满分5 > 高中英语试题 >





















One possible version: Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long. Students have different opinions about it. Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom and have little chance to get in touch with society. They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies. Therefore, they have little interest in their studies. Some others think school is the best place to get knowledge so they should put their heart into their lessons. Some students lack the ability to control themselves. Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will influence/affect their studies。 Personally I think, it is necessary to keep students at school. But at the same time schools should organize various activities so that students can enjoy their school life.I don’t agree to keep students at school all day. Schools should offer students more free time to develop their personal interests。 【解析】 试题分析:本文为提纲作文。考上要就学校采取封闭式管理为主题写一篇作文。文章应分为三段,第一段写反对的同学的看法,第二段写支持的同学的看法,最后谈谈自己的看法。在写观点的时候,条理一定要清楚,比如用first of all,secondly,besides,what’s more,moreover,last but not least等。写作时要充分发挥想象,以使文章内容丰满,并且要达到要求的字数。此外,还要注意使用多种句式和高级词汇来提高文章档次。最后要注意要正确使用连接词,使文章通顺连贯。 【亮点说明】本文最大的亮点是使用了许多亮点词汇短语和优秀句式。亮点词汇短语如get in touch with,put their heart into,lack the ability,develop等。Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will influence/affect their studies。本句中Once out of school,使用了状语从句的省略,that will influence/affect their studies,是一个定语从句,修饰先行词something。多样化的句式使文章给人耳目一新的感觉。在以后的作文中,考生要尽量运用多种句式,避免单一,也能给人留下较好的印象。 考点:考查提纲作文  


I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into trouble.

I was in the eighth grade   1.  that time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me   2.   (低语) something, but I didn’t understand. So I leaned over      3.   way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra    4.   . She showed me that hers was c 5.    out of ink. I happened to have a s  6.   one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.

Later, after the test papers had been t   7.   in , the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students had left. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about   8. it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to s  9.   on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time , she talked about    10. (诚实).

I found out later that she thought I had cheated on the test.




1.After all his mathematical calculations, Copernicus drew a c___   ____ that the earth was not the center of the solar system.

2.Shall he ____       ____ (参加) the meeting to be held tomorrow?

3.The bell rang, a______      __the end of the class.

4.The c_____________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.

5.The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in _____________(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.

6.Are you c              with your study?

7.In the Western countries, “V” often r             victory.

8.If their forces were not involved, then who is                (受责备)?

9.Tom is jobless, penniless and h              .

10.Students apply for a               to a particular college.



Blue is the most attractive eye colour according to a new research.

Blue eyes like those belonging to sexy star Angelina Jolie are the most appealing colour according to a pool of 3,000 18-24­year­olds by Fresh Look One Day Colour. Angelina,her partner Brad Pitt and his ex­wife Jennifer Aniston all have blue eyes and all been named in a top twenty of the world's most desirable eyes.

The survey found that young folk with blue eyes is generally seen as being more flirtatious,sexy and kind.

And when asked if they would change the colour of their eyes if they could,only one in ten blue­eyed people wanted to,significantly less than people with other colour eyes.

One in three people who didn't have blue eyes wanted a change.

One quarter of respondents have considered wearing coloured contact lenses to change their eye colour temporarily—and blue is the most wanted colour.

Green was the second most popular colour for those wanting a new look,with respondents saying green­eyed people were usually mysterious and creative.

People with brown or hazel eyes were perceived to be more trustworthy than people with other eye colours.

People with grey eyes were generally thought to be more intelligent than other people,and they were also described as usually being shy.

Blue was the most common eye colour among respondents,with 41 percent of those who answered the survey having baby blue peepers and 39 percent having brown or hazel eyes.

The survey also found that 18 percent of people don't know what colour eyes their partner has.

1.According to the new research,when considering changing their eye colour,the

number of the people who will choose ________ ranks the second.

A.brown    B.green    C.grey         D.hazel

2.According to the study result,if you were a manager and you wanted to find a

most reliable person,you'd better hire one who has ________ eyes.

A.green    B.blue    C.brown         D.grey

3.The underlined word “peepers” in the passage could be replaced by________.

A.babies    B.colours       C.respondents    D.eyes

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Who have the most charming eyes in the world?

B.Blue—the most attractive eye colour.

C.A survey result on eye colours.

D.Different eye colours in the world.



On the first day of class, Mr Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature (生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.

When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else’s in our class. What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn’t wait to get the answer.

Very simple, Mr Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?

Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?

We should have guessed it out, Mr Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat’s), hadn’t he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.

1.We failed in the test because we didn’t            .

A. think carefully

B. show interest in what Mr Whiteson said

C. listen to the teacher carefully

D. take notes while listening

2.We got angry because         .

A. Mr Whiteson didn’t tell us the truth about cattytiger

B. there was no cattytiger

C. we didn’t know why he played the joke on us

D. we failed in the test

3.Mr Whiteson gave us a special lesson            .

A. to show his special way of teaching

B. to help us learn our lessons better

C. to play a joke on us

D. so that we would no longer believe him

4.Mr Whiteson meant that           .

A. teachers couldn’t make any mistakes

B. textbooks might be wrong sometimes

C. we shouldn’t believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies

D. we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong



HONG KONG Hong Kong Disneyland is too crowded, a senior Chinese tourism official said today, hinting that another Disney Park is necessary to accommodate demand from China’s huge population.

The comments by Shao Qiwei, director of China’s State Administration of Tourism, came a day after Shanghai’s mayor Han Zheng said the city was preparing to build China’s second Disney theme park.

“China has a very large population. We now have 1.3 billion people. The market is very large. As far as I know, Hong Kong Disneyland is now very crowded,” said Shao, whose comments were broadcast on Hong Kong’s Cable TV.

The Hong Kong theme park, which opened in September, was widely criticized in January when it turned away(不准入内) hundreds of Lunar New Year holiday makers from mainland China because the park was full. Chaos(混乱) erupted when angry crowds tried to force their way into the park.

The embarrassing incident prompted a public apology from Hong Kong Disneyland Managing Director Bill Ernest and a dressing down from Hong Kong’s leader Donald Tsang. Authorities are carefully studying the issue of overcrowding in preparation for the possible building of the Disney park in Shanghai, Shao said.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday that no agreement has been reached on the park in Shanghai, quoting senior vice president of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Leslie Goodman. Hong Kong Disneyland is a joint venture between The Walt Disney Co. and the local government, which shouldered the bulk of the park’s construction fees.

1.Why is it necessary to build a Disney park in Shanghai?

A. Hong Kong Disneyland is too small and very crowded.

B. Hong Kong Disneyland cant meet the need of the large population.

C. Hong Kong Disney Park was criticized by tourists.

D. Hong Kong Disneyland is far from the mainland.

2.Hundreds of visitors from Mainland China got angry because ________.

A. the services in the park were not as good as expected

B. chaos happened at the entrance to the park

C. the park was too crowded

D. they were not allowed to go into the park

3.The building of a Disney park in Shanghai ________.

A. remains to be discussed with The Walt Disney Co.

B. is financed The Walt Disney Co.

C. will be in the charge of the Shanghai government

D. has been agreed to by The Walt Disney Co.



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