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Apple a day may poison children Children...

Apple a day may poison children

Children who eat an apple or pear a day may be exceeding(超过) the pesticide(杀虫剂) safety limit because of remains on the fruit,according to research.

Using data of the British Department of Environment on pesticides on fruit collected from supermarkets,scientists thought that each day some children would get a poisonous level of pesticides.

The research,published on Sunday,says the government repeatedly claims that the levels of pesticide are safe because,instead of measuring individual apples, researchers buy 10,crush them and take an average reading to see if they are safe. This is the internationally agreed method of checking remains.

But government figures show that the pesticide is not averagely spread across the batch(一批),and one or two apples could contain 90% or more of the pesticide in the batch.

It used mathematical modeling to measure exposure(暴露) to pesticides for children aged between 18 months and four years old. The pesticides involved can destroy children’s hormones and some are suspected(怀疑) of causing cancer.

The good news for British fruit growers is that samples grown in this country had lower residue level than imported fruit,so buying home-produced fruit will reduce the danger,said Emily Diamand,one of the Earth’s senior food researchers and one of the authors of the report.

1.The reason why “Apple a day may poison children”  is that ______.

A. there are some pests in the apple

B. children would get a poisonous level of pesticides because of the remains on the apple

C. there are always more pesticides on the apples produced in Britain

D. the apple is too hard for children to eat

2.The internationally agreed method of checking remains is to buy ______.

A. two apples,crush them and take an average reading to see if they are safe

B. five apples,crush them and test to see if they are safe

C. ten apples,crush them and take an average reading to see if they are safe

D. eighty apples,and then test them by crushing

3.The underlined word “residue” can be replaced by  ______.

A. remains      B. pesticide

C. poison      D. medicine

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The remains of the pesticides can do harm to the children’s health.

B. The remains of the pesticides can do harm to the children’s hormones.

C. Some remains of the pesticides are suspected of causing cancer.

D. For safety,we had better not import apples from Britain.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要叙述的是水果上的农药残留对孩子身体的影响,建议我们多吃农药残留量较小的英国水果。 1.Children who eat an apple or pear a day may be exceeding(超过) the pesticide(杀虫剂) safety limit because of remains on the fruit,according to research.可知苹果上残留的杀虫剂会让孩子中毒。所以B正确。 2.The research,published on Sunday,says the government repeatedly claims that the levels of pesticide are safe because,instead of measuring individual apples, researchers buy 10,crush them and take an average reading to see if they are safe.可知买10个苹果,压碎然后去平均的一份看看是否安全,这是国际上通用的测量方法。故C正确。 3.The good news for British fruit growers is that samples grown in this country had lower residue level than imported fruit,中的下划线就是指remains残留的意思。故A正确。 4.The good news for British fruit growers is that samples grown in this country had lower residue level than imported fruit,so buying home-produced fruit will reduce the dangers可知进口水果的农药残留比英国本地生产的要更高。说明英国的水果更为健康,我们应该从英国进口更多的水果。故D说法是错误的。 考点:健康保健类阅读理解

Everyone wants to achieve true happiness in life.But the biggest factor holding most of us back is actually our ownselves.The Huffington Post released a list of seven mistakes we need to let go of in order to become happier people.Let’s take a look.

1.Placing too much emphasis on fulfillment (成就感)

Those who put a lot of pressure on themselves to be happy feel more lonely on a daily basis than those who do not,according to research conducted at the University of Denver,US.

2.Keeping it all in

Keeping it all together during tough times can hurt you.Crying is the body’s emotional response to outside triggers (诱因).By suppressing it,you may be damaging your mental and physical health.

3.Looking at your smartphone all the time

Connecting with others may be the key to happiness,but a recent University of Michigan study found that the more time participants spent on social networking sites,the less happy they felt.

4.Not moving

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is a big part of happiness.Something as simple as a walk can help you increase your creativity and expose you to essential vitamins.

5.Not reflecting on the past

In a 2013 study on nostalgia (怀旧) and emotion,participants reported a higher sense of physiological comfort when they looked back on the past.Affection for heartwarming memories helps people relate their past experiences to the present in order to create a greater sense of meaning.

6.Resisting change

A study on the psychology of choices shows that the human brain naturally tries to avoid loss—but that resistance can cause stress.Whether it’s fear of the unknown or fear of losing what you currently have,the pressure to hold on to the present can harm your future life satisfaction.

