the second paragraph probably means ______.

A. took the lead of

B. had a lot in common with

C. followed the example of

D. became more popular than

3. In Samuel Johnson’s eyes, life in London is probably ______.

A. relaxed        B. boring

C.  colorful    D. challenging

4. According to the article, London is attracting many visitors from across the world, mainly because ______.

a. it is a city rich in culture and attractions

b. most local people are friendly

c. the sporting venues around the city are worthy of a visit

d. British food enjoys a good reputation among visitors

e. the city has a combination of history and modernity

A. abc       B.ace      C. bcd       D. bde



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