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Close your eyes and picture the city of ...

Close your eyes and picture the city of Paris.Now imagine the city without its most famous landmark:the Eiffel Tower.

The unthinkable almost happened.

When French engineer Gustave Eiffel built this tower for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889,it was controversial.The iron structure contrasted(对比)sharply with the historic stone buildings of Paris.Eiffel’s four-legged iron archway was supposed to last only 20 years.That’s when Eiffel’s permit to operate the building would expire(过期)and the city could choose to tear it down.

Yet from the beginning.Eiffel had a strategy to save his building.If the Tower was linked  to important research,he reasoned,no one would dare to take it down.So he would make it a  grand laboratory for science.

Scientific research began just one day after the Tower opened to the public on May 61889.Eiffel installed a weather station on the Tower’s third(and highest)floor.He connected  instruments by wire to the French weather bureau in Paris.With these,he measured wind speed  and air pressure.

In 1903,still worried that his building might be torn down,Eiffel got a clever idea.He  asked the French military to conduct its own research on radio communications at the Tower.He even paid the army’s costs.

French army captain Gustave Ferrié worked from a little wooden house at the base of the  Tower's southern pillar.From there,he made radio contact with forts around Paris.Convinced of the importance of radio communications,the army set up a permanent radio station at the  Tower.In 1910,the city of Paris renewed the structures permit for another 70 years.

This year marks the iconic structures 125th birthday.Over the years,research conducted  there has brought dramatic and unexpected payoffs.During World War I,for instance,the French army used the Tower as a giant ear to receive radio messages.It even led to the arrest of one of the war's most famous spies.

1.What does the author mean by“The unthinkable almost happened”?

A.The Eiffel Tower was almost torn down.

B.Gustave Eiffel was more than an engineer.

C.It took great efforts to build the Eiffel Tower.

D.The Eiffel Tower has served important purposes.

2.The Eiffel Tower was controversial because_____________.

A.it was giant and ugly

B.it would expire too soon

C.some historic buildings had to be removed

D.it didn’t match the historic buildings of Paris

3.How did Gustave Eiffel save the Eiffel Tower?

A.By asking the army to defend it.

B.By showing its importance for tourism.

C.By making it a base for scientific research.

D.By asking the government to renew its permit.

4.The arrest of a famous spy is mentioned to show.

A.the Eiffel Tower has lost its initial value

B.the Eiffel Tower has existed long enough

C.research done in the Eiffel Tower had unexpected payoffs

D.the Eiffel Tower was successfully preserved during the war


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了法国埃菲尔铁塔的一些历史。埃菲尔铁塔在建造之初因为与巴黎的历史建筑不匹配而受到人们的争议并面临被拆除的危险,工程师Gustave Eiffel通过使它成为科学实验基地而使它被保存下来。125年来,埃菲尔铁塔发挥了巨大的作用。 1.句意猜测题。通读整篇文章可知“The unthinkable almost happened”是指埃菲尔铁塔差点被拆除,故选A。 2.第三段The iron structure contrasted(对比)sharply with the historic stone buildings of Paris.描述可知埃菲尔铁塔是有争议的是因为它与巴黎的历史建筑不匹配。故选D。 3.C细节理解题。根据第四段第一行Eiffel had a strategy to save his building.If the Tower was linked to important research,he reasoned,no one would dare to take it down.描述可知Gustave Eiffel通过使埃菲尔铁塔成为科学研究基地来拯救了它。故选C。 4.C推理判断题。根据最后一段Over the years,research conducted there has brought dramatic and unexpected payoffs.和It even led to the arrest of one of the war's most famous spies.描述可以推断文章提到一名著名间谍被捕是想表明在埃菲尔铁塔研究有意想不到的回报。故选C。 考点:考查历史类短文阅读


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Let’s Go Science Show

Show Times:Wednesday,November12,2014 at 10:00 am

Tickets:$9.00 per person for groups of ten or more;$14.00 for individuals

The wacky and talented Professor Smart and Dr. Knowitall join forces for an educational,entertaining,exciting experiment demonstrating the basic principals of science.During the show you and your students will learn about air pressure,figure out flight,and get a handle on the scientific method.

Appropriate for Grades l—5

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The Wizard of OZ

Show Times:Tuesday,December 18,2014 at 9:00 am

Tickets:$10.00 per person for groups of 10 or more;$14.00 for individuals

Follow the yellow brick road.Join in Dorothy’s adventures over the rainbow with the Tin man,Scarecrow,Lion and,of course,the Wizard himself.More excitement is created when a life-size tornado travels from the stage through the audience.Meet old friends and new in this imaginative fun filled musical. Award-winning lighting and special effects.

