满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a cool October evening.Excitement...

It was a cool October evening.Excitement and family members ____the hall.I was only a 7­year­old girl,but I was the center of ____.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would ____all my hard work in a dance performance.Everything would be ____— so I thought.I waited backstage all ____in my black tights with a golden belt.In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies____that my class was next.

My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet,facing the____.All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box.It really was an____move.I was concentrating so much on____the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look____I was going.I missed my partner’s box altogether and____.There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes.I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience,and I felt the ____rush to my face.I remembered my dance teacher had told us,“If you make a mistake,keep smiling so the audience will not ___.” I did my best to follow her____as I continued with the routine.

When the curtain dropped,so did my____for the evening.I____bitterly,tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.I ran backstage,but no one could ____me down.

Recently I realized I had been a____that night.I was____,but I fought the urge to run off the stage.____,I finished the routine with a smile on my face.Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.

1.A.filled     B.visited    C.attended    D.decorated

2.A.pressure   B.impression C.debate     D.attention

3.A.take over B.show off  C.look after D.give up

4.A.reasonable B.suitable   C.obvious     D.perfect 

5.A.dressed up B.folded up C.covered up D.mixed up

6.A.suggested B.explained C.announced  D.predicted

7.A.music      B.audience  C.curtain     D.stage

8.A.easy       B.active    C.adventurous D.extra 

9.A.containing B.hiding     C.sharing     D.keeping 

10.A.why       B.whether    C.where       D.what

11.A.wandered B.slipped    C.waved      D.skipped 

12.A.blood    B.pleasure  C.pride      D.tear

13.A.leave     B.cheer      C.believe    D.notice

14.A.gesture  B.example   C.advice      D.plan

15.A.doubts   B.hopes      C.voice       D.patience

16.A.argued   B.shouted    C.begged     D.sobbed 

17.A.turn      B.calm       C.let        D.put

18.A.star     B.pioneer    C.loser       D.fool

19.A.satisfied B.moved     C.embarrassed D.confused

20.A.However   B.Instead    C.In total    D.In return


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 1.演出大厅里面坐满了看演出的观众(家人),大家都很兴奋,所以选fill,意为“充满” 2.the center of attention意为“关注的焦点”。 3.show off“展示”。经过数周的准备,“我”将在一个舞蹈表演中展示(这段时间来)“我”所有的努力。A“接管”;C“照顾,照看”;D“放弃”。 4.从上文可知,作者已经做了充分的准备,所以她认为一切将万无一失,因此用perfect(完美的)。 5.dress up装扮。“我”在后台等着演出,穿着黑色的紧身衣,搭配一条金黄色的腰带。 6.这里是主持人宣布演员上场,所以要用announced 宣布。 7.站在舞台上,面对的自然应该是台下的观众(audience观众)。 8.easy简单的。这真是一个简单的移动。符合句意。 9.keeping保持。符合句意。 10.这里指的是自己的脚移动的方向,所以要用where。 11.这里指的是“我”没有踩到木箱,脚下一滑,就跌倒了。文章最后一段最后一句也有提示。 12.由常识和语境可知,在舞台上出现了失误,应该是很尴尬,脸涨得通红,所以这里应该选择blood。“我”感到血液迅速涌向“我”的脸。 13.notice注意到。 14.上一句提到的是老师的一个建议,所以这里应该选advice。 15.由下文语境可知,“我”的希望,也就是演出成功的希望随着幕布的落下而消失了,故选hopes。 16.由后半部分的“tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face”可以看出,“我”一下台就痛苦地啜泣起来,所以选D项,意思是“啜泣”。 17.从上文的描述可以看出,“我”的情绪失控了,所以很不冷静,因此这里要表达的意思是:没有人能使我冷静下来。calm down意为“使……平静、冷静下来”。 18.“我”当时一直以为自己很失败,但从后面的描述来看,“我”现在意识到当时没有直接走下舞台,而是继续完成表演是成功的。 19.这里描述的是当时在舞台上出现失误后的心情,自然应该是“尴尬的”,所以用embarrassed。 20.instead代替,反而。相反,“我”仍然面带微笑地完成了表演。

________ from heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A.Suffered    B.Suffering    C.Having suffered    D.Being suffered



Did you ask whose computer________?

A.this blue one was        B.is this blue one

C.it was this blue one     D.this blue one is



—Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A.I don’t believe      B.I don’t believe it

C.I believe not so     D.I believe not



Johnson had made up his mind to give it up,but on________ second thought he determined to try________ third time.

A./;a  B./;/ C.a;a  D.the;a



He left a good impression on me________ I saw him.

A.for the first time    B.the first time

C.first time             D.it’s the first time



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