满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The old man sat down and looked at me wi...

The old man sat down and looked at me with a(n) _______ look on his face, which made me suddenly realize that I was still a helpful person.

A. angry        B. calm

C. grateful      D. anxious


C 【解析】试题分析:考查形容词词义辨析。A生气的B平静的C感激的D焦急的。句意:老人坐下来脸上带着感激的表情看着我,这使我意识到我还是一个有益的人,故选C 考点:考查形容词词义辨析  

There has been a _______ increase in the temperature on the earth for about 100 years, but few people notice it.

A. loose       B. gradual    C. spare      D. fluent



Though Mr. White is very busy with his business all day, he still _________ his three children and tries his best to get along well with them.

A. cares about      B. comes about

C. brings about     D. sets about



Whether at school or at home, children should be encouraged to read books and ______ what may be useful to their study.

A. go down        B. settle down

C. break down     D. set down



More and more people have lost their jobs. No one knows how long it will be before the nation _______ from its present trouble.

A. returns        B. repairs

C. recovers       D. requires



At the class get-together last night, I could hardly ______ Tom, for he had changed a lot and was no longer what he used to be in high school.

A. remember    B. recognize

C. realize       D. request



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