Appropriate for all ages

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Charlotte’s Web

Show Times:Thursday,December 4,2014 at ll:00 am & 12 noon

Tickets:$12.00 per person for groups of 20 or more;$17.00 for individuals

Charlotte’s Web is a beloved and memorable children’s classic that comes to life on stage in this musical story.The story is set in a Midwest country farm in the first half of the twentieth century.

Meet Fern Arable,an imaginative eight-year-old farm girl,Wilbur,a small lovable pig,Charlotte,a large intellectual spider.and Templeton,a lazy yet clever rat.Youre sure to fall in love.

Appropriate for Grades Pre-Kindergarten—3rd grade

1.A father with his son to see Science Show will pay______.

A.$9.00    B.$18.00

C.$14.00 D.$28.00

2.A boy who likes stories about wizards will watch the musical at______.

A.9:00 am    B.10:00 am

C.12 noon     D.15:00 pm

3.Where does the story of a little girl with several animals take place?

A.On a farm.         B.On a brick road.

C.In a kindergarten. D.In a college library.



A broad smile spreads across the faces of Martyn Sibley and Srin Madipalli when asked where they were when they decided to launch an online lifestyle magazine for disabled people.“On the beach.”they reply.“We’ve both travelled a lot but we wanted a real adventure,”Sibley says of the California road trip during which Disability Horizons was conceived(设想).

Sibley,whose professional background is in marketing,has been writing his own blog since 2009“about what I got up to,everyday stuff about living with disability”,he says.He describes how while“wandering on the beach together”Madipalli suggested branching out beyond a oneperson blog.

Why did they want to create a“lifestyle”magazine for the disabled people?The pair,both in their 20s,say they wanted to produce something“positive and inspiring”that would tell about  the lives of disabled people as they actually were.They were especially eager to produce something that showed young disabled people“what it was possible to do with their lives”,says  Sibley.

In less than a year,Disability Horizons has had more than 50 regular contributors and  attracted a reader base of more than 20,000 people,more than a third of whom are in the US.

Sibley and Madipalli have a genetic disease that causes progressive muscle wasting and loss of movement.They are wheelchair users and have been good friends since growing up in  London and Cambridge.Listening to them joke,it makes perfect sense that their shared  optimistic outlook has spilled over into the magazine.The site covers topics ranging from books and travel to clubbing and photography.“It’s definitely a mix.”Madipalli says.

1.What has Sibley been writing about in his own blog?

A.His love for travelling.

B.His attitude toward life.

C.His suffering from a disease.

D.His everyday life with disability.

2.For what purpose was Disability Horizons created?

A.To collect money for the disabled.

B.To help the disabled to make friends.

C.To organize the disabled to travel around.

D.To let people know the real life of the disabled.

3.The fourth paragraph is written to tell us that Disability Horizons__________________.

A.became popular very soon

B.was complex in marketing

C.became a failure in the US

D.was not well received at first

4.Which of the following best describes Sibley and Madipalli?

A.Kind and generous.

B.Creative and humorous.

C.Disabled but optimistic.

D.Adventurous but rude.



假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Sam来信,想在你市寻找一套合适的房子居住。几日前,你在四季花园(Seasonal Garden,内设游泳池和健身馆)小区内看到一处房子。请根据下面图示回信告知。

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Dear Sam,

You wrote in your letter that you wanted to rent an apartment in our city. Recently I happened to find one that might be suitable for you







Are you satisfied with it? If so, I will arrange it for you.


Li Hua









My parents and I went to the park last Sunday. There were lots of visitor standing in front of ticket window. We waited a long time and buy three tickets. In the Tiger Mountain of the park, I was too eager to see the fierce frightening animals that I quickened their steps through the crowd. Unfortunately, I got separated from my parents. I had a hard time look for them, but I had no lucky. Wandering in the park, I felt alone without any companions. Bad still, I had no money, so I had to walk to home, covering as much as 5 kilometers.




There was once a King who liked music so much that he searched the world for the   1._  goodinstrument there was. One day, a wizard(巫师)offered the King a harp(竖琴).

The King took   2.  to the palace, but   3.  he started playing it, the harp was out of tune. Many other   4.  musictried it, and they agreed that the harp was useless and the King had been cheated. The harp   5.  throwout as rubbish.

A poor little girl later found the harp, and even though she didn’t know how to play,   6.  decideto have a try. She played and played, the whole day through, for months and years, always with the harp out of tune, but playing better and better.

Then one day,   7.  sudden, the harp started to play the most beautiful tunes. It was   __8.  magic harp, and could only be played well by someone willing to put in the necessary interest and effort.

The King heard the music from his window, and summoned(传唤)the girl to the palace. When the King saw the harp playing, he was 9. fillwith joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private musician, 10. giveher and her family many riches.



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