满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---I didn’t expect that John would be ab...

---I didn’t expect that John would be absent from my last Sunday’s birthday party.

--- As far as I know, he ______ to see his parents in the countryside on Sundays.

A. goes             B. went

C. has gone          D. had gone


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态。根据句中的时间状语on Sundays可知是每个周日,说明是经常发生的动作,故用一般现在时。句意:——我没有预料到约翰会不参加我上个周日的生日聚会。——据我所知,他星期天都会去乡下看望他的父母。故A正确。 考点:考查时态  

Nelson Mandela’s fellow campaigner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said Mr. Mandela was “not only an amazing gift to humankind, but he also made South Africans and Africans feel good about being _______ we are. He made us walk tall.”

A. what          B. where

C. when           D. who



Raising _______ retirement age in progressive steps is in _____ line with China’s labor market realities and should be prioritized, an official said Tuesday.

A. the ; /          B. /; the

C. /; /             D. the; the



“When should I begin to acquire good habits?”a young boy asked his teacher.

“How old are you?” asked the teacher.

“Eight years old, sir.”answered the boy.

“Then you have just lost eight years,”the teacher replied.

There is no doubt that habits are formed at a very early age. When one is young, it is easy to acquire good habits.

Good habits are practices that help us in our daily life. The habit of brushing one’s teeth in the morning, for instance, keeps one’s teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others. Bad habits such as sticking one’s tongue out, biting one’s fingernails and picking one’s nose, are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others. If we want people to enjoy being with us, we should try to develop habits that are pleasant.

It is said, “We sow an act; we reap a habit. We sow a habit and we reap a character.” The habits we formed at an early age shape our character. Habits are like tributaries(支流) which flow into a river. The river is made up of all its tributaries; a person’s character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired over the years.


1. 以约30个词概括本文内容;

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对好习惯养成的看法,并包括以下要点:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。









Frederick M. Hess is the director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, which is a nonprofit organization that conducts research on many public issues. He says that a long summer vacation doesn’t make sense in today’s world.

Can American students afford to take a summer vacation? In a summer vacation, millions of kids spend valuable time sending messages, watching TV, playing video games and doing shopping in the mall. They will also be putting their academic futures at risk.

Summer vacation once made sense in the past when you didn’t need an education to get a good job. But now things have changed. For today’s students, academic skills are important to students’ future success, but such skills are affected in the summertime. Many nations don’t give kids an American-style summer vacation. They offer no more than seven consecutive(连续的) weeks of vacation. Most American school districts offer up to thirteen weeks. To compete in the global marketplace, Americans must be prepared to go up against international competitors.

Summer vacation also causes challenges for today’s families. In the 1960s, more than 60% of families had a stay-at-home Mom. Now two-thirds of American children live in households where every adult works. For these families, summer vacation can be more burden than break. Someone must watch the kids.

But the biggest problem may be how summer vacation hurts academic achievement. Researchers have found that disadvantaged students lose significant ground in the summertime.

  A longer school year does not have to be an invitation to hard boring work. Rather, it should allow time-pressed teachers to conduct richer and more imaginative lessons. Schools would have more time to devote to athletics, languages, music and the arts. Summer vacation can be a grand thing. But in the 21st century, it may also be outdated.

Title:  Summer Vacation


A long summer vacation isn’t 1.      in today’s world.

Basic Information

2.     length

13 weeks in most American schools

Students’ 3.

·Sending messages and watching TV

·Playing video games

·Doing shopping


·4.     student’s academic skills and putting academic futures at risk.

·Being a 5.      to families for they have to watch kids.

·Hurting students’ academic achievement and resulting in 6.          significant ground.


A longer school year does not have to 7.     to hard boring work. Richer and more imaginative lessons should be 8.     , such as athletics, languages, music and the arts.


Though being a ground thing, summer vacation might be out of

10.      in the 21st century.



Everyone gathered around and Paddy read out loud, slowly, his tone growing sadder and sadder. The little headline said: BOXER RECEIVES LIFF SENTENCE.


Frank Cleary, aged 26, professional boxer, was today found guilty of the murder of Albert Gumming, aged 32, laborer, last July. The jury(陪审团) reached its decision after only ten minutes, recommending the most severe punishment to the court. It was, said the Judge, a simple case. Cumming and Cleary had quarreled violently at the Harbour Hotel on July 23rd and police saw Cleary kicking at the head of the unconscious Gumming. When arrested, Cleary was drunk but clear-thinking.


Cleary was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour. Asked if he had anything to say, Cleary answered, “Just don’t tell my mother.”

“It happened over three years ago,” Paddy said helplessly. No one answered him or moved, for no one knew what to do. “Just don’t tell my mother,” said Fee numbly(麻木地). And no one did! Oh, God! My poor, poor Frank!”

Paddy wiped the tears from his face and said. “Fee, pack your things. We’ll go to see him.”

She half-rose before sinking back, her eyes in her small white face stared as if dead. “I can't go,” she said without a hint of pain, yet making everyone feel that the pain was there. It would kill him to see me. I know him so well—his pride, his ambition. Let him bear the shame alone, it’s what he wants. We’ve got to help him keep his secret. What good will it do him to see us?”

Paddy was still weeping, not for Frank, but for the life which had gone from Fee’s face, for the dying in her eyes. Frank had always brought bitterness and misfortune, always stood between Fee and himself. He was the cause of her withdrawal from his heart and the hearts of his children. Every time it looked as if there might be happiness for Fee, Frank took it away. But Paddy’s love for her was as deep and impossible to wipe out as hers was for Frank.

So he said, “Well, Fee, we won’t go. But we must make sure he is taken care of. How about if I write to Father Jones and ask him to look out for Frank?”

There was no excitement in the eyes, but a faint pink stole into her cheeks. “Yes, Paddy, do that. Only make sure he knows not to tell Frank we found out. Perhaps it would ease Frank to think for certain that we don’t know.”

1.Paddy cried because he thought ___________.

A. Frank did kill someone and deserved the punishment

B. Frank should have told Fee what had happened

C. what had happened to Frank was killing Fee

D. Frank had always been a man of bad moral character

2.The underlined sentence “She half-rose before sinking back…” in Paragraph 6 shows that___________.

A. Fee was so heart-broken that she could hardly stand up

B. Fee didn’t want to upset Paddy by visiting Frank

C. Fee couldn’t leave her family to go to see Frank

D. Fee struggled between wanting to see Frank and respecting his wish

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The jury and the judge agreed on the Boxer’s Sentence of Life Imprisonment.

B. The police found Gumming unconscious, heavily struck by Frank.

C. The family didn’t find out what had happened to Frank until 3 years later.

D. Frank didn’t want his family to know the sentence to him, most probably out of his pride.

4.What is Frank and Paddy’s probable relationship with Fee?

A. Frank is Fee’s son and Paddy is Fee’s brother.

B. Frank is Fee’s son and Paddy is Fee’s husband.

C. Frank is Fee’s brother and Paddy is Fee’s lover.

D. Frank is Fee’s lover and Paddy is Fee’s husband.



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