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Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem to...

Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem today.Depression causes workers to be unproductive,causing companies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is like cancer because it is “widespread,costly and deadly”.Depression hits one person in five around the world.

Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies show that depression is a problem among everyone.Over any six­month period,between five to seven percent of the world’s population will be suffering from a serious depression.Suicide rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the population at large,and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks.People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.

Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes,brings loss of confidence and ability to concentrate—making it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.

Depression is made more serious in China by Chinese’s inability to face it.Many people believe that depressed people are either weak or lazy.Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.“Most patients in China just don’t get help,”a Chinese doctor says.“In my hospital,I have to see 30 or 40 patients in a morning,just have time to say ‘Hello,how do you feel?’”

In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their boss,because they fear that they will be stricken_off_the_rolls.“In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it.Because they feel the most secure about themselves,” an American doctor says.

Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.It is widely believed that everyone may suffer from depression.

B.Depression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work.

C.Depression is a commonly­existing problem only in rich countries.

D.The poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.

2.Compared to normal people,the depressed people are likely to be________.

A.very unconfident and often absent­minded

B.easy to avoid being hit by heart attacks

C.working efficiently and productively

D.either weak or lazy

3.Depression becomes more serious in China because of________.

A.the understanding of the problem

B.the lack of treatment and doctors

C.their unwillingness to tell it to their boss

D.the doctors’ careless work

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.

B.The aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.

C.More and more patients will turn to specialists for help.

D.Western people are braver than Chinese people.

5.What does the underlined words in the 5th paragraph mean?

A.Hired.    B.Dismissed.    C.Promoted.    D.Recommended.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 【解析】文章大意:本文是一篇科普类说明文。抑郁症已经成为威胁人们正常生活和工作的一个重要的疾病形式,人们应正确地面对抑郁症。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.”可知,答案B符合文意。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“...brings loss of confidence and ability to concentrate—making it impossible for...”可知,答案A符合文意。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句和第三句“Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.”可知,抑郁症在中国更严重一方面是因为人们不能正视这个事实,另一方面是由于缺少专家和较好的治疗。 4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.”可推知,将会有越来越多的人向专家求助,故答案C正确。 5.词义猜测题。根据对文章第三段的整体理解可以推知,员工一旦把自己抑郁的情况告诉老板,老板有可能会由于抑郁能使人没有自信或不能够集中工作而辞退员工。故stricken off the rolls与dismissed的意思最为接近。

There was a sweet smell of incense (香) in the air as the well­muscled man moved his legs into a position well behind his head.It was something that the human body really should not be able to do.But what else would you expect at the First World Yoga Championships?

On September 25,the world’s leading yoga experts arrived in the US to find out who was the best.But the real prize was to turn yoga into a proper Olympic event.

“Yoga is a combination of bodybuilding,Miss World,Mr Universe and gymnastics,” said championship organizer Bikram Choudhury.“There are some 70 people from more than 20 countries competing in this event.Why not have yoga at the Olympics?”

The public cannot decide whether or not Choudhury’s dream will come true.But he is right about one thing:yoga has become popular with young and old people all over the world.In the US alone,15 million people practise yoga.Everyone is at it,including Madonna and Ricky Martin.

Yoga started in India more than 5,000 years ago.The name means “to join together”.That is to bring the body and mind together into one pleasing experience.The whole system of yoga is built on three things:exercise,breathing and meditation (沉思).

The yoga that we know today is mostly physical yoga.It’s seen as a type of exercise,but is different from sports like football or running.When we do yoga,we move our body into positions that stretch the muscles and joints,making them stronger.

One of the best things about yoga is the fact that everyone can do it.To women,it means a flat stomach,more shapely legs and a graceful body.To men,it is a way of becoming stronger and more athletic.

There are also specially­designed yoga classes for pregnant women or children suffering from mental disabilities,such as autism (孤独症).As for teenagers,meditation and simple breathing exercises can help them learn to calm down,relax and concentrate better.But teenagers under  16  are  not supposed to do the body exercises as it could have a bad effect on their natural growth.

1.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A.Something sportsmen should not do in practising yoga.

B.Basic skills that are required in performing yoga.

C.The performance of the sportsmen at the First World Yoga Championships.

D.The unique setting where yoga is performed.

2.What is Choudhury’s dream in the passage?

A.Turning yoga into a proper Olympic event.

B.Making all Americans practise yoga.

C  Winning the First World Yoga Championships.

D.Getting the public support for promoting yoga.

3.Why does the author mention Madonna and Ricky Martin in the fourth paragraph?

A.To compare the differences between the young and the old.

B.To describe the extensive popularity of yoga in the US.

C.To emphasize the importance of practising yoga.

D.To explain the strong influence of public figures in the US.

4.Which statement is NOT true about yoga?

A.It is a type of exercise which benefits the body and mind.

B.It makes muscles and joints stronger by stretching.

C.It contains exercise,breathing and meditation.

D.It is similar to the sports like football or running.

5.According to the passage,who does not need to pay special attention in practising yoga?

A.Women to be mothers.    B.Teenagers under 16.

C.Adult men.            D.Children with autism.



The questionnaire takes________ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.

A.mainly   B.punctually    C.approximately   D.precisely



There are forty five students in our class, and they are _____ interested in football.

A. most   B. almost    C. nearly   D. mostly



She had just finished her homework ______ her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.

A. when   B. while   C. after   D. since



How pleased the Emperor was _____ what the cheats said!

A. hearing   B. heard    C. hear   D. is hear



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