7.Not being mindful

Setting aside time for meditation (沉思) allows your body to relax,cultivates an attitude of gratitude and lowers your stress level,according to researchers at University of California,Los Angeles,US.

1.What is the main purpose of the article?

A.To inform readers of the benefits of being happy.

B.To explain why our happiness depends on our own actions.

C.To point out the things we do that prevent us from being happy.

D.To discuss some typical characteristics of happy people.

2.The underlined word “suppressing” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to    .

A.speaking of  B.holding back

C.thinking about D.taking no notice of

3.According to the article,to be a happy person,it is important for us to    .

A.set goals and achieve as much as we can

B.avoid recalling the past

C.do exercise in our spare time

D.spend more time on social networking sites

4.According to the article,meditation is helpful mainly because    .

A.it increases our creativity

B.it makes us less afraid of the unknown

C.it helps us relax and thus reduce our stress

D.it allows us to relate our past experiences to the present



   Memory, they say,is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really make a conscious(有意识的)effort,then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful,there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.

Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week,for example,I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night,yet I clearly remembered locking it carefully the night before.

Memory “tricks” work the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something and then find out that you did. One day last month,for example,I was sitting in a barbershop(理发店)waiting for my turn to get a haircut,and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barbershop across the street from my office.

We always seem to find something funny and interesting in incidents(事件)caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. Stories about absent-minded professors have been told for years. Unfortunately,however,absent-mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “tricks”of our memory can cause us great trouble.

1.If you want to have a good memory, _____.

A. you should ask someone else to help you to remember things

B. you should make a conscious effort to practice and exercise

C. you should never stop learning

D. you should try hard to remember things

2.In the passage,the writer seems to tell us _____.

A. forgetting things is serious and dangerous

B. always forgetting things is understandable

C. forgetting things at times is natural

D. the ways to protect yourself from memory “tricks”

3.The best title for this passage is“_____”.

A. How to Get a Good Memory

B. Tricks of Memory

C. The Danger of Forgetfulness and Absent-mindedness

D. Get Rid of Absent-mindedness



On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or so she would walk up      down between the stalls(摊位)    at everything, bargaining and buying here and there. And then,after all the things she        had been bought,she would         the market for the streets of the town to spend another hour         the way she liked best: looking in furniture-shop windows.

One Wednesday,she found a new shop full of the         delightful things,with a        inviting anyone to walk in and look        without feeling they had to buy        . Annie paused for a moment before          through the doorway where she suddenly          before a green chair. There was a card on the chair which        : “This fine chair is yours          less than a pound.”      ! She could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never        it!

Just then,a voice at her shoulder made her       .“Can I help you,madam?”She looked round at the         who had come softly to her side. “Oh,well,no,” she said.“I was just looking.”“We have chairs of all kinds on        . I think you will find something to         you.”Annie,worried at the thought of being       to buy something she did not need,left the shop hurriedly.

1.A. sat           B. lay          C. attracted        D. stopped

2.A. told          B. said        C. wrote         D. printed

3.A. in            B. about        C. for            D. with

4.A. Why         B. Who          C. How          D. Where

5.A. afford        B. use         C. miss          D. get

6.A. worst         B. best         C. least          D. most

7.A. promise       B. order        C. notice         D. form

8.A. out           B. over        C. up            D. round

9.A. everything    B. nothing      C. something      D. anything

10.A. stepping      B. running      C. looking        D. pushing

11.A. and           B. to           C. then           D. or

12.A. observing     B. glaring      C. looking        D. watching

13.A. examined      B. asked        C. needed         D. saw

14.A. enter         B. leave        C. search       D. take

15.A. on            B. by           C. in             D. of

16.A. wonder        B. jump         C. laugh          D. wake

17.A. tailor        B. policeman    C. assistant        D. customer

18.A. vacation      B. purpose       C. show           D. fire

19.A. suit          B. fix          C. comfort       D. seat

20.A. welcomed     B. asked        C. run            D. persuaded



At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her son until the train was    .

A.out of sight      B.out of reach

C.out of order      D.out of place



Some teenagers hold the view that parents    a full understanding of their children.

A.are lacked in     B.lacking of

C.lack of            D.lack



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