满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In Mexico, girls mark their fifteenth bi...

In Mexico, girls mark their fifteenth birthday with a celebration called Quinceanera. In the morning, the birthday girl goes to the church with her family and her best friends. She wears a beautiful dress. Later in the day, there is a huge party, with a big cake that matches the girl’s dress, and a night filled with music and dancing.

Becoming an adult is a very important life change, and Japan has a special holiday to celebrate this. The second Sunday in January is Coming-of-Age Day. On that day, everyone who had their twentieth birthday in the last year goes to their Town Hall for a special activity. Everyone dresses up, and many women wear beautiful dresses. The mayor makes a speech and gives presents to all the new adults.

Some kids are afraid to start school, but six-year-olds in Germany can’t wait. For them, Schulanfang is a big holiday. To celebrate a child’s first day of school, parents or friends give the child a Zuckertuete, a big color box filled with candy and little presents. People take pictures of the kids holding their Zuckertuete, and there is a school party later for the parents with cake and coffee.

1.What happens at Quinceanera?

A. The birthday girl buys many gifts.

B. The birthday girl goes to the church.

C. Parents give a Zuckertuete to the child.

D. Parents make speeches in the church.

2.When is Coming-of-Age Day celebrated?

A. On one’s first day of school.

B. On one’s twentieth birthday.

C. On a girl’s fifteenth birthday.

D. On the second Sunday in January.

3.Schulanfang is celebrated when German children ______.

A. start school     B. reach the age of 15

C. grow into adults D. are born

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Celebrating birthdays.

B. Celebrating school holidays.

C. Celebrating life changes.

D. Celebrating national holidays.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇说明文,文中主要讲述了墨西哥、日本、德国三个国家的关于孩子成长的礼仪。墨西哥女孩十五岁生日那天会去教堂礼拜,然后庆祝;在日本很重视,年轻人二十岁生日的时候,市长会组织活动并派送礼物;在德国,孩子六岁的时候会上学,家长会举行庆祝派对。 1. birthday girl goes to the church with her family and best friends,译为“过生日的女孩和家人朋友一起去了教堂”, C、D两选项张冠李戴,A选项文中没有提到,故选D。 2. second Sunday in January is Coming-of-Age Day,译为“一月的第二个星期天为Coming-of-Age Da”|可以确定答案,故选D。 3. celebrate a child’s first day of school,译为“为庆祝孩子第一天上学”。B、C、D选项与原文不符,故选A。 4. 考点:社会现象类阅读。

We lived in a very quiet neighbourhood. Early one evening, my wife asked me to go to the         to get some soft drinks. My daughter Holly had just got her         permit, so I asked her to drive my truck for the shopping instead, as a chance of          .

While we were waiting for Holly, my son talked about how much he liked my truck, and I told him I enjoyed having it, too. But I was more or less           about Holly. Just then, we heard a loud noise outside. My son looked out and           , “Daddy! Daddy! Holly Truck!”

“Oh, my God!”            I ran to the door, I found that the truck had been brought to a stop.

The             had happened in our own driveway. With             experience, Holly had my truck hit our garage wall.             , Holly was unhurt, but when I reached her, she was crying and saying, “Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you           this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.

I remember how             Holly was the night she had my truck damaged, and how I          her. The repaired truck reminds me of what really       in my life. One day, when Holly          her life, she will certainly know that I love my         a thousand times more than anything else.

1.A. office B. kitchen C. store D. restaurant

2.A. building B. driving C. parking D. fishing

3.A. practice B. travel C. play D. experiment

4.A. worried B. eager C. sorry D. angry

5.A. begged B. whispered C. screamed D. warned

6.A. Though B. Because C. Until D. When

7.A. accident B. fight C. noise D. activity

8.A. new B. little C. personal D. previous

9.A. Successfully B. Typically C. Curiously D. Luckily

10.A. expect B. develop C. love D. keep

11.A. fortunate B. smart C. strange D. upset

12.A. praised B. encouraged C. inspired D. comforted

13.A. works B. comes C. matters D. spreads

14.A. looks back on B. looks up to C. looks out for D. looks forward to

15.A. wife B. child C. truck D. garage



______, but are you forgetting something?

Oh, my God. We haven’t fixed our next meeting yet.

A. I’m sure B. I’m afraid so

C. Take care D. Excuse me



______ food is hard to find, few birds remain throughout the year.

A. Where B. Although C. Unless D. When



I wish I could go camping with you next weekend; it sounds fun. ______, I’ll have to work.

A. Carelessly B. Unfortunately

C. Hopefully  D. Naturally



Happy times usually pass quickly without ______.

A. noticing      B. being noticed

C. having noticed D. to be noticed